» Drama » Lost Love, Nicole Gonzalez [best summer reads of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Lost Love, Nicole Gonzalez [best summer reads of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Nicole Gonzalez

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The Suprise

It was a Friday morning at 7:46, when the doorbell rang. "It must be Sandra", I thought. I rushed downstrairs and opened the door. There was Sandra, wearing her dark blue jeans with a black tight longsleve and new dark brown Uggs. She looked pretty with her hair up in a pointy pony tail. I was wearing my hair down, a new one shoulder green shirt, my black jeans, and black flats. Sandra always said she sometimes envied me because I was so pretty. I always complimented her too, but I dont think she really felt pretty. We made our way out the door when Sandra gave me the big news.

Guess what?

What?, I asked.

I sighned you up for the school beauty pageant!, she said.

You what?!, I replied.

You heard me!

..But...why?, I asked.

Well, your like the prettiest and most popular girl at school. Im sure you will win.
That was true. Andrea was the most popular girl in school and she looked like a beauty queen.
She wasnt the only one though. There was aslo Maddie Wilson. She was one of Andrea's good friends.
Suddently Sandra broke the silence again.

I also want you to meet someone,she said.

Who?, I asked.

Just wait and see.
This morning was full of suprises!

The Wierd Feeling

As soon as we got to school, every guy started to wistle and look at us as if we were a new car or something. This was usual. Then we spotted Maddie,Lucy,and Carmen. Then something caught Andrea's attention. It was the guy standing between Carmen and Lucy.Suddenlly Andrea got this weird feeling in her stomach.

"Andrea, this is the person I was telling you about", said Sandra.

He's my cousin Sergio Zavala and he comes from Texas.

"Hi", I said. Im Andrea Perez.

He waved back. "Nice to meet you", he replied.

Then was a long silence.
Just then the school bell for first period rang.
I could hardly wait for break.

Andrea kept on staring at the clock the whole first and second period.
The tenth grade math and science class seemed to go on forever. At least that's what it seemed to Andrea.

In break,Andrea found Sandra and Maddie sitting with another group of kids. In that group of kids was Sergio. Andrea got out her pocket mirror and started fixing her hair. She wanted to look fantastic for Sergio.

"Hello",I said.

Hey!, everyone replied at the same time.

" Hey Andrea, there's going to be a welcome party for Sergio tommorow",said Sandra. I really want you to be there.

Sure,I replied. She could could hardly wait for tommorow.
Once again she took a quick glance and Sergio. Then once again, she got the weird feeling.

The Outfit

That same day, right after school I went to the mall with my older sister, Alexa. Alexa is 19 years old. She looks more like 20 though. She has the body Andrea once dreamed of having, which now she does have. Andrea also had an older brother named Gorge. They got along the most.

When they got to the mall, Andrea went straight to Macys. That is where she always found the best outfits or dresses. Andrea had in mind a tight, short, red dress. She really did want to impress Sergio. She went to the dress section, while Alexa was looking at the perfumes. First she saw a purple short dress, but she didn't really like the color. Then she saw a long red dress, but it was too long. Then she saw it. It was the perfect dress she had in mind.

It was the perfect dress. She also got a silver headpiece. She was goign to look beautiful!

The Party!

On Saturday night, Andrea was getting ready for the party. It was only 7:23. She had plenty of time to get ready. When she was finally ready, she looked beautiful! Her new red dress fit in with her curvy, hot body, which made her look sexy. She could hardly wait what Sergio would think. She already knew what the other guys would think, as usual, they would stare with the eyes and mouths wide open. Her hair was straight with a bump on top, and a white flower nest to her ear. She wore the silver jewerly she had boughten yesterday. She looked fantastic!

Her older brother George dropped her off at the party. When she got there everyone was already there and it was only 8:30. Then she spotted Sandra and Maddie. Sandra was wearing a navy blue longsleeve shirt with a black short skirt with a black belt in between. Maddie had curled her hair and wore a silver short dress. Then she saw Sergio. Even though she only saw him a couple of times she felt like she had known him forever.

She knew she had to make a move now, so she walked over to him.

Hi,I said.

Hi, Sergio replied.

There was a long silence.

So, You having a good time tonight?, I asked.

Yeah. I guess it's okay, he said.

It's just okay? Whats wrong with it?

No, nothing. I just miss my home.

"I'll show you to love it here too", Andrea thought. Instead she said," Why did you leave Texas"?

My dad heard about the school Sandra was going to, and he wanted me to get a better education. You know how parents are with their kids.

Yeah, I replied. In side Andrea knew that was not true. At least not to her. Her mom never paid much attention to her, and couldn't care less of what Andrea did with her life. Her dad was in Arizona working for a car agency. He bearly called home.

"Are you okay"? Sergio asked.

Yeah im alright. I replied.

I have to go to the bathroom, I said. I'll be right back to keep you company.


I went to the bathroom mirror. Andrea wanted to cry, but she didn't want to smudge her make up. She tried to fight back the tears. She remembered the time her dad was always home, and her mom accually cared for her. It had all passed so fast.

Minutes later, Andrea retured to the party. She looked at the spot she had last seen Sergio but he wasn't there. Finally she saw him. Dancing with Maddie. Andrea felt dissapointed. She tought they were having a conversation, and now he just dumps her like that? No one did that to Andrea. No one.

Umm, Excuse me?, I said, iterupting their dance.

What?, asked Maddie.

Sergio and I were talking.

That's not what I saw, he was standing there all by himself, Maddie said.

Well, I was in the restroom, but now I'm back. So you better scurry off, I said.

Excuse you?, said Maddie. But I don't think your the one who is supposed to decide for him. Anyways, why do you make such a big deal about it?

Just shut up! I said, as I pulled Sergio by the arm to where we were talking. But he didn't move.

Excuse me Andrea but, I was dancing with Maddie, he said. You can't just come up and make me stop dancing with Maddie just because you say so. I thought you were a different person, but now that I see your additude, I found out that your not he person I thought you were!

With those words, Sergio stormed off with Maddie following. Andrea had never felt more angry. Usually when a guy turned her down because of her additude, Andrea didn't really care. But with Sergio, it was different. Andrea wanted to scream. She hated Maddie. She hated this party. She hated this day. And for the very first time, she hated

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