» Drama » The Evil Uppie, By Perry [beach read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Evil Uppie, By Perry [beach read .TXT] 📗». Author By Perry

Chapter 1: Courage

On January First 2001, a new uppie (puppy) was born! He was named Courage because he seemed brave. When Courage was 4, he got thrown in the Pet Shop! "Oh look at that little dog!" Laughed the dogs that were born in 1996. "STOP!!!" Cried Courage. "What are you gonna do about it?" Hissed the mean dogs. Courage did a deep growl. The mean dogs walked away...laughing. "I'll show them! I'll show them ALL!" Muttered Courage. Now, Courage is 9 years old and it is 2010. "I hope to get picked!" He whispered to his friend, Wing. Wing's real name was Max, but he didn't like Max. He was born the same year as Courage. He makes everyone call him "wing" from his love of wings. "Don't get your hopes up!" Wings replied. "GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!" Growled Courage at Wing. Wing yelped. A bell was rang. The door was open. It wasn't just any open!
Chapter 2: The Rich Model Mom (Mumu)
A solid gold limo parked. A tan slim model leg popped out. A red carpet rolled! She came in. She scanned the room with her emerald eyes. "She seems weird!" Courage whispered to Wing. Wing nodded. A bay bee walked up to her. The bay bee was cute (not to me but it was to some of the people in the story). "Hwi Miss!" Cried the baby. The model looked down. "EWWWWWWWW!!!!" She shreiked. Then she walked away looking for a pookie. A uppie came up to her. It was Dragon! That annoying uppie always got into trouble! He was born in 1999 and was a big troublemaker! He bit the model's leg! "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" She screeched. She soon got Dragon off. She spotted the perftect baby. She picked it. "Me want uppie!" The baby said. "Ok! Which uppie?" The Mumu replied. "That one!" She said as she pointed to Courage. Courage wagged his tail.

Chapter 3: Is Wing Coming?
"Aww!" The Mumu said. She picked Courage. "What about the other one Mumu?" The baby asked. The baby was obsessed with animals and didn't like to see them left behind. "Eww! We arent picking THAT one! It's ugly! And it's collar says it's name on it! It's Wing! Who wants a dog named Wing?" Explained the Mumu. "Courage is a better name and he's much cuter!" Added the Mumu. She picked up Courage and the baby and went home to the iggy. Wing got upset. He sighed, hoping a family would pick him.
Chapter 4: Courage's First Night.
Courage was angry the family left Wing behind. Wing and him have been best friends since they were 6 years old. He then thought of an evil plan. He would wait a night. "Arf!" Barked Courage. "What's wrong Couwage?" Asked the baby. "Arf?" He said. The baby translated that bark. The bark said "What is your name?". "Mwy name is Lola!" Replied Lola. "Arf!" Barked Courage. Lola could tell that Courage was hungry. "MUMU COUWAGE IS HUNGWY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Lola. The Mumu ran in with Uppie Chow. Courage tasted it. He spitted it out. He whimpered. The door rang. Lola's mumu ran to the door. "Are you Miss Lexi Pearl?" Asked the mailman. It was her package! "Yes!" She cried. She grabbed the package and slammed the door in the mailman's face. "OW MY BEAK WAS THERE!!!!" He cried. Lexi ignored him. Courage yawned. Lola added a yawn after Courage. "Well, it looks like it's bed time." Said Lexi. Lexi gave Courage Uppie Pajamamas. Lola changed into her Pookie Pajamas. Courage then went to sleep, dreaming of his evil plan, making the plan come more EVIL!
Chapter 4: The Tapping
TAP TAP TAP! Courage woke up. TAP TAP TAP! He heard tapping at the window. He tiptoed to the window. He seen it was Wing! "Man, what are you doing here? Eventually, Lexi and Lola are gonna see you!" Courage whispered. "I heard your coming up with an evil plan! I have some ideas!" Whispered Wing. "What? Have you been SPYING on me and my family?!" Whispered Courage angrily. "NO!" Whispered Wing back. Wing told him the ideas. Courage liked them. Wing soon left. Courage went to sleep.

