» Drama » The black stallion, Imogen Walker [read the beginning after the end novel TXT] 📗

Book online «The black stallion, Imogen Walker [read the beginning after the end novel TXT] 📗». Author Imogen Walker

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Chapter 1

The noise of my parents fighting pierces my eardrums making me get anxious and frustrated, I look at them their facial expressions changing every second, the harsh words they say to each other when they say to me "Casey go to your room, dinner will be ready later" my mother says firmly. I slowly walk into my room I sit on my bed and look out the window the sound of anger lingering in my ears I look at the bush behind the house that has a large open area at the top where a few bitchy girls hang out sometimes hoping they aren't they I climb out of my window swiftly not making a sound. I creep up behind my house until I think that no one would hear me I start to run up the trail leading to the open plain on the top with lush green grass. I hear a twig snap in the bushes and look over from where I was sitting on a lonely log I squint and make out a large shape but can't quite see. The figure moves closer and I see that the figure makes out the shape of a large pure black horse with a prominent white blaze down the front of its face. I hear the hooves hit the ground at a lightning speed hearing the dirt flick up the black horse goes closer I say "hey boy, don't be scared" he nickers and flicks his head keeping distance. I decide to not pay attention to him he moves a step closer and I look up he flicks his head and running off through the grass leaving no sign of him I sigh and lay down on the log eventually falling asleep in the sunlight. I open my eyes the heat getting to me I look behind me and see the black horse in the distance he staring at me I look at my watch and see the time I run off copying him.

I wake up the next morning bright and early before everyone else I get a few carrots and sneak out my window again running up the trail I look over the open plain and don't see him anywhere I start to worry a little but remembering he is wild, I look around and say " here boy!, I got a carrot for you" I hear a annoying chuckle behind me and look around and see Rebecca who is the best horse rider I'm town laughing at me, I say " get lost Rebecca". She laughs again and says " who are you talking too? Your little ghost horse because your parents can't afford for you to have your own?" I glare at her and say " Rebecca beat it, I didn't want you here so go" she let's off a smirk and says smartly " too bad it's the councils property and if I see that horse you are calling to I will get it shot" I stare at her and walk off a tear running down my cheek.

I arrive home and sneak back into my bedroom and walk out into the kitchen no sound at all I sigh and make some breakfast for myself I hear some movement further down the house and see mum plodding her way towards me and says " Casey you are going to have to miss your lesson today, I know you only you only have one every fortnight but I don't have the money this week" she says dully. I look at her a sigh of relief covers my face, smiling at her and continuing making breakfast. I see dad walk out after i finish eating and look at me and give me a smile making a coffee and a tea for mum, i finish up and walk back into my room. I get out a pencil and paper and start to sketch the beautiful black stallion who was right in front of my eyes yesterday his white blaze reflecting off his black coat making him look handsome.


Chapter 2

Days past by and the black stallion has disappeared no sign of him, I start to loose hope but think I will try one more time, grabbing the freshly picked carrots and climbing through my window. I run up the trail sprinting hoping the black stallion would be there. I get to the top and look around and I squint and see him in the distance, I yell " here boy! Here boy! I have a carrot for you." Once again I hear the annoying chuckle of Rebecca's voice behind me, I glare at her and say " Rebecca why do you always have to torment me?, like I'm someone who kills people or something" she let's out a giggle and says " the only thing that is getting killed is that horse" I glare at her and step forward I turn around and see the black stallion galloping full speed towards us, Rebecca says well here he is trying to get around me, I move where she does knowing he is right behind me, she slaps me across the face and without knowing that the black stallion is right there.

He rears up going towards her making her back away like a little kid, I stare up in shock,she screams "get that thing away from me!" I chuckle at her fear. She gets up quickly and sprints off no sign or her. The horse puts his two front feet back on the earth and I pull out carrot, he sniffs it nuzzling it. He grabs it and eats it, I smile and put my hand out to him, he puts his nose to it and bows his head a little. I slowly move my hand up his face patting him. I say to him follow me I run he canters behind me I take him down the trail and lead him to my house, putting him in one of the back paddocks and run inside closing the gate to mum and say "mum look!, she walks out and sees the black stallion gracefully eating the grass in the paddock, she stares at him in shock and says quietly "he is beautiful, how did he get here?" I say to her smirking "he followed me, can we keep him!, please please mum" I beg her my eyes wide. She smirks and puts her hand to her lips " he is beautiful, but how do you know you are going to be able to brake him in?" I say to her pleading " mum if we don't keep him, Rebecca said she will get him killed by the council!" She looks at me shocked her eyes wide open, " we can't let a horse like him get killed!, I guess we are going to keep him" she says seeing my facial expression change in an instant. I look at her and scream "thank you!!!" I grab her hand and run out to the paddock her trailing behind.

She stands behind the fence, I walk in and say calming words walking up to him he puts his nose in my hand and nuzzles it, I smile and out my other hand on his fore head he moves his head up. I say to mum excitedly "watch this!" I start to run down the paddock he canters behind me I slow down and he trots behind me nickers and he flicks his head. I stop and he stops behind me placing his head just by my shoulder, I look over to mum and smile. She says " that's quite impressive" she says winking. I smile and face him staring into his dark eyes the sun making his fur shine, I slowly raise my hand and trace my finger down his blaze gracefully.


Chapter 3

A few days have passed and I finally decide on the name Sampson for our newest black stallion. I walk into the old tack room, cob webs overtaking I look around and spot the lunge lead and I walk out and open the rusty gate and walk in, he looks up and nickers and keeps eating. I grab the end of the lunge lead and pick it up and stand behind his front shoulder and slowly swing it he moves a little I move with him making him go around in a circle. I swing it a little faster wanting to see his reaction he turns and jumps at me, I chuckle and push him more he throws out a buck but gets into a little trot. I swing the rope a little closer and he turns again, I say sternly "no" staring him down. He stares back challenging me I swing the rope he jumps a little towards me, " I say woo boy" pushing him back out with the lunge lead. He trots around he prances I smile leaving my arm spread out pushing him along. I let him go into a walk and I say to him calmly " woo up boy." I drop the lunge lead and walk up too him giving him a pat and a carrot I had in my back pocket. I say cheerfully " good boy today! You done well" patting him on the forehead. 

I put the lunge lead back into the tack room and skip inside cheerfully and say to mum and dad " I got Sampson to lunge! And he trotted too!" I look at them cheerfully seeing smiles spread across their faces. Dad says excitedly "that's really good Casey, I think if you put time into him he will be a good horse" I smile and agree with him walking back out the door into the paddock. I sit on the grass and watch him gracefully eating, I look at my watch and see that it is around 5pm I get up and got to the tack shed getting his feed ready, mixing it up I water it down and walk into the paddock he gallops over and stops putting his head in the bucket. I close the gate and watch him eat for awhile admiring his stunning looks when I see in the distance a truck on the side saying " ranger" I squint and read it quickly calling mum

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