» Drama » New Start, Anomymous ., . ., . ., . . [dark books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «New Start, Anomymous ., . ., . ., . . [dark books to read TXT] 📗». Author Anomymous ., . ., . ., . .

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Chapter 1


Todays moving day and also the day i say goodbye to my mom,to be honest i am kinda happy to leave but i wish i was leaving with my mom but she said "Its for the best when i find a better job i will come back."

I made my way downstairs to the moving van i ran up to my mom and gave her the biggest hug ever then kissed her and got in.

Making my way to Malibu California to start a new life,the drive took about 36 hours after five hours i drited of to sleep,by the time i woke up i was already at the Wood's Household and "Fucking hell it was massive i guess my mom forgot to tell me they were rich.

"A young looking women walked down the stairs to greet me as she got closer she opened her arms and gave me a nice warm hug."

MRS WOODS "Sweetie it is so nice to finally meet you and wow you are a looker aren't you"

"I imeddiantly blushed and said thank you"

"She guided me to the front do and said,I'm so sorry my husband and son arent here to greet you but my son will be here tonight for dinner."My husband is on a buisness trip for the next 5 months."

"i just froze in shock and said hesitantly you have a son?"

"I take it your mother didnt tell you about josh."

"No she didnt"

"Well you will meet him later,anyway thats settle you into your room shall we?"

"I just nodded and followed her up the staircase,Iv'e got to admit she has great tatse my bedroom was so elegant and girly."

"After that she said dinner will be done in a few hours,so i just took a shower,I was so caught up in my thoughts i didnt notice the time i jumped out of the shower and slipped"FUCK OWW THAT HURT!!"

"But i just got back up and walked over to the closet and to my surprise it was full with all kinds of clothes,I was shocked so i had a look through everything and chose a black dress but it was a bit ight and im quite a curvy girl my boobs were hanging out of the dress and the fabric stuck to my ass but i had no time to worry about that i had to do my hair yet so i decided to straighten it."

"I was looking in the mirrior then picked up the straightners and SHIT I screamed i had touched the metal all i kept on cussing FUCK SAKE THAT HURT YOU STUPID FUCKING TOOL FUCK YOU AND YOU HEAT!!"

"That's when Mrs Woods shouted "Are you ok darling?"I shouted back "Yes sorry"

 "Ok then well dinner will be done in 10 minutes so i hope your hungry?"

"i decided to finish off my hair and put on some mascara you see i dont really make-up only on special occassions."

Mrs Wood's shouted "DINNER!!"

"I sprinted down the stairs to find Mrs Wood's spesking to Josh,She looked up when she saw me then so did Josh."

"Holy shit he was a god"He had jet black hair slightly spiked,bright blue eyes that you could get lost in,then his jawline oh his jawline was perfection I couldn't help but blush",Shit!"

"I think he noticed because he smirked,OH MY FUCKING GOD!!,his smirk could melt your heart."

"I started to walk beside the table and sat down oppisite him."



"As soon as she walked across to sit down i couldn't help but stare her ass just bounced as she walked,she then sat down oppiste me her black hair sat comfortably beside her boobs as they rested on the table,her bright green eyes just looked at straight through and her lips oh god hers lips looked so soft yet plumped i just wanted to kiss them."

"Suddenly i felt a buldge in my pants"FUCK really right now"

"We both ate dinner and mom just started to ask how my day was at school,that's when she said Alex you are going to be going to the same school as Josh,she sat there and nodded then looked at me and smiled i couldn't help it i decided to smile back."



"Me and Josh finished dinner and headed upstairs,I could tell Josh was looking at my ass so I got to the top of the stairs and said "You alright there looking at my ass?"

"He just smirkind then said Yeh but i think it would look better naked and on top of me don't you?"

"I just stood there and blushed,then he step forward and put both of his hands on my hips,he pushed against me"

"I could feel the buldge in his pants,thats when i decided to tease him,I whispered in his ear "I know you want me,all of me and so do I"He just stood there shocked that's when i decided to run into my room and lock the door behind me."



"After that,She ran to her bedroom and locked the door I stood outside and said wait till tomrrow you have to ride with me in the morning"Night Lushicous"

"Did he just call me Lushicous?"

"Alright then,Big Boy Night" 

"I couldn't help but smile when she said that "I'm her Big Boy."



"I can't believe I just called him that yet it felt so right?"