Chapter 5: Courage's Evilness on Lola
Lola woke up to see her uppie right next to her. "Hwi Couwage!" She greeted happily. Courage growled. Courage then bit her! "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" She cried. Courage put on fake blood and did a yelp as loud as he could. Lexi rushd to Lola! She saw the uppie with the fake blood on him. "Oh no!" Lexi said. "Arf..." Barked Courage lightly. She too could translate only what cute uppies are saying. "Oh well I will ground Lola!" Lexi replied. "LOLA! NO TEDDY TOWN,DS,DSI OR WII OR ANYTHING ELECTRONICAL FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!" Yelled Lexi. "BUT MUMU-" Lola began. "NO BUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Interupted Lexi. "You hurt Courage!" Lola cried at the top of her lungs. She then thought something was up. She remembered that uppie in the Pet Shop named Wing. Maybe he set Courage up for this! Lola couldn't leave her room. She sat on the bed and cried. "WAAAAAAAAAA!" She screamed. Lexi ignored her. She petted Courage and gave him cookies. "It's ok Courage! Lola won't hit you again!" Said Lexi. Courage then ran into Lola's room after Lexi let him go free. He shut the door and locked it. HE THEN STARTED DESTROYING LOLA'S ROOM!!!!!! Lexi didn't hear the noise yet. Bookshelfs fell over. A TV got crushed. A rare Golden Elmo was teared to shreads! The wallpaper was peeling off. "STOP!" Said Lola to Courage. "ARF!!!!!!!!!!!" He hissed. He started destroying again. Everything was wrecked. Lexi then noticed the noise. He heard footsteps. Lexi was coming upstairs! Courage quickly broke down Lola's door and ran in his room before Lexi saw anything. Lexi came up. She gasped. She saw everything destroyed! "LOLA! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Lexi at Lola. "It wasn't mwe! Couwage did it!" She cried. Lexi went in Courage's room. He was fake-sleeping. Lexi thought it was real. She walked back in. Courage acted like he woke up from the yelling. He came out and watched. He snickered an evil uppie grin. He knew this was gonna be the best plan ever!

Chapter 6: Veiwing Courage's plan.

On a sheet of paper he hid where NOBODY can find it, there was the plan. One of the steps was to get rid of Lola by blaming her for his evil stunts. Then, the next step was once Lola was gone, he'd do it to Lexi and get Lexi in big trouble and in jail. He then walked out again. Lexi was yelling at Lola. Lola was crying. Lexi walked outside. "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK LOLA! BE GOOD! WATCH THE UPPIE!" Lexi yelled. Lola crawled in the living room. Courage growled. He then tipped over the fire place! The WHOLE igloo caught on fire! He destroyed things. He then ran out as he saw Lexi coming. She gasped. "COURAGE!!! LOLA!!!!" She yelled. She then saw Courage outside safe and sound. She didn't see Lola. She quickly called the Club Penguin Fire Department. "HELP QUICKLY! MY IGLOO IS ON FIRE AND MY BABY IS TRAPPED INSIDE!" She yelled through the phone. "We will be right there!" The firefighters replied. In a few minutes, they were there. They put the fire out. One went in to find Lola. He finally found her! He picked her up and took her outside. She was alive! She was coughing though and was really sick. "ARF!" Courage said. Lexi gasped. "LOLA HOW COULD YOU BURN DOWN MY IGLOO?! YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE MISS!" Yelled Lexi. Lola cried. "I DIDN'T WAAAAAAAAAA!". Lexi bought a new igloo. She punished Lola. Lexi went out again. Courage turned the water on and made it jam so a flood would start. He ran out quickly and made things so Lola couldn't get out. He found Lexi and dragged her to the igloo. Lexi looked in the window. She gasped. Her igloo was flooded!
Chapter 7: Poor Lola!

Lola eventually got out but was drowned. The CP baby haters laughed at Lola (including me becaause I HATE club penguin bay bees). Lexi cried. Her pookie was gone! She got a new igloo. Courage was nice after a few days. THEN GOT EVIL!!

Chapter 8: The Evilness on Lexi
Courage destroyed the igloo and made things fall on Lexi. Lexi screamed. Courage destroyed the igloo in a second! Lexi escaped and moved. Courage fallowed her. She renamed Courage to Cerberus after the three headed dog. He found Lexi and burnt down the igloo. He ran back to the Pet Shop, where Wing was waiting. He ran to Wing. "How did it work out?" He asked. "Perfect...just the way I planned it." Courage said. He then laughed evilly! He would do more evil stunts but for now the end.


Text: Everything in this book is copyright to Perry Productions except Club Penguin...
Publication Date: 11-17-2010

All Rights Reserved

To everyone who HATES those annoying brats Club Penguin BAY BEES!!

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