» Drama » The Twins, Chalen D. [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «The Twins, Chalen D. [little red riding hood read aloud txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

My mom thinks she knows me, but she doesn't. she never takes the time to know me. when my mom was 15 she had me and my twin. my dad moved with his family taking my sister with him. My sister is your typical model cheerleader. i'm the kid that sits at the back of the class Hood up earphones in. i got tired of my mom telling me how much we looked alike so i dyed my hair red. right now my mom is shopping for food and i'm following hood up ear phones in sun glasses on. i looked up, to check around, when i saw my mom talking to me. "what?" i asked, taking out a head phone. a cart hit hers. "oh i'm sorry." the man said. "josh." my mom said. "alise?" he said, leaning forward. "whoa your still breath taking." he said. "gag me with a spoon i'm going to the car." i said. "Kaycey, this is Josh." my mom said. "what's up dude?" i asked, still walking. i through up my hand in greeting. "dinner!" my mom yelled. i came into the kitchen. "sorry about the small space things are kinda tight around here." she said. josh sat in a chair. i came in all the way. josh looked up and smiled. i mean really smiled, like the smile that happens when you see someone you really love and haven't seen anyone. a Blonde girl came and stood beside me. i looked at her and took a step back. her head inched towards the side. At the same time we lifted our hands and touched each other's cheek. "what's going on here?" i asked. "this is kayley, your sister." my mom said. i looked at the girl. "but where so different." kayley said. "that's what happens when your raised different, kk." josh said. "kaycey, kayley, please sit." my mom said. kayley sat down, but i stayed put. "kaycey, please, we need to talk." josh said. of course we do. "let me take a guess. you and mom fell for each other, and are getting back together, and we're moving to a Hollywood, ruining my life here, and then you'll get married and you'll want me and kayley of here, to be best friends so we can all live happily ever after." i said. josh looked at my mom. "she can read people." she siad. "look everything will work out." my mom said. "yeah, why don't i believe it?" i asked. "kaycey!" my mom called, as i went down the small hall into my room. josh came in. "look save the the lecture, we've been just fine with out you." i said. josh sat on the bed in front of me, i cracked my jaw in annoyance. "your mom's right, she knows you best." he said. i cut him off. "she knows nothing about me, the only person that is even close to knowing me is kayley, and that's not saying much, now is it?" i asked. "look, i know things are hard. but it will get better." he said. i stood. "you better be right josh." i said. i went back to the kitchen and ate in silence. i packed my closest belongings and we drove to Hollywood. "what do you think?" he asked. "i'm tired." i said. i was shown to my room, and fell asleep. the next morning i got dressed in black pants a blue shirt and my leather jacket. i put on red lip gloss and pined back my hair with a white rose. as soon as we where at school, kayley took off and hugged all her friends. i walked the other direction, cause i was not going to be the girl that needed her sisters friends. i sat on a wall and waited for the bell. "hey i'm allie." a girl with orange hair said. "kaycey." i said. "so your kayley's sister." she said. "worse." i said, slipping my sunglasses down my nose. "i'm her twin." i said. "harsh." she said. "tell me about it." i said. when i got home i did my home work and called my best friend hayley. "everything is so big here."{ i said. "take pictures, i gotta get to drama club." she said. i went down stairs and found the music room. "whoa." i said. "nice right?" josh asked. "i try to get kayley to sing, but she can't." he said. "you got the wrong twin." i said. "you can sing?" he asked. "even angels have their wicked schemes, and you take that to new extremes, but you'll always be my hero even though you've lost your mind." i sang. "whoa. you right." he said. i smiled and backed out of the room. that night they sat us down. "i'm pregnant." my mom said. me and kayley stood. "what?!" we yelled. we looked at each other and then to mom. "don't worry we're getting married." josh said. "what?" we asked. "calm down." my mom said. "you don't even pay attention to me or even kayley for that matter how could you bring a baby into this family?" i said. "if this is even one." i said. "kaycey!" josh called as i ran up the stairs. they tried to get me to open the door but i didn't. "open up kid!" kayley said. i opened the door. she came in and hugged me. i hugged her back. "look, mom and dad are out of their minds. they where never really there fir us. we have each other now so, we need to stick together." she said. "i just feel bad for the baby." i said, "i don't they'll have us." she said. we laughed. "yeah that's their only hope." i said. we laughed eight months passed and we had four days till we turned 16. right now we sat in the back seat of my moms car on the way to get dresses. "okay this one is for kaycey." they girl said. a girl came out in a black dress. "I love it." i said. "this one is for kayley." the girl said. a girl came out in the pink dress i picked for kayley. "oh i love it that's the one." she said. "everyone can i have your attention!" kayley yelled at lunch time. she stood on a table. "as you all know i'm turning sixteen, with kaycey." she said. she pulled me up onto the table. everyone started to talk. "as you know we're having a party at our house. anyone that wants to came is invited." she said. everyone yelled. "so two lines one in front of me and one in front of kaycey, we're passing out the invites." she said. everyone got in line, and we passed out the envelopes.

people set up the party as we got ready. i put on the dress and paced my room. music started to play and people started to party. i heard clapping as kayley walked down the stairs. i took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. people didn't clap instead they just stared with smiles, and gasps. i met with kayley. we partied, and had cake. i sat down by the pool. "so how does it feel to be a year older?' josh asked. "old." i said. "i have something for you." he said. he took a little box out of his pocket and opened it. i stared open mouthed as he slipped the ring on my finger. he kissed my forehead. "that way you'll always know i love you." he said. he got up to leave. he was almost to the door when i stood. "daddy!" i yelled. he turned. then i did something i never did before. i ran to him letting him catch me in a hug. "i love you." i said. "i love you kaycey." he said. after the party, my mom's water broke. "oh no." she said. "what?" my dad asked. "baby's coming." she said. we got her to the hospital. "wow, you guys exited for the baby to come?" the doctor asked. we where all dressed in the party clothes. "no, it's our birthday today, we had a party." kayley said. "and know where here." i said. the baby was born exactly at 11:59:59. "looks like next year, we're having a party for three girls." dad said. we laughed. "kayce, kk, name her." my mom said. me and kayley looked at each other before we said, "logan." our parents waited, a year before they got married. me and kayley dyed our hair to mach our dress, mom was mad, but forgave us. our bound as a family is stronger than ever and that, is what i'm thankful for.































Publication Date: 04-05-2012

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