» Drama » Maybe it was Better I didn't Know, Missy [read out loud books TXT] 📗

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Hey, I decided to start a new story, and any thoughts about it would be great, and if i should continue to write more chapters. well thanks :)
Chapter one-
“ One, two, three, four, fix, six, seven, and eight!” Lesley scream at us over, and over, and over…. And we did the routine over, and over, and over…. I stood in the back, and I stopped moving and I just stood there, and closed my eyes. it is six in the morning… I don’t want to be doing this cheer leading crap at six in the morning…. Hmmm my bed sounds like a great place to be in right know. that is where I should be anyway. It so warm and soft-
“ Parker yoo-hoo!” Lesley said waving her hand in my face. I took a step back blinking my eyes.
“ lez-ley,” I mumbled.
“ Don’t say my name like that parker!” Lesley cried. I rolled my eyes and she stood up straight her skirt going even shorter… like that was even possible.
“ What do you want?” I muttered.
“ Um… What do you think we are here for?” She asked in a sarcastic bitchy tone. I gave her a flat look. “ I am the captain of this team, and you need to follow my instructions!” She hissed. I waved my hand at her nodding my head.
“ Okay then get to teaching lez-ley,” I mumbled. She made a humph sound and then she turned on her heel swaying her hips, and started up the routine again. I didn’t like the routine. It had too much ass shaking, and it felt as though I was doing a strip routine.
“ Oh my god Parker!” Lesley screamed. I stopped doing the cheer and put my hand on my hip looking at her.
“ What Lez-ley?” I barked.
“ Damn you Parker stop saying my name like that!” She cried stomping her feet on the ground and it looked like she was having a hissy fit. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, but when she gave a pouting face I started cracking up. She narrowed her eyes at me, and I started laughing even harder. I bent over holding my stomach and my laughter filled the gym. “ I give up!” She screamed, and I looked up and saw her storming off towards the exit doors that lead to the girls changing rooms. i continued to laugh, and I sat on the ground and I looked at the girls and they all were trying to hold back laughter.
“ C’mon that was funny!” I gasped trying to stop laughing. That was it. they all started laughing with me. I sat there and the girls made their way towards the changing rooms.
“ You’re gonna kill Lesley one of these days Parker,” Julie said walking over to me and she looked down at me shaking her head.
“ Lez hates me,” I said smirking.
“ You seem so proud of that though,” Julie said raising an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ Maybe I am,” I mumbled. I heard Julie let out a dry laugh, and then we heard a bunch of voices. I looked up and saw the football team coming in. Damnit.
“ Oh la la,” Julie giggled.
“ Must you?” I moaned.
“ Must I what?”
“ Drool in front of those things,” I said pointing over to the football players.
“ Those things are totally yummy!” She giggled.
“ Stop with the damn giggling,” I hissed.
“ Is it your time of the month?” She asked. I looked up at her shaking my head.
“ Will you please be quiet?” I muttered pinching the bridge of my nose. She shrugged her shoulders, and then I saw her skip off towards the football players. I sat their watching her and how dumb she looked. Honestly, when I tell someone im a cheerleader the first thing they think is that im dumb, whorish, and blonde. One I am not blonde, and two I am not a whore. But im not really the smartest person, but im not a complete idiot! Just a little stupid…. Well whatever.
“ Yoo-hoo Parker!” I heard Julie scream my name from across the gym. Damnit I hate her voice. I looked up, and gave her a smile. “ Come here Parker!” She squealed. I looked down and groaned, and sat up and made my way towards her and the dogs.
“ what is it?” I mumbled.
“ Hey parker,” Grant smirked. I clenched my jaw closing my eyes.
“ Oh, hey Grant,” I said softly.
“ What are you girls up to?” he asked looking at Julie then me.
“ Absolutely nothing,” I said dryly. He smirked.
“ I like em feisty,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
“ And Im going to cut your balls off,” I hissed. He raised an eyebrow putting his hands in the air.
“ Rawr,” he said. I rolled my eyes, and turned away making my way towards the girl locker rooms. I was walking down the halls, and looked down at my nails, and saw they were chipping. I painted them black a couple days ago. If you paint your nails black it’s simple just go over them if they mess up. Unlike other damn colors….
My body collided into something… maybe someone, and books went flying everywhere. I stumbled back falling on my ass, and I looked up and saw this guy just standing there. He was tall, had shaggy brown hair with lighter and darker highlights. His skin was a olive color, but I couldn’t see his eyes, because his hair was over them. He knelt down and started to pick up his books.
