» Drama » Cyber Bully, Danea [best book club books .txt] 📗

Book online «Cyber Bully, Danea [best book club books .txt] 📗». Author Danea

Chapter One

Ok Mya hurry up before you be late.
Mya: i know i know
Mom: well ok
I slipped on my uniform and walked out the door to the bus. I saw a whole bunch of kids standing and waiting till the bus arrived. Then 6 girls came up to me.
Lauren: hi im lauren and you are
Me: oh im mya im new
Taylor: well im taylor and this is lauren,kenzie,masha,tasha and lousie
Me: oh well hey
Louise: you wanna sit with us at lunch
ME: sure if thats ok
Lauren: of course were just nice
Me: well thanks. then the bus arrived. I got on and took a seat
Kenzie: umm you dont wanna sit by her
Me: why
Kenzie: shes a dork
Everybody on the bus laughed and the girl put her book up to her head.
Kenzie: umm here come sit by me
She scooted over and i sat next to her
Kenzie: Now mya tell me about you
Me: well imma girl and i like sports
Kenzie: oh my god all 6 of us dont do sports all we have to do is go around the school and look pretty.
Me: oh well thats pretty cool
Taylor: oh yeah it is
All six of them laugh.
Tasha: well were here look at your new school
Me: wow this is it
Masha: what did you expect a barn and a bell
Me: i laughed then they all laughed. Kenzie took my hand and all 7 of us were holding hands walking in the building. They took me straight to the bathroom.
Masha: look mya if your going to hang with us u need to look nice they started ripping my clothes and gave me this tiny skirt it was red and black like a plad shirt. Then they gave me this half white top with a tie.
Me: what do you want me to do with it
Masha: umm put it on duah
Me: ok i said then i put the clothes on and came back out the bathroom.
Kenzie: wow you look amazing
Then they took my hair out of a bun and started to fluff it up and let it down. I looked like one of them.
taylor: now you look like one of us.
They started to laugh and we walked to class

Chapter Two

E al had found out that we all had the same schedule, and right now we were going to lunh together. We sat at a table.
Masha: now new girl you cant sit at any other table besides this one.
Me: why not
Taylor: cuzz there filled with lames
Then we got up to get our lunch. Then this boy came up. He walked over to me.
Boy: hey are you new
Me: yeah
Taylor: look jason shes not intrested so you can run alone now.
The girls laughed.
Jason: well i came over here for masha and i was wondering
Masha: no
Jason: but you cut me off you didnt even know what i was going to say
Masha: look jason were done and i know you so the answer is no.
Jason: you ugly anyway
He left.
Taylor: look mya dont you ever talk to him he goes with so many girls
Tasha: what a player.
We walked back to our table and sat down.


Publication Date: 04-05-2012

All Rights Reserved

i dedicate this book to my friends and family.

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