» Drama » Sweet can go Bad, Me [best ebook reader ubuntu .txt] 📗
  • Author: Me

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Chapter 1: Miss Too good

BEEP,BEEP,BEEP.I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. " school again" i sighed, walking to my closet and picking out my regular,the things i picked out was an outfit, it was a white shirt that hugged my body and and black short skirt,with a black tie on it, this was my school uniform,to me it's slut-like for the principle to pick out such a short skirt,i mean he was a pervert anyway.I walked to my bathroom striping the clothes off me and hoping into to the shower, the hot water ran on me for about 5mins. i walked out the shower blow-drying my hair, flat ironing, and putting my fave black bow on with regular earrings, i am not the type of girl to put on make-up but i prefer putting on a small shade of lip gloss. i then walked to my room putting on my uniform and my black converse shoes grabbing my white book bag. i looked at the time noticing i was gonna be late for the 1st day of school, yes we just finished summer break yesterday and im so sad. i got my car keys,bread and ran out the door my car wasn't one of those rich people cars i just had a regular Nissan. Oh i forgot to tell you about myself, my name is Kayleigh Toshiba i am first rank in my class as smartest and coolest but at the same time im the most sweet,caring, etc people always call me "Miss Too Good or miss too goodie" yea some of them don't really have good grammar.I live with my annoying brother, he is ranked 3rd in class for the girls but for boys he's ranked first, for me on boys i am ranked 2Nd under the school slut -shiver-. I and him are too different people the only thing that might give you a clue that were related is the eyes, my hair is dark brown and i have dark green eyes that you could get lost in, same goes for my brother except he has black hair and blue highlights, all girls find that " hot" as they say, my best friend is head over heals in-love with him but im not so sure about him. i walked to class picking the seat in the back which was next to a guy, i felt a attraction to him somehow, maybe its his cologne that he's wearing it had this sweet amazing smell to it that the whole time class started i couldn't stop smelling, i thought but something in me started howling, at first i was freaking out "am i paranoid!!?" i kept asking myself " no its just that that dude next to you, god hes hot!" " who are you!?" i ask the person in me, " i'm your inner wolf, in other words how i act is what you want to be but never had the guts to do, oh!oh! and please please give me a pretty name! i really really really want a pretty one, how about day star, or um cloud or or-" " please shut up!, im not really understanding but i believe that your my inner wolf and I'm gonna name you hyper how about that?" " your such a meanie" she started whimpering. " ugh, okay fine, how about starlite?" oh! thats so pretty! yes!" starlit said sounding so hapy which made me smile, causing the guy next to me look, we stared at each other for a long time until i started blushing and looking away, he smirked. " What are you smirking about!?" i literary yelled at him in the middle of class, it was so embarrassing half the class was starring at me and some of them started giggling and laughing, this is the reason why i don't have alot of friends that are girls cause i hate when they do such girly stuff. "aha,well what do you expect YOU where the one staring at me ya know. " he said smirking like a mad old man."i was not!" i said blushing a bright red and turning the other way, once again he was smirking, ugh! whats this dudes problem i want to slap the silly smirk right off his face!. " ah! now don't get carried away kayleigh." starlit said sounding so worried for me. i sighed, " just shut up for a while starlit" i said, she started whimpering.Then i felt a tap on my shoulder, it was the guy i was sitting next to. " Mind telling me your name sweet angel? i'd like to know you better since where mates and all" he said smirking, I was so shocked by this what!? me!? Mates!? with this with this amazon!? "your.....joking.." i said between laughs thinking this was a hilarious joke. " uh, im not joking but if you insist on playing it the hard way then i'll go first, my names Darren" he said showing a really sweet smile that could knock any girl down. " u-um i-i my name is-" " Miss Kayleigh and Mr Darren im supposing you want dentition on a wonderful day of school like this!?" " No Mam" i said putting my head down." "i don't really give a dam" Darren said i think that was his name, i can't believe a good girl like me has a mate that's so stubborn and thinks he's so cool. What am i gonna do!??

Meeting my stubborn yet loving mate

Right after a Large argument with the teacher and Darren the bell rang and i went straight to my locker, before i could get there i felt these massive hands go around my waist, i knew there wouldn't be anyone stupid enough to do that since i knew karate, taking his hand i swinging it around landing him on his back in front of me."Ow..." he said "oh gosh! im so sorry! those were my instincts" i said i was really sorry i felt bad i mean i just met the guy and i'm already beating him up. " aha, its okay i forgive you only because your my mate" he said winking at me while getting up, it seems hes just fully recovered in seconds o.o." Mind telling me your name now beautiful?" he said " u-um i-i it's Kayleigh, b-but you c-can call me Kay" " aha, beautiful name you have Kay.. i'll get use to that" he said ,I suddenly blushed a light red, "What is he doing to me!??" i yelled in my head " aha what? AI'm doing thing" he said with a smile i couldn't get my eyes off. "H-how did u read my mind!??" "Oh, well Mates can read each other's minds" I stared blankly at him with my mouth open thinking What a horrible day this was, but at the same moment i was a little happy."It's the end of the day lemme drop you off" he said showing that flashing smile you could NEVER resit. "I guess so.." i started walking behind him like a little duckling, when i saw his car I was shocked. A turquoise colored Lamborghini, By the way my Favorited color is turquoise. My eyes where dazzling when i opened the door to find Dark color purple seats that had this soft feeling to it, but what i really hated was the scent of another girl..i felt like crying and He saw my eyes starting to get watery. "OH.. uh don't worry the scent is my younger brothers... uh girlfriend" When he said those words, i felt that the water from my eyes shot right back up into my eyeballs, i glanced at him and a smile rose from my face "WHAT THE HECK? WHY AM I SMILING WHY SHOULD I CARE IF HE GOT SOME OTHER GIRLS UGH!" " Ha ha, because you love me right?" at that moment i was stiff, it was quiet for a while until i wen to to sit down in the soft dark purple seats, buckling my seat belt like a robot. " Sorry, that question was a little weird, guess your not ready yet then" At first i noticed we weren't going to my house, Darren pulled up at a Large Orange house. "Mother of god...THIS HOUSE!!" i Yelled out noticing i yelled and covered my mouth afterwards, He laughed so natural and cute, i't took my breath away."Wait! why are we here? i thought you said you'd drop me off?" "Well i didn't say Your house" He smirked. I sighed and got out the car eager to see the inside of this majestic house. I ran like a little girl to the front and waited for Darren to hurry up, he was walking at a regular pace, which made me somehow feel to jump into those comfy looking arms. I watched as his hand slowly rang to doorbell. BONG BONG BONG was all i heard before a handsome guy with dirty blonde hair and and deep blue eyes. "Well hello gorgeous" The handsome guy said adding a wink. I blushed a small light red and turned to a angry looking Darren. "Back off Clonen she's my mate" He said, but i didn't pay attention to that i was looking at his black eyes. The guy that was sappose to be named Clonen was now looking shocked and both terrified. "You finally found her!? after 10 years??" Now i was shocked 10 years?? oh gosh.. i guess i should give him a chance i mean he's not bad. From the look of that i could see that Darren's eyes went back to normal and he was now smiling, there was only one reason... he read my mind.

New House,New rules... Wait im MOVING?

My eyes where now dazzling the reason was because I saw what was behind the guy named Clonen, inside was even more BIG! I blushed a hard red as Darren took my hand and pushed Clonen out of the way to lead me to a couch..was it a couch? looked more like a bed! i saw a kid about 3 years younger

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