» Drama » What lies in the night?, Shasta Trammell [best books to read in life txt] 📗

Book online «What lies in the night?, Shasta Trammell [best books to read in life txt] 📗». Author Shasta Trammell

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I wake in a cold sweat, I look around the room for what had startled me out of my dreamless slumber and see a shadow slip out of the room. I get up slipping into houseshoes and a robe to cover the french maids outfit my last customer had requested me to wear for our night. I silently exit the room, picking up the gun that is kept in the nightstands back leg, which has been hollowed out for that purpose. As I walk past my fellow prostetutes doors I hear a muffled scream and dash into the room of Shawntel, my closest friend. I see a figure placing a gag over her mouth. I jump onto him and grab him as he is about to hit her in the head with the lamp that sets beside her bed. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and just before everything goes black I see Shawntel run out of the room. I black out hopeing she escapes. 

Chapter 1: The Hospital

 I wake up with a crink in my neck. Turning my head, I see Shawntel asleep on the chair by my bed. I take in the smells of anti bacterial spray and starch, rembering the last time I was in the hospital. It had been my first year working for our pimp, Aiden, when I was setting with Shawntel and she told me a guy with blue eyes kept staring at me. Finaly the guy walked over and grabbed me by the waist, hauling me into the hotel room behind me. "I need to fuck you now." he told me stripping us both of our clothes. He slammed into me, making me cry out in pain. "Little bitch, nobody cries when I fuck them." He said pulling a knife out of his pocket and plunged  it into my stomach repeatedly. Shawntel and Aiden ran into the room, pullin him off of me as I lay gasping for air, trying to drown out the pain. I felt Aiden lift me up and into a waiting car outside the door before blacking out. Whe I came to the scen was exactly the same as it is now. "Oh your awake, Shawntel said. "yeah I guess so, what happened." A sad look over came her exotic features. She told me that the same guy who had stabbed me a year ago, had came looking for me and when he found Shawntel, decided to kill her first. "But once again you saved me." she told me in tears. "hey, listen, don't ever get upset because I saved you. I would do it again in a heartbeat." I told her. She rushed over and hugged me, then she began kissing me and I kissed her back loing the feel of her hot, greedy mouth on mine. "Umm.. " I heard a clearing of a throat and Shawntel jumped back adjusting her shirt. "I just need you to fill out some paper work and you can go home." a young platnium blonde nurse with perky breasts and an australian accent said. Desire was clear in her eyes. " Close the door for a second, but you stay in her." I told her. She did as she was told and I motioned her over. As she came over I pulled her to me and kissed her with more passion than she has ever been kissed. "Wow.....that was amazing. I will leave my number with your clothes." She whispered before leaving the room. Checkmate.

Chapter 2: welcome back

I walk up to my room, holding the clothes that Shawntel bought me. Hidden at the bottem of the bag is a street sweeper gun in case somebody tries to attack me. As I step in all th egirls yell" Suprise!!" I jump back in shock. baloons, didlos, streamers and monoply money cover the room. I burst out laughing and then I see him. The guy behind the attacks. He is currently being given a blowjob by Lila the head whore of the group. She makes up to 1 thousand a night and knows how to get around shit. He doesn't see me as I silently start toward him with my hand on the street sweep. "Get out of the room as quuitly as you can because the dude who is behind the attacks is here". I whisper to the group in front of me they look startled and start slowly heading for he door. As I come up behind the guy Lila sees me and her eyes widen in knowing concern. She finishes him of qucickly, take sthe money and scampers away. I raise the street sweeper and point it at the back of his head. He is still in a post orgasmic haze and doesn't realize the room around him is empty. I pull the trigger and he falls foward blood pulling around him. I drop the gun in my bag and meet Aiden outside. He calls his guy and the body is gone within minutes. "So the good payer was him huh. The eyes should have told me." Shawntel whispers behind me. I wirl around to find her staring at the body bag being taken beside us, her face streaked with makeup. I pull her to me and hug her as she cries. We walk up to my room and I start a warm lavender sceneted bath for us. I strip her of her clothes kissing every inch of her as i reveal it. She does the same to me and soon we are in the bath massaging the soap into each others bodies. I run my tonge over the pink rim of her nipple. She moans in pleasue as i bite it, enjoying the tingling in my cunt. We slip out of the bath and fall onto my bed, She puts her face between my legs, suckling on my clit. I turn her so that I can suck hers at the same time and we reach our climax together and fall asleep in each others arms.

Chapter 3: Payback hurts like a bitch.

 I wake up to Shawntel putting her face between my legs again and swirling her tongue inside me. I arch me back and cum all over her face. She giggles. "Morning savior." She says getting up to wash her face and get dressed. As she leaves the room I remember the nurse. "Hey how about a threesome with that hot nurse tonight. She nods and leaves the room. I scamper about and find the number where it was promised to be. She answers on the 3rd ring. "This is Anastasia." "Hi this is Lyric from the hopsital, you didn't think I wouldn't call did you?" "Oh Hi!" "So I was wondering, threeway with me and my friend tonight? You in?" "I will be there." We hang up and I pull on a sexy black lace thong and garter set, a lacy bra and a jersy shirt and combat boots. I walk down to breakfast and see Aiden. he gestures for me to meet him in his offic. As I walk in he is setting on his couch. "Noon. You, me , Shawntell. Black room. Be there." I nod and exit. Shawntel meets me in the hall and we nod heading to the costume room. We pull on black leather bras, g-strings, and stilletoe boots. And walk to the room. We are in position when Aiden walks in wearing leather jeams and jordans. He walks toward us, like a tiger stalking his prey. He pulls a whip from behind his at the same time Shawntel and I pull whips. He acts surprised at the fact we have learned his game since he has only punished us twice. He backs away as we come foward. What he didn't know was that we knew that he was behind all the attacks and had simply payed blue eyes to carry them out. "Can't do your own dirty work? Had to get someone killed?" Fear then knowingness shown in his eyes as he realizied we knew the truth. "It was never supposed to go this far. He wasn't supposed to hurt you. just scare you.AHH!" I glanced at Shawntel as she recoiled her whip. We left him crying on the floor. 5 girls were standing outside of the door when we exited and Shawntel flipped them off on our way by. "Fuckin newbies." she growled. I agreed wholeheartedly.

Chapter 4: Nurse please!

 Shawntel and I set waiting for the nurse to come. Funny how I don't know her name but I almost guarentee Shawntel and her both will be screaming mine by the end of the night. The doorbell rings and I answer it quickly pulling her inside and up to my room. Of all the rooms in teh house I prefer mine

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