» Drama » More Like Notes..., Michaela Connors [suggested reading TXT] 📗

Book online «More Like Notes..., Michaela Connors [suggested reading TXT] 📗». Author Michaela Connors


I sat there staring at the board, blocking everything out. I was tired and I didnt have time for there nonsense anymore. They did the same thing everyday. They called it "Flaming". My friend Madison tries to tell me to be quiet, it is just to hard to sit there and listen to them talk crap but i sit and turn away.


It seems the teacher enjoys the boys teasing everyone, Mr. Daughtery sits there and listens to what the boys say but when one of the girls tries to fight back, thats when he stands up, hands on his desk and says in a deep voice 


 "Girls Be Quiet!"


We always get in trouble mostly me cause i fight back, its just an instinct. I have been pushed around all my life, I just got sick of it one day, so i learned my way to survive. Attitude, it was my weapon when i have attitude with people they seem to see my as something more then the girl that has a crush on a guy way to good for her, the girl that tries to fit in, and the girl that thinks she has friends but they always talk bad about her when she isnt around. But that is high school, there is no way to fight it, no matter how popular you are, people will always have something bad to say. No matter how close you are. They will talk crap, its life.


 On sunday we had to change our clocks back one hour. That means more sleep for me, right? it also means that when I wake up it will be a heck of alot brighter out! Thank Goodness, Im sick of walking outside in the dark, especially with the whole "Clown Incident".  


It was the beginning of third period, I had just sat down when someone whispered to me "banana". I rolled my eyes, i knew exactly what they were refering to. My jacket, it was a bright yellow with a big white "Addidas" symbol on the back. There were two blue strips starting from the shoulders going down on each sleeve. I loved this jacket, it was my dads he got it from the Boston Marathon. 


I turned around as Jhon started to whisper something else


        He couldnt finish because i turned and slapped Him. Thats when the teacher just walked in and saw it all. 


"Michaela, OUTSIDE NOW" 

      I was introuble, of course he wasnt there to see that Jhon was teasing me first. But i just sat in the hall waiting for him to come out and yell at me. I studied the walls, there was a poster just across from me that said "strive for your best" Interesting half the people in the school do barley that. They strive but not for there best, for attention. I closed my eyes, and thought about what was gonna happen. Would I get sent to the office, suspended, who knew it was Mr. Daughtery and you never Knew with him. 


As I sat there thinking about every possible senerio I heard a click. I opened my eyes and saw Mr.Daughtery standing there, arms crossed waiting for an explanation. I looked at him and then the wall. 


"what is your reason this time?"


I wanted to shout in his face and tell him that those boys are trouble but I didnt. I looked back at him took a deap breath.


"He kept saying I looked like a Banana and a school bus and he was right behind me in my space and I am sick of it, so I slapped him."


Was that even enough for me to get introuble, Bullying is illegal right? I was just worried what was gonna happen to me. What would my dad say? 

 All I could do was think, Block My teacher out and think.


I was staring at a blank wall. I was in ISS m punishment was three days of ISS and an apology note to Jhon. What does he want me to apologize about.


               Dear Jhon, 

                           sorry for wearing a yellow jacket that was in my warddrobe. I wasn't thinking about how it                                 affected you at all.  Next time i will wear orange.

                                                                                        My apologies, 


I crumpled up the note as Ms.Hagberg came towards me.

  "Do you have an apology letter yet?" she snapped

 I looked at her glaring 


 "Im trying to find just the right words to use ma'am, i have been thin-"


"No excuses, Get to work now your not going anywere till its finsihed!"


Each year on thanksgiving break my Dad does this thing wear we go to a diffrent state and do somehting fun. last year it was Niagra Falls, this year we are going to Washington D.C to look at the Washington Monument and get a tour of the white house! 

 I was pretty excited but my dads Girl friend wasnt, see she beleived in the whole traditional big meal thanksgiving but since my dad is always at work and does that with the boys, he tries to get out as much as possible. Even if that means a meal at the cafe in washington D.C. 


We were taking a train form quantico virgina to washington D.C since my dad wanted to stay in this hotel at Quantico. i was fine with it, jsut measn i get to ride my first train! 


we woke up pretty early around 5:30. dad wanted to get in to town before it filled  up. That didnt go so well though because there were alot of people there by the time we got off the train. 

The White House

 Im not gonna lie, i thought the white house was gonna be depressing and fancy! but it is so cool. they have the biggest dinnning room ever, just saying!!!!


Publication Date: 11-10-2016

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