» Drama » Belchy Boy ("I Will Burp On You!'), Caleb Torres, Priscilla Collier, Julia Collier [manga ereader txt] 📗

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Belchy Boy ("I Will Burp On You!')

Diary of Belchy Boy

(I will burp on you!!!)

By Priscilla Collier Julia Collier And Caleb Torres



Chapter One:About Me


Hi, my name is Miguel, and I am 10 and I a supernormal boy. BUT WAIT! I AM THE SUPER LEGENDARY BELCHY BOY! Whenever I burp I send an electric shock and a big hard wind, and whatever I aim at will be a sad sight.

Chapter Two:The discovery


The day my family discovered my super powers was both good and bad. We were eating baked beetle shells and snakeskin chips. It was so delicious that I just had to burp. I tried to hold it in but I couldn’t. Suddenly there was a terribly LOUD sound! “BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!”

It was so loud it shook our house and everyone was screaming. Partly because our dad had crashed through the wall and was looking like he had just been BEHEADED! “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEAUTIFUL WALL AND HUSBAND!” Shrieked my mom. So that was how they figured out I had powers. But I made them all solemnly pinky promised that they would never tell anyone. Now you know my past so let’s focus on the future. Note:Whenever I eat this dinner I burp.

Chapter Three:sent to a bad school


That day was the fadel when I was forced to go to villain school. It started when a businessman came to our town telling us about a better school that we could go to for free. Unfortunately all of us fell for it.


Chapter Four:The first day of school


It started as a normal school day. I got out of bed at 6:30. I ate a quick breakfast, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ran out the door to find a dirty brown bus that was beeping a horn that sounded like vampire bats screaming. The kids were standing and running around in the bus shrieking. The “school building,” if that is what you call it, had no windows and looked old and haunted.I was assigned to room 13. My teacher was named Ms.Badluck. The students were ugly and rude.for example,one of the kids was literally rolling in fat. Instead of walking, he rolled. Another one had baggy eyes and tiny lips. There was a midget with no hair at ALL. Shockingly, the teacher said ,”You are all looking very wicked this morning.(As if they looked evil! )Now Evil + Good= awful!That will be our theme for the year.” Suddenly I jumped up,took aim at Ms.Bad Luck, and let out a huge belch. The teacher screamed, fell backwards then kept on falling, right through the floor! It only took the kids a moment to figure out what had happened to their teacher. They began running around and panicking, no one even thought of telling some other teacher. But I got out any way. I was going to run away when I realized that room 13 was not the only room in that school. I had to “save” all the other kids. This was my first mission.

Chapter Five:Saving the school

My mission was simple, go into each classroom, burp at each teacher,and rescue all the kids! Well, maybe not so simple, the teachers might be suspicious when they saw a boy snooping around the school burping,so I went through every class belching on everyone and electrocuting and beheading the teachers . I turned all of the kids into nice normal kids with the nice kidantor All that was left was the evil principle Mr.Smushwax he frided to shoot me with a nerf gun but it did no harm (and felt like cotton balls hitting me.) So all I had to do is burp on him. I burped on him and stopped him. Now the city is safe because I am the I AM THE LEGENDARY BELCHY BOY!

The End!

Note: look for the next Belchy Boy book coming soon!


Text: Caleb Torres
Editing: Caleb Torres
Publication Date: 04-27-2016

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