“ Why don’t you watch where your walking,” he said coldly.
“ Um wow,” I muttered standing up.
“ You’re the one who was admiring your damn nails instead of watching where you were walking,” he growled trying to get all his books into his book bag. I felt something next to my foot, and knelt down and picked up his notebook but it was snatched out of my hands. “ I don’t want a cheerleader touching my things,” he said standing up.
“ Dude you’re an ass! If you were watching where you were going then you would of saw me, and moved out of the way,” I hissed standing up. He tilted his head up, and his hair moved away from his eyes, and my eyes met with his bright green eyes.
“ Whatever cheerleader,” he said walking around me.
“ I have a name!” I yelled at him. he continued to walk, and I threw my hands up in the air. “Good day to you, Mr. Cranky ass,” I muttered walking into the girls locker room. When I walked in a was consumed by the horrid scent of perfume. I walked to my locker, and slipped of my uniform, and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, red high heeled boots, and a black and red sparkly tank top with ruffles. I quickly threw my things in, and made my way out of the locker rooms, and walked out running my hands through my hair, and made my way to my first class which is biology… oh god… which is also the class I get into so much trouble in. I walked into the class, and Mr. Jensur looked at me, and he sighed taking off his glasses, and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“ Hello, Parker,” he said tiredly.
“ hey,” I muttered walking towards my seat in the front of the room right in front of his desk.
“ Parker, you have a D in this class,” he said shaking his head.
“ I’m aware,” I shrugged.
“ Parker do you want to retake Senior year?” he asked.
“ Who would want to retake senior year?” I laughed.
“ No one, but if you fail my class you won’t pass this year,” He said sternly.
“ All my teachers have been saying that lately,” I sighed sitting back in my seat. Students started to fill into the class, and I looked up and saw people just filling in. I let out a deep breath closing my eyes and I heard the chair next to me being pulled out. I looked up and saw Beatrice. Today Beatrice looked like a Barbie. Her fake bright blonde hair was straightened to protection, and she had pounds of makeup on her face. Her black mini shorts showed her ass, and her tight tube top hugged to her. She sat down next to me, flipping her hair over her shoulder. He long… fake hair… she got extensions reached down to her hips. Her hair hit my face, and I leaned away glaring at her.
“ Well, hello Parker,” she said doing this funny thing with her lips.
“ Well, hello Beatrice,” I said overly happy. She rolled her eyes at me, and gave me a fake smile.
“ So, how was that silly cheerleading practice this morning?” She asked looking at her fake nails.
“ You only think it’s silly, because you didn’t get on the squad,” I said meanly.
“ Parker, why are you so mean to me!” She wined. I bit my lip looking down. Oh I could give you a list of reasons. I closed my eyes. “ Hello, Parker!”
“ Do you really want me to list the reasons?” I said sharply.
“ List?”
“ Oh I could give you a dozen reasons why Beatrice,” I muttered.
“ Someone is on their period,” she said bringing out her phone. I stared at her sharply rolling my eyes. The bell rang, and I flinched at the nose. I set my head down on the table closing my eyes.
“ Parker no sleeping in my class!” mr.Jensur said loudly. I sat up and nodded my head looking at the bored. He handed us a worksheet, and Beatrice was complaining about everything. Leading from her little life to make up and boys. Then she did some winning about school, and she was just talking my ear off.
“ Beatrice please,” I said sharply. She looked alarmed. “ Im about to tape your mouth shut,” I hissed.
“ is that a threat?” She cried.
“ I could make it a threat,” I growled.
“ Mr. Jensur! Im being threatened for my life!” Beatrice cried. My jaw dropped and I looked at Mr. Jensur shaking my head.
“ Excuse me?” he said.
“ Parker just threatened to kill me,” She cried. SHE CRIED! I looked over and saw tears coming down her cheeks. I sat their gawking at her.
“ Your kidding right?” I muttered.
“ Parker go to the deans,” Mr. Jensur said filling out a yellow slip.
“ But I didn’t! She is lying!” I said glaring at her.
“ Parker!” He hissed. I stood up grabbing my book bag and threw it over my shoulder, and walked up to him ripping the slip out of his hands and stormed out of the classroom.
“ Freaking bullshit,” I said slamming the door. I walked down the hall, and stopped in front of the dean’s office. When I opened the door the dean looked up at me.
“ hello Parker,” she said.
“ Ugh hey,” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.
“ What happened know?” She asked. I sat down in the chair and shook my head, and handed her the slip. “ You threatened someone?” She gasped. I brought my hands up

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