"I couldn't get this feeling out of my stomach it hurt and tiggled at the same time,I was confused I tried to think of all the possible results of why I felt this way."

"That's when it came to one last posibility,I,II,I LIKE JOSH!!"

"I couldn't belive it..."



Chapter 2


"It was morning and i couldn't get Josh's words outta my head."

Mrs Wood's"Time to get up kids,don't wanna be late now do we."

"I jumped outta bed and headed to the shower I slipped out of my PJ's and turned it on to high,the hot water trinkled down my body it relaxed me."That's when i heard the door open,a hand raised up to the shower curtain..."

"It was Josh he just stood there and smirked,I could feel my cheeks burn bright red he looked me up and down and his mouth dropped down."

"I laughed to myself,i jumped out the shower and stood in front of Josh completely naked i moved closer to him so there was no more space between us my stomach was touching his abs by the feel of things he had an"8 PACK!!",just to make it more intresting I ran my hand up and down his abs and made my way to his v-line he flintched as i touched it"Looks like i found his sweet spot."

"I gave him a hug that's when i felt the buldge between us,I looked in his eyes and smiled then grabbed a towel and ran out."



"I walked into the bathroom and pulled back the shower curtain and there she stood like a godess completely naked."

"I could see she was blushing then i relised my mouth was wide open i mean can you blame her boobs sat up perfectly without a bra and her waist went in then came back out "AHHH" she was perfect."

"That's when she stepped out and pushed her body against mine that's when my dick went heard and she just smiled,grabbed a towel and ran out."

"From that moment i knew i had to protect her and make her mine forever."



"I decided to wear tight light denim washed jeans,a black crop-top and black DocMs,I could tell i was going to get alot of attention form the boys becasue this outfit hugged all my curves perfectly."

"I walked downstairs and skipped breakfast,that's when Josh walked down and "DAMN!!"He looked good he was wearing a white tank top that out lined his abs perfectly,light washed jeans a black bomber jacket and a pair of tight black joggers ."

"As he looked at me he winked I could tell the amount of time I'm here it's gonna be an adventure."



"As I walked downstairs there she was standing there showing her assets of "GOD" I wanted her badly but I guess I'll just have to wait."I walked up to her and said "You ready for your first down of school Luscious."

"She blushed and quickly ran outside, I went after her and pointed in the direction my car."



"I ran straight outside and Josh followed me and pointed me in the direction of his car he unlocked it,I jumped in and so did Josh."

"He started the engine and off we went,I decided to turn on the radio and listen some music,That's when Josh put hand between my thighs and rubbed it luckily,we turned up at the school it was "MASSIVE"...

"Josh got out and three boys came up to him and three girls,one of the boys said where's the hot chick you were going on about then all three of them smiled,Josh smirked and looked in my direction singnaling me to get out the car so that's exactly what I did."

"As I walked round all eyes were on me the boys mouths were wide open and most of the girls were giving me death glares but to be honest i could care less what those plastic whores were looking out."

"Josh introduced me to his mates there was Max,Louie and Ashton then he introduced the three girls Lila,Abby and the bitchest one of them all was Ruby mate all i wanted to do was slap her the way she kept on looking at me"AHHH"

"That's when she said to me "What the fuck are you looking at bitch..."

"You see there's things you can say to me and me not try and kill you and get angry about but when you call me out and i didn't do anything that's when you should run for your life."

"I could she Josh's reaction he was pissed it was cute."


"She walked up to me and slapped me hard but bitch please that's me knowing you want a death wish."

"Everyone gasped..."

"That's when i ran up to her and tackled her,i kept on punching her and slapping her,I felt a strong pair of hands pull on my waist that's when i relised the amount of blood on my hands."

"Luckily,for her she's still alive but sadly for me she's still alive."


"Everyone laughed a her I was pround of myself my mom ddin't raise me to be a fucking pussy that gets pushed over all the time."



"Alex shouted at Ruby and Iv'e got to admit it was a turn but that's when Ruby walked up to her and slapped her,my blood boiled but Alex had already got to her before me i mean fucking hell she can punch."Remind me to never get on her bad side

"That's when i saw the amount of blood over the floor i had to do something or she would kill Ruby which I wouldn't mind but still,that's when i grabbed her waist and she shouted at ruby again."

"I put her over my shoulder and my hand on her ass,I walked into an empty classroom and placed her down."

"She wouldn't

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