» Drama » wat happend to my friend, sabrina hodges [top 10 ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «wat happend to my friend, sabrina hodges [top 10 ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author sabrina hodges


chapter 1

when you die you never get to do wat you want to do before yoi go bit my fruend never got to tell me that she was a healer.

it all started when he moved here in nashville tennese.when i went to school that day i was sad because my friend just pased away.all my friends have all died.

so when i saw that boy i got happy and went over to him. when i got over to him he was alone and i sat down next to him and saw he was crying so i said"r you ok did your mum or dad die or a relitive or....."i started to cry "or"sniffle"a friend?"

"well ya i just lost a cosin her name is hannah"i gasped"wat is her last name"i asked"its vantrellie"
"o my god frekin god that was my half sister we were like bff we were like sisters"
"really that makes me so happy that nows wat im going through"

i now more of what your going through everytime i find a new friend and i give them a hug they die but,hannah she was diffrent she never died or got sick like she could blok it but today when she died she told me shes giving up and shes gonna stop fight my hugs then,she told me to hug her and i did i felt her polce and it was gone i culdnt stop crying until her parents said that you were there"
i said

then he said the only reson that she was fight was the drugs she had cancer"
wat she never told me that!"

chapter 2

i was at gym when i heard the news that piliph(hannahs cosin)and i were supposed to go to hannahs house together and go to her funarel and memoral service and speak together.

when me and pilliph got to her house i went to her room and started to cry when i saw blood stains on her bed frame and u saw nife spots on her bed sheets like she was murderd. when i got downstaries everybody was gone but pilliph and the coffin was gone to "pilliph weres the coffin and weres everybody else its not time for the barring yet is it?

he said"the police asked questions about how she died and they found out she was murdured
then they were looking for you and i lied because they thought the killer was you and i lied and said you went home and........"he didnt say anything more because i kissed him and leaned back and he said"and i love you"
"you love me you love me nobodys ever loved me like that like hannah did i..i...i love you to"

chapter 3

that night pilliph was at my house and he kissed me and kissed me i told him i loved him so many times i got sick of saying that.
when he left i told hannah she could come out now."hannah i know your a ghost but i never told you this but,i...i...i...i can see ghost the day you died i came to your house and tell you but when i got in your room you were died so i told you when you were there because you could here me and you cant keep being like this you have to tell me who killed you"

then all of a sudin a ghost came out of the wall and said"why didnt you tell me before i would of loved to hear about it but all you can do now is help me now i cant tell you who my killer is because pilliph already nows and if he tells he will be killed to.dont let that happen i now you love him but you got to leave him alone because theres more things to your life then you now it and only me and pilliph now about it i will tell you about my death i a little while just stay away from pilliph tell him you dont love him he cant now anything dont tell him anything please."those were the last words she said and she dissaperd.

the next day at school i saw pilliph and my lokers next to his and i went to my loker and pilliph said hey and i didnt ansewr,next he tried yelling but i didnt anserw.finnaly i said"i cant love you you now to much about hannahs death and i can be killed if you tell me anything or you could i knew you were there when she died because we have monetrs in each others room so we now when to wake up so when i saw the moniter i saw everything but the killer doesnt now me so im going im getting to change schools toa prep school."

i never talked to him scine that night i saw pilliph in hannahs room with somebody with him it was the killer he was tall and i have seen him the same birth mark thats my brother.and pilliph told the killer were i lived and the next thing i now the killer was at my window and with pilliph and they climbed up the tree and the killer at my window he told pilliph to wait there and the killer broke my window.

the next thing i new was that the killer was in my room he came up to me with the nife and was ready to stab me when he saw my birth mark and stabed my arm then he waited and said"safire sage feather its really you and you remember me right sis"
"im called emily now joseph back off thanks to pilliph im in trouble the people down stairs r pilliphs parents im his co..."pilliph came in and said"wat i loved you and we kissed and wat"
"im not realeted to you they took me in and after joseph killed my parents because he thought that they were both having an afiar
but they were really together he killed them together and killed hannah because she new to much and..."
"hey look at your arm its better oh ya your a healer and a vampire and a ,..... lets stop talking about it."

chapter 4

the next night i saw hannah she said that the killer was pilliph .
the next day i found every thing that had his prints on it and i saw the nife that he killed her with and when pilliph came in he saw me and i killed my self so i can spen eturnity haunting him.



Publication Date: 08-16-2010

All Rights Reserved

to my mom and dad and family and the sick kids

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