» Drama » 100 days with Mr. Guitar Jerk, Angelcake72 [classic children's novels TXT] 📗

Book online «100 days with Mr. Guitar Jerk, Angelcake72 [classic children's novels TXT] 📗». Author Angelcake72

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Chapter 1


Satan has it out for me.

I SWEAR. He does. Just wait, I'll be late and then he'll jump out of no where to send me to hell.

"Ashton, Come on! We're going to be late!" My brother yelled as he picked up his pace.

"Don't you know I already know that!" I yelled at him as I caught up to him. He checked his wrist watch and looked at me.

"We got only thirty seconds to get there!" He yelled as we turned around the corner of the Hall.

"I know." I pouted.

All of a sudden everything was rushing. My feet wasn't touching the ground and I wasn't running no more. Of course my brother kept running. I was about to hit the floor when I felt arms go around me. I sighed in relief as they pulled me back up slowly.
The person removed his arms from around my waist. Well, at least I think it was a guy. I didn't really get a glimpse of him because I ran off as soon as he helped me. I ran down the hall and stopped at the office door. I fixed my hair and walked in to come to find my brother. I sighed in relief and sat down beside him.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"I fell and 'someone' left me." I said, mad.

"Ash-" My brother began but he shut up when the door opened and a Lady in her 50's walked in. She sat in front of us and put her clipboard down.

"I see you guys made it." She said looking back and forth at us.

"Yes, ma'am." My brother said.

"And I see that your parents both attend this school." She said as she looked down at hr clip board.

"Yeah." I said as nicely as I can. She really didn't have to bring our parents into this. Yes, they attend this school.

"I see you both have excellent grades. Corey plays football. Ashton, I understand you like music." She said as she looked up at me when she said my name. I nodded and she scribbled something down on the clip board. She handed us two sheets of paper and stood up.

"What's this?" Corey asked the woman.

"Your schedules." She began as she pushed her chair in and continued,"You two were going to get into this school anyway." She turned around and grabbed the door knob to the door she came in.

"Well see ya." My brother said as he opened the door about to leave the room.

"Corey?" I said.

"What?" He whined, anxious to leave.

"Revenge is a bit-" I got cut off by the lady.

"No, foul language." She said. I smiled and followed my brother out of the room. He walked toward his first class while I just wondered off a different way. I shoved my hands in my pocket as I walked down the hall of my new School.

Eh, What a good day

. Note the sarcasm.


"Ugh, Stupid teacher!" I yelled as I walked down the hall.

I huffed and started to hear yelling coming from down the hall. A guy my age and a girl one year younger runs around the corner. The girl's dark brown waved through the air as she came closer. All of a sudden she trips over her own foot and started to fall. I wrap my arms around her waist catching her before she hit the floor face first.
She was facing the floor and I never really got the chance to see her face. I pulled her up slowly and removed my arms from her waist. I was hoping she would turn around and thank me. Well, that really didn't happen.

Instead she ran off.

"Er-You're total welcome, person?" I say as she disappears out of my sight.

Uh, girls these days




Chapter 2


A loud annoying beeping sound was irrupting me from my sleep. Stupid alarm clocks and their annoying beeping. I flung my arm over to my night stand and tried to hit the snooze, which I couldn't find my alarm clock anywhere on my stand. I groaned in frustration and opened my eyes. I spotted my alarm clock and threw it at the wall.


"Ashton!" My brother yelled from his room.

"Sorry!" I yelled back as I got up. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower.

Letting it warm up because I hate cold and hot showers. I walked back into my room and into my walk in closet. I grabbed my usual, which is a shirt with a pair of skinny jeans and my vans. I walked into my bathroom and laid them on the counter. I stripped my clothes off and threw them into the hamper.
I got into the shower and did what I had to do and got out. I got dressed and slipped my vans on. I grabbed my jacket and slid one arm into the sleeve. A loud crash was heard from downstairs. I laughed and slid my other arm in the other sleeve. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"Look what you did, Corey. Shame on you." A familiar voice said from the kitchen.

"But Auntie. I didn't. You did." He pouted. I smiled wide and ran into the kitchen. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Look what your brother did." She said and I looked down to see glass all over the floor.

"Aw, Bad Corey, Bad." I teased him like he was a dog. He sighed and walked outside to his car.

"Well, as much as I want to stay, Auntie. I can't." I said to her and she smiled. I walked to the front door and smiled.

"You have a good day, dear." She yelled out.

"I will." I won't. I walked outside and got into Corey's car.

When we got to school everyone and I mean EVERYONE was staring at us. It was uncomfortable. We got out of the car and started walking down the sidewalk toward the school entrance. A few girls flashed me that look of hatred and some guys stared me up to down. I opened the double doors and we walked in.

Not expecting what came next. A girl ran right into me. The girl had long dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. At least I think they were hazel. I couldn't really get a chance to really see because of the tears forming into her eyes. She ran past me with her hands covering her face. I look down to pick up the books she had dropped.

I stood back up and a group of guys came walking toward me laughing. I was confused at first but I soon understood why the poor girl was crying. Either a rejection,a prank, or she was bullied. I scowled at the guys as they made their way over to me.

"Oh, Lookie here." A tall guy with shaggy blond hair said as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes as the whole group of guys stared at me. The guy standing beside the blond hair guy stared not at me but the girl's books.

"Are you her mother or something?!" The guy snapped and his friends laughed.

"Are you blind?" I shot back. Not caring if they bullied me because if one hand was laid on me. I'm not holding back. The guy laughed and walked over to me. He got in my face and smirked.

"Oh, I like you." He whispered. I laughed at him and backed away.

"Sorry but I don't go out with guys with smelly breath and mental issues." I spat out. His friends chuckled and I could tell the guy was pissed off by his jaw clenching. He looked at the blond dude and said something. The blond guy came over to me and laid his hand on my arm.

"Chase, don't you think that's enough." A voice behind the jocks demanded. A guy with black hair and dark brown eyes stepped forward to stand right in front of Chase.

"Why don't you stay out of this, Levi?" Chase snapped at the boy. He turned to the blond guy and nodded. The blond guy starts to lift me up and I wasn't too happy about it. I grab the blond guys arm and twist it around. I push him to the locker and pinned his arm behind his back.

"Don't touch me." I said through clenched teeth. I shoved his head to the locker and turned around to look at the rest of the jocks.

"If you will," I began as I grabbed my books and the girl's books,"I'll be going." I walked off toward where the girl ran off to, which looked to be the girl's bathroom.

Well, I think.


My brother has always been a prick. Just because he's the captain of the football team and all, doesn't mean he can pick on innocent teenagers for the fun of it. My brother was tall, built, and smart. My mother favored him and my father loved him.
I was the child with the ratty clothes and no attention. That's why I moved out and moved in with my friends. Got a job, payed for a guitar, and made money playing music on the street.

I know, I know. Are you insane? Well, Yes. Yes, I am.

I loved my guitar. Had it for four years now and I can't bare to lose it. Music is my life and you can live without life now, can you?

Anyway my brother and his crew were making fun of Katie Millers again. The poor girl had to go through it everyday and to top off the drama she had at home. She'd probably be at home in her room crying somewhere in a corner. I felt sorry for her and told my brother off but he still picks on people.

What was so funny about hurting a person feelings?

I walked off down the hall after my brother as he made his way over to a familiar looking girl. She had picked Katie's books up and noticed the group coming toward her. She looked as pissed off as I was.

"Oh, Lookie here." Shane said as he stared at her. I saw her roll her eyes and knew my brother noticed Katie's books.

"Are you her mother or something?!" My brother snapped

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