» Drama » Your The One, Alex Phan [best novels to read to improve english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Your The One, Alex Phan [best novels to read to improve english .TXT] 📗». Author Alex Phan

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At The Beach

Alex Jackson was at the beach, it was a really sunny day at the beach. This day was a really special day for Alex. When he was surfing on a seven foot wave he saw the most beautiful girl in the world and after he took a glance at her he wiped out. When Alex got out of the water he grabbed a Heineken out of the ice chest and he gulped it down like he was scared to do something. After he drank his beer he went over to the peer about to ask her something he chickened out so he went back to his friends. When he went back, he took an other glance then he saw a gang of college guys trying harass her. The main college guy took her wallet and threw it into the water then they walked away. When Alex saw that, he ran to the peer and dived into the water and found the purse then he swam to shore. Then he gave it to the girl. She said" Hi, I'm Isabella." Alex said I'm Alex, you have a pretty name." After a few hours everybody at the beach left.

Pretty Girl At The Window

When Alex woke up he was so excited because he was gonna call Isabella to go on a date with him. he was really nervous about calling Isabella because if she says NO he would be so embarrass because she would be the first girl to say no to him. When he dialed the number he saw a girl out of his bedroom window. Then he ran out of the front door and said to the girl "Hi, I'm Alex," She said "I'm Emmy I just moved here 2 months ago." Alex said "How would you like to go on a date with me?" Emmy Replied Friday at 7:00?" Alex said " Perfect!"

2 days later at 7:00...... Alex was waiting outside of Emmy's door and when he rang the doorbell she open the door and she was wearing the most beautiful dress ever. Emmy asked " Do you like steak?" Alex answered " yes, I love steak." When they were at Salt grass Alex wanted to know if Emmy was a gold Digger as in if she only likes him for his money. But Emmy said she would never do something like that. Then Emmy said " I'll pay for dinner." Alex said back " No I'll pay." Emmy asked " Are you sure?" Alex replied back " I'm positive." When Emmy and Alex drove back home They both said I had a really fun time. When Alex walked Emmy to her front door they said goodbye.

The Second Date

When Alex came back from his date he shouted to himself " I love this girl," and he didn't even think about Isabella.
Then it came to his mine, why am I not dating Isabella? Then he called Isabella the phone was ringing Then he heard a voice it was Isabella she asked" Where were you last night. " I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home," Alex answered. Then Alex hung up. He was feeling so bad that he lied so he threw his phone out the window. He got his home phone and called Isabella " Hey, um want to go out tomorrow at 6:00ish?" If you don't want to that's fine with me." Alex asked nervously.

Tomorrow at 5:30 Alex was changing for his big date with Isabella. When he looked in the mirror he said to himself " I can do this I'm awesome." his dog looked at him funny. Alex said to the dog " Shut up!". When he got into his car he didn't know to address to Isabella's house so he called her "Where's your house?"Alex asked. Isabella answered" 4401 Sugar cane Court League City TX." "Thank you," Alex said.

When Alex got to her house He rang the doorbell and when she open the door she dress so nice you would not believe it. Alex asked " Would you like to eat somewhere fancy or just somewhere normal. "I really don't care where we eat as long as were together," Isabella said. Alex said " I was thinking the same thing." When they were having dinner they asked what do you do? Alex answered "I'm a lawyer." Isabella answered " I'm a doctor at a children's hospital. Alex exclaimed" cool!" After dinner he drove her to her house. Alex said "we should do this again some other time." Isabella said " Yeah, definitely." Alex drove home and slept real fast.

They Meet Up

When Alex woke up Isabella called him at 8:00 in the morning. She asked "Alex would you like to eat at salt grass tonight?" Alex answered " sure, What ever you Want." Isabella said " Thanks, your the best boyfriend Alex." Then Isabella hung up. After she hung up Emmy said she can't make it to lunch or dinner today.

When Alex got in the car he remembered the address Isabella told him: 4401 Sugar Cane court League City TX. Alex typed that into his GPS and he drove to her house. When Alex rang her doorbell Isabella answered it and she wore something casual, Alex loved her outfit. "Nice outfit your wearing" Alex said in a nervous voice. Alex was nervous because he took Emmy to salt grass and he didn't want to get that stuck in his head on his second date with Isabella.

When they got to salt grass Alex and Isabella waited for about one hour then Isabella said " You want to go somewhere else?" Alex said "No it's fine, look theirs a table for two. Wait here I'm going to ask the waiter if we can sit there." Alex asked the waiter " Can we sit here?" The waiter answered " Of course sir." When they went to go sit Alex saw Emmy and another man was sitting there. Alex said to Isabella " Excuse me I need to go to the rest room." Alex walked to there and said to the guy " Who the crap are you?" The guy answered I'm her boyfriend." "WHAT" Alex shouted. "I'm her boyfriend." Alex said. The guy stood up and they started fighting. Then Isabella walked over and said " What's going on." Emmy said "There fighting because I cheated on Alex for James." "What!" No I was His girlfriend for the past 2 weeks" Isabella said. " No I was" Emmy said loudly. "Is that true, you dated this broad." Isabella asked. "you cheated on both of us" Emmy said. No, yes but I didn't know which one to pick. The two girls ran outside with there hearts broken by Alex.

Final Chapter: Your The One

The next day he called Isabella, he got the same voice mail. She must be really mad at Alex. After he called Emmy, she didn't pick up either. He didn't know which one to pick so he picked then he got his computer and wrote facts about what he did and he got about the same number of facts on both of them. Then he went to a address he would really like and apologize to .......

Isabella, he knew the whole time that Isabella was the one. After Alex rang doorbell, her dad picked it up. Her dad said" You should leave. You broke my daughters heart, now she won't come out of her bedroom." " I know I messed up but would you please let me talked to her. I love her." Alex said. When Alex went to her room he said" I know your mad at me but Your The One I Love." " Then why did you cheat on me with that piece of S**t?" Isabella asked. Alex said " I didn't cheat on you, I dated her before we went out." " Really?" Isabella asked. Alex said back " Really." She got up and said to him" Your the one I would've pick too." And from this day on they would always go to the beach on Saturday. They got married 5 years later.


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