» Drama » Honey Hustle, Yasmine Johnson [epub read online books .txt] 📗

Book online «Honey Hustle, Yasmine Johnson [epub read online books .txt] 📗». Author Yasmine Johnson

Chapter 1


Honey woke up to the yelling and screaming of her mother and sister Diamond. This was usual to Honey she knew that Diamond had probably had tried to sneak into the apartment from coming from her boyfriend Devon house. Honey got up when she heard glass being thrown onto the floor. “Your just mad I came on the top of the hustle and you’re not anymore.”, shouted Diamond at her mother Cindy. “What, who the world you think you talking to I’m the one that bought you into this world, don’t forget that!”, Cindy shouted at her daughter while throwing a plate onto the floor. Honey decided to leave them alone and go call her best friend Candy. “Hello”, said Candy. “Hey girl”, Honey answer back. “Wassup girl”. “Nothing the usual, girl my mom and Diamond fussing and fighting again, anyway I was wondering do you want to go to the mall and found some cute boy’s maybe.”, said Honey. “Yeah girl, you know I’m done.” After the two girl’s finished their conversation Honey went to take a shower. When Honey got out the shower she realized that she needed “quick and fast money.” Luckily she had enough money to shop a little around the mall. She walked to her room and put on her best outfit in her closet. She was only going to the mall, but she still had to look good. She was putting on perfum on when she heard a loud banging on her door. “Aye Honey Candy out here waiting for you.”, Diamond said. “Okay I’m coming and stop banging on my door like you the police or something.”, she yelled while walking out. The two girls went to catch a cab. When they arrived at the mall they instantly went searching for name brand clothes. When the girls got finishing shopping they decided to go to the food court. As they were eating, Candy noticed a boy looking at her and his friend staring at her and Honey.  The boys approached the two girls. “We should go”, Honey  whispered to Candy. “Girl what you talking ‘bout the party has just begun!”  “What up ma?”, said one of the boys. “Nothing much what a-do.”, said Candy trying to sound like a thug. “Same ma, who's your friend over here?”, he said nodding towards Honey. “Oh Honey she not shy, you know what they say looks can be deceiving!”, said a surprise Candy. “So what’s up ma?”, the thug asked Honey. “Nothing munch”, said a nerves Honey. “So you two busy tonight”, the thugs ask the two girls. “Of course not”, said Candy who was ready for some action. “So you two can make to the local club around the corner correct?”, the boy asked.





When Honey and Candy finished their conversation with the two boys, they learned the boys names were Kane and Chance and they had a lot of money. After leaving the food court the two girls decided to go home. Candy caught a cab, while Honey got on the train uptown. While Honey rode the train she thought about tricking the niggas into getting “fast and quick money.” When Honey arrived home she saw that Devon, Diamond boyfriend was at the apartment. Honey never liked Devon she felt he was a pervert, once he had tried to smack her ass, but luckily Diamond had came. Honey tried to walk into the apartment quickly, but Devon had already spoken to her. “Sup girl”, said Devon. “Sup”, Honey replied while closing the apartment door. “So I saw you with my cousin at the food court, and I know they ask you to come to the club later on, I get yall in for free .”, Devon said with a slight grin. “We’ll be okay we don’t need your help!”, said Honey trying to make the conversation short as possible. “Look bitch I was trying to help your dumb-self out!”, said a angry Devon. “Look mother fu-”, Candy was interrupt by Diamond. “You two need to chill be cool, like for real thought. Honey went to her room and hung up her clothes she had gotten from the mall.She took out the best outfit she had bought and laid it on her dresser. She looked at her clock and saw that she had about two hours before going to the local club. She decided to take a little nap.

Chapter 2

Honey woke up to the sound of her phone going off, it was Candy. “Hello", said a sleepy Honey. “Hey girl, you still sleeping its 10:00, you know we can’t afford to let this moment by pass us!”, Candy replied back. “Okay well let me get dress I’ll meet you in the lobby in a few.”, said Honey. When she hung up the phone and got dressed into a tight fit dress that showed off her curves with pink stilettos to match. When the two girls meet each other in the lobby they instantly admired each other, Candy was wearing some short shorts with a white crop top and some res pumps. When the girls arrived at the club they found that it was a long line outside. The two went to the of the line and tried to wait patiently . Honey felt a tap on her shoulder. “You with me we don’t do lines baby!”, said Kane with a grin. Kane took Honey hand while Chance took Candy hand. They went to the back of the club where a security guard was standing blocking a door. “Sup man”, Kane said to the guard. “Working as usual, but who are these two beautiful young ladies here?”, replied the guard. “This here is Honey”, said Kane. “And this here is Candy”, said Chance. “Oh they sure do look like honey and candy if you know what I mean, but yall can go ahead in the V.I.P section is already set-up”, said the guard. The four went into the V.I.P section where they saw mostly thugs and strippers, but Honey knew none of the hoes could ever compare to her. Honey noticed the expressions and the attention men were giving her. She enjoyed the attention. Everybody knew not to fuck with a bitch like her, because everyone feared Diamond. The four went to the bar to get a couple of drinks. Honey and Candy noticed men gather around a stripper who looked familiar to them. The two girls realized the girl was Diamond. Honey did not know what to she was embarrassed. Kane interrupt her out of her thoughts and asked her to dance. Of course she wasn’t going to say no so she agreed to dance to only one song. When Honey went on the dance floor with Kane people gather around them while they grind on each other. BOOM BOOM BOOM, there were gun shots going off.

Chapter 3

Kane grab Honey while Chance grab Candy. They got into Kane BMW and speeded away. “Where are we going!”, Honey said shivering. “To my crib, you’ll be safe there.” Candy tried to take action and snuggled close to Chance. The four rode in silence. They arrived at Kane house. When they got in Kane and Honey sat in the living room, while Candy and Chance went into one of the back rooms. Kane explained to Honey that Diamond wanted Kane to take Honey and Candy to his house before the shot-out started. “She gets on my nerves she thinks that I can’t handle my-self.”, Honey said getting mad. “Chill she was only trying to make sure you were safe, she didn’t want you to get hurt.”, he said trying to clam her down. Soon Honey found herself in the kitchen with Kane feeding her strawberries. They feel asleep naked in Kane’s room. Honey woke up to see that Kane wasn't beside her and it was 10:30 am. She got up and got dressed then found Kane in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. "Well good morning Ms.Honey, I cooked you breakfast",he said while fixing her plate. They went to the livingroom and saw Candy and Chance making out on the sofa. "Let's go to the backroom would want to interrupt the two love birds", Kane said while smiling. They went into the room. Kane feed Honey then they watched "Love and Basketball."


Publication Date: 03-28-2013

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