» Drama » Hold Onto Me, Spencer Dennen [top reads TXT] 📗

Book online «Hold Onto Me, Spencer Dennen [top reads TXT] 📗». Author Spencer Dennen

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Jail House

I sat in the blue chair next to the front desk of the juvy place.My social worker was talking to the front desk lady.I was shaking not because it was cold in here but because I new I was going back to juvy.I just don't even know why I'm sitting here again...I did the right thing!My social worker nelt down in front of me.


She smiled sweetly.


"How you holding up bud."She asked.


I looked away from her tears in my eyes.


"I did the right thing.She needed me."I whispered.


"Hey Travis I know.You did save her but honey you can't..."I cut her off.


"I didn't kill him!"I snapped.


She shut her eyes.


"I was going to say you can't help her runaway."She sighed.


"Right...I know what everyone is accusing me of."I said angerly.


The door across from me opened and a darker skined man called my name.My head jerked to him.This was it.Anything that I say in that room can only be the truth.I stood slowly as well did Kim my social worker who came and got me this morning.I walked in the room the door closing behind me.I took a seat in the black chair the man pointed to.My leg started to twitch.I stared at the glass as he poured the water.This was now.I would have never expecting myself to be back here for something worse than what I did before.To make you fully understand why I'm seating in this chair right now I'm actually answering questions about a murder that I didn't commit.I swear on my life that all I did at that house that night was sneak Maliana out.I still have the call from her on my cell phone.The man sat down across from me.He stared at me intently.I stared back deep into his eyes.The last thing you want to do is let them know they intimidate you.


"So tell me exactly what you were doing at Mr. Petersons' home on the 15th of June again."He said.


I nodded.


"I was picking up Maliana Dennen."I said.


He opened the file he had on the table and read.He nodded and then closed it.


"At what time would you say you arrived at the home?"He asked folding his hands.


"Um."I said.


I don't really know.How am I supposed to know when I arrived when I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could.


"I couldn't really tell you sir but you could check the time that I recieved the call from Maliana.Maybe that could tell you.I got into my car right after the call so you do the math."I said sitting back in my chair.


He nodded with a smile.


"So I understand you went to juvy before for breaking into houses and having stolen property in your home."He said walking around the room now.


"Yes sir and I learned from it."I said.


"So answer me this Mr. Tatum...Do you think you could be capable of murdering someone if you have broke into their house?"He asked.


"Excuse me?"I asked turning to look at him.


"You are taking anger management classes aren't you?"He asked.


I nodded.


"Would you say you have improved from taking those classes?"He asked.


"Yeah how does any of that apply to the murder?"I asked.


"Hey I'm asking the questions here!"He snapped hitting the table.


I smiled.


"I'm confused here.Is it me or you who needs anger management classes?"I smiled folding my hands.


The man glared at me.


"We're done."He said through clenched teeth.


I got up and left the room.Kim was waiting for me outside.We started walking to her car.


"Hey Kim I was wondering where am I going for the time being?"I asked.


"Uh.I'm gunna put you in a all boys home."She said unlocking her car.


"An all boys home?"I asked getting in.


"Well you really gave no choice Travis.Seeing as what happened last time in the mental house."She smiled pulling out of the parking lot.


"I didn't do that on purpose..."I sighed.


"Yeah yeah I know."She said.


"All boys home here I come."I nodded.


She patted me on the leg.


"It's just until they figure out what happened that night."She assured me.


I nodded and looked out the window.

Flashback-Mental house

 I walked throught he halls everyone congradulating me on getting to go home finally.I remember coming in here hating everyone and everything.I didn't want to ever go home.I didn't ever want to see my parents again for what they did.They are the reason I'm in here.They did this to me.But lots of therapy and coping made me realize they did this to help me.I was a pretty awful person to be around.This place changed me for the better.I sat down in the intertament room next to my good friend that I met in here.


"Hey man did you here that they canceled the visits today?"Mike asked.


"Wait?Why?"I asked.


