» Drama » Where My Memories Roam, Sandra Reyes [romantic novels in english TXT] 📗

Book online «Where My Memories Roam, Sandra Reyes [romantic novels in english TXT] 📗». Author Sandra Reyes

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“She’s losing blood. Someone pass me a couple of bands and alcohol.”A lady said after those horrible sirens of an ambulance or police appeared in the scene. I could hear footsteps all over the place, but my major concern was to live and have him alive. The sky was bright purple, turning to navy blue as the stars appeared exploding into a beautiful mass of bright lives between the leaves of the tall trees. The sound of owls popped up and the flock of the little birds flew off to the sky. As I felt velvet hands pick me up gently but swiftly from my arms and legs and put me on a stretcher, my eyes turned to Damian, unconscious with a bleeding mouth and his left hand holding mine tight, like not wanting to let go. The distress signal of the cops rang in my ears making me wish I could shout them to shut down the car so the sirens would stop.

“Here you go, Adams. What about the boy?” A young man with a white buttoned shirt and blue latex gloves asked as he handed the paramedic the band aids and alcohol. His golden hair reflected red and blue tones due to the lights of the scandalous sirens that were near. His blue tired eyes looked at the lady and back at me. His mouth presented fear or uncertainty. His feet were separated from each other and lightly bended as if he was ready to run. As she took them and quickly opened them, she put alcohol and rubbed it against my clavicle and passing it down to my left arm through the opened wounds. As soon as the alcohol touched my skin, it was like if fire had fallen on my arm and burned down with strength to make my eyes drop tears and my weak vocal cords explode into a sharp cry. Then a chilly sensation ran through the cuts and the pain slowly faded away. She began to wrap my whole arm and part of my chest, crossing the bands to my right side of the neck to create more support.

“Check his vital signs and put a mask on him. Move him carefully in case he has something fractured and get him straight to an ER, please.” All I could do that moment was look at Damian and give out more tears, tears of sorrow and worry, of sadness and lost hope. The young man stood besides Damian and demanded to have a mask and air over. I looked at Adams and noticed her blank expression. Her face said “I don’t care” but her big brown eyes lied. I thought about how she would feel every time she had to see and act on an accident. Of course her face had to fake it. That way at least she would not scare the awaken patient (like me) and her work would be much easier.

“He is still alive, but his signs are very weak. He will probably make it to the hospital but I’m still not one-hundred percent sure.” The man kept on verifying on other vital signs on Damian when the mask of oxygen arrived along with tubes. The man prepared everything quickly and put the tubes in Damian’s mouth, but I wasn’t strong enough like to see the rest of the process. I could hear him hum to a song that was on a local radio station, probably to distract himself for a bit. Everything became blurry and the sound of the paramedics voices faded as it echoed slowly away from my ears. It was as if the world was swirling and playing jokes on me. But all I could think of at that moment was of Damian’s life and what would possibly happen to my existence. For some reason I felt secure that my life and his life would be in the best condition when this was all over, but then the thought of the “what if’s” came to my mind. What if one of us two died? What if I get blamed on everything that happened? What if I have to live with guilt the rest of my life? What if I die? He would be devastated and out of mind. Everyone would be upset and lost without him. I didn’t matter much. Indeed I didn’t matter at all. Damian was Rose´s son, not I. I was just a stranger that had arrived recently with no reason other than not knowing who I was and I was terrified enough to not want to let go of Rose; that was all I was. She would probably hate me if something bad happened to Damian.

I would not forgive myself if something happened to him, much less her. I would feel like I didn’t need to live any longer and who knows what my coward side for being alone would make me do. Then I felt his hand slip off mine and a little boost up followed by what sounded like two car doors closing. All I could have in my thoughts at that moment was that song that gave me the hope I needed, the hope Damian gave me the instant he sang it to me even though he hated My Chemical Romance and that song in particular. But I loved them and he decided to arm up strength to sing it to me and play it along with his keyboard just for me.

“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said ‘Son, when you grow up, will you be the singer of the broken…’” As I sang in my head I felt unconsciousness reach me completely and sleep while my eyes closed, the unfinished lyrics faded off into distant dreams of my memories. At the end I had gone back to where I had started. I was again lost and alone inside another vehicle with strangers. The only difference is this stranger was a girl paramedic, not 3 perverted kidnappers.
But that didn’t change things around. I would still have to wait for news from Damian and news from his family that unconditionally accepted me and appreciated me. For now my mind just roams around on its way to, apparently, the hospital. My dreams seem to be far away from where I am at the moment.

Chapter I: The Bloom of Beginning

I live in Glendale, Los Angeles in an ordinary house around ordinary people with ordinary lives. My school is also very ordinary, and everyone around here thinks about the same. I am October Winters, a 21 year old girl, but I am not extraordinary or outstanding from everyone else nor am destined to save the world. I go to Los Angeles College to study nursing for my third year of preparation, and of course, I now have about a year living alone but near my family. Since I only dedicate to school, my life has been more difficult and doesn’t permit me to have a love life, or a life, at all. Also, it’s not like I can take guys’ attention. From my point of view, I am not the best looking girl in the world. My hair is dark brown and straight a bit lower than my shoulders. I have big round green eyes and pale skin. My guess is men are more attracted to the blue-eyed blonde girls that do sports like volleyball as hobbies. They are not so interested in a girl that wants to be a nurse, plays music and makes art as her major interests. Either way it’s not like I ever needed a boyfriend.

My last love broke my heart so bad I couldn’t trust anymore on what a man ever told me. This, of course, happened when I was about 19 that Christopher Jacobs took me to the clouds and let me fall when he told me it wasn’t going to work, and two months later he goes with a girl that was unknown to everyone. It was easy for him to get a girl especially since he had that mysterious look behind his brown eyes and his long Rocker hair. He had such a way to talking to girls that it was easy to fall for him.
Luckily I do have my friends. It’s been so long we graduated from high school but I am still in contact with them. Amber, my metal-head friend and her boyfriend, Jacob, the shy man, and Elizabeth, the most stubborn of all, was the three people I had known my whole life and, no matter how they were, I loved them all. But I had so much I hadn’t talked to them. School absorbed most of my time and life, though, I was willing to reunite with them any time possible and have another of those crazy nights. Drinking is not my fort, but when I go along with Amber and Jacob, everything is about a “shit face” and Elizabeth then joins. First, I would have to see if Amber and her boyfriend Charlie were available to come someday soon. Jacob had a new residency so I had to ask Amber where he lived, and Elizabeth was still with her parents, even though she was willing to leave her house and go somewhere closer to her job. I still had time.

Then I opened my eyes and looked at my phone lying on the night stand. It was Wednesday March 14, 2012 and the time showed 9:50 in the morning. I had to leave to college in 10 minutes and I wasn’t even out of bed. So I jumped off bed, put on the first things I could find in my closet (a Blink 182 t-shirt and black pants), ran to the restroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my car keys and my phone, got on my Chrysler, and took off 11 minutes after. I didn’t have such a good sleep last night, just like many other nights. I was creating this horrible habit of waking up at about 2 in the morning and staying awake for about an hour and a half, but I was disposed to break that, I just didn’t know how. For now I would have to stop at the donut shop and buy an ice tea and something else. My advantage was that college was about 10 minutes by car away from my home, so time wouldn’t be a problem. And so it was that I went through a donut shop but I only had a chance to buy my tea and nothing else; I was running

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