"I don't know.That's just the rumor in the house."He said.


"Damn...Today is the first day I get to get a visit from my family."I said.


"I know.Sorry man."He said.


"Yeah me too.I'll be right back."I said leaving the room.


I wanted to know why they canceled the visits.Right when I finally get to see my family really.As I walked down the hall I stoped dead in my tracks.She was walking with my social worker Kim.Her hair was dark brown and had a tent of red to it.She glanced over and our eyes met.She looked away as she went into a room.I just stood there in the hall.One of the nurses was walking by.


"Hey Mandy!"I called.


She turned.


"Why were the visits cancled?"I asked.


"Oh didn't you hear.We are getting a new member in today.It's just poliacy Travis sorry you won't get to see your family today."She said with a smile.


"Oh yeah it's fine."I nodded.


She turned and started walking away.I looked back at the door the girl that was walking with kim went into and turned around.


"Hey Mandy where you headed?"I asked as I caught up with her.


"The intertament room."She said.


"Me too.I'll walk with you."I said.


"Sure."She smiled.

All boys home

 Kim dropped me off at the all boys home that I would be staying at for the time being.The man of the house was kind and so were the other guys who were staying here well from what I could see.I finished unpacking my stuff in my room that I shared with one of the other guys.I had to focus my mind on something other than Maliana or I would fucking loose it.I am in no place to do that.One fuck up and I'm out of here to juvy possibly.I just need to keep to myself in here and all will be well.


"So all you pretty much need to know is we have dinner at six and shower times are at 7."Kyle the guy I was bunking with said.


"Well that's only a few minutes for me to eat.That's impossible."I said.


"Well then you better be getting a shower with your boy."He said.


They can't be serious.What did Kim put me in a all gay guy house cause I am not gay and I'll punch a dude out.


"I was kidding."Kyle chuckled folding his clothes.


"Very funny."I smiled.


"But seriously only two guys get a shower in each day."He nodded.


"Great."I said.


So I can't take a shower everyday...That's just great...I layed back in my bed.


"Oh and we have visits every saturday if your parents or who ever you belong to wants to visit you."Kyle said.


"Yeah I don't think I'm going to need that."I said.


He just nodded.


"Me either."He said before leaving the room.


After the whole accusing me of murder thing went down I was snatched out of my home because my father.He was afraid I would hurt my little brother Mark.I would never lay a hand on him but I couldn't say the same for my dad.He had a past of abusing me so.The only one who really believed me was Mark.He knew I was leaving to get Maliana.He knew everything.I just can't really believe my mother would have doudt in me.This all brings me back to Maliana.I wonder where she is and if she's okay.At least she out of that house.That means she's safe for now.I need to see her but there's no way in hell Kim will let come and visit me.She probably thinks we will plan a story or something together about the murder.Maliana knows I didn't murder Mat Peterson.I was with her the night he was killed.I need to stop thinking about her before I go crazy.I closed my eyes and dozed off.

Dream of Her

 It was dark and quiet.A light appeared in a what looked like a hall.As I walked closer it began to move further.I followed it until she appeared at the end of the hall.I trembled at the sight of her.I only wanted her all this time.Just to talk to her or touch her one last time.


She smiled.


I ran to her almost knocking her down but the wall caught her.


She gasped.


I hugged her and kissed her all over.


She giggled hugging me back.


"I missed you so much Maliana..."I cried.


"I miss you too."She half smiled running her fingers through my dark hair.


"I'm sorry.I'm so sorry."I cried into her hair.


"This is not your fault Travis.You saved me and I love you for that."She whispered stroking my cheek.


"I know but I just feel if I got you out of there sooner you wouldn't have been beaten."I cried moving a stand of hair out of her face.


"I'm fine Travis.Really I am."She smiled holding on to me.


"Travis don't ever let me go."She nodded.


"Never."I smiled.


After I said that she disappeared right in my hands.I shook my hands angerly and cried out in anger.


"Why!!!!Why is this happening to me!!!"I yelled.

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