» Drama » Why Me.?, Bianca Ramirez [e book reader android txt] 📗

Book online «Why Me.?, Bianca Ramirez [e book reader android txt] 📗». Author Bianca Ramirez

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September 9, 2013

It all started first day of eighth grade. I walk into the main entrance of my school along with an old classmate. We're directed to the school cafeteria, where the rest of the other eighth graders are. I walked in and I go to my class table 806. I sit and wait.

After a few minutes my teacher tells me to go to 814's class table. As I sit with strangers I look around and see that we're being walked to our first class. I stand and follow the rest. As weird as it seems I saw my cousin's ex girlfriend, apart of my class.

Walking to the double doors in the back I see a familiar face. I saw him a lot last year, he's my best friend's friend. He stands just in front of the door wearing a blue and white sweater, black hat that shows off his hair "flip". He stands tall about 5' looking around. As i get closer my face turns red and hot, butterfly's start fluttering in my stomach. I'm so nervous my legs start to shake, and I forget how to walk for a second.

When I walk past him I think about him, his face, his hair, his clothes. After a while I get distracted and no longer think about him. 

October 5, 2013

As each day of school went passed, I found myself talking to my cousins ex girlfriend, we became friends. Our lunch period is shared with the fucking entire eighth grade. I noticed myself searching the unfamiliar faces for him. I found him, and I learned his name from my Best friend. He is a Mexican with fairly cinnamon colored skin.

He had silver braces, dark black hair and the most sexiest voice. He always crossed my mind. My face always turning red as he walked by. He made me forget what I was I initially going to do. A friend I no longer interact with anymore, is in his class, 809. I tell my best friend, and my cousins ex, my crush. 

October 8, 2013

I become closer with my cousins ex girlfriend, I now call her one of my best friends. My best friend starts helping me with my crush. The more I see him around the more I find myself thinking about him. He soon crossed my mind and never left. Later I learn that a not that ugly guy added me on Facebook. 1 mutal friend, my cousins ex.

He started talking to me as if he knew me I was like 'woah who the fuck are you', I don't really have a lot of friends, so I talk to him. Before he says good bye, he says I'm cute. I take the compliment and say bye. I asked my cousins ex about him, she just smiled and said be careful with him. Confused I nodded.

October 11, 2013

I saw my best friend this morning. She was walking to her first period class. I walked up to her and tapped her. She turned around as I said hi. She smiled and told me some good news.., well great news. My crush wants her to bring me to him at lunch so we can officially meet. I smiled bigger than ever, blushing. In my head I was like " Holy fucking shit.! Yeass.! Oh shit I gotta talk to him.! Shit.! I can't do this.!" I told her " I can't." She looked puzzled and asked me why not, I explained that I'm nervous. She calmed me down by saying she was going to be at my side. As we walked she said good bye and walked in her class, I proceeded to walk down the hall to the last classroom on the left. I walked in and sat down, later I noticed I was drawing his name all over my notebook, hearts with his name and our names together. I don't know what we did in class that day, being completely in Lala land the whole time.I was thinking  "Damnit what the fuck she teach" when I walk to my next class.

Later that day at lunch I was sitting with my best friend mentally preparing myself. We got up and walked towards his class table, the closer we got the faster my heart would beat. I chickened out and walked passed his table to the back doors. I stopped and told my best friend I was ready. She grabbed my wrist and walked me over to him. He stood and faced us, she grabbed his wrist and made our hands touch. I felt the room get hotter, as I nervously said Hi. He said Hi back and I awkwardly stuttered as I said " she brought me here, uh.. So hi ". He said " Soo..uh., how are you doin'.? " I said good, and asked the question in return, he also said good.

Then he asked how I've been, I replied okay. We awkwardly paused for a few seconds until he saw he friend walk up to us and look at us back n' forth. My crush asked his friend what he wanted. His friend smirked and said " Nothing ". Then his friend yelled " He likes you.! He wants to marry you.! " My crush a quickly said " Shut the fuck up yo.! " as he punched and pushed his friend away. I started to giggle and watch him. I blushed more because of what his friend said. When his friend finally went to sit down, my crush apologized. I said it was okay smiling at him.

Noticing he looked nervous, I said I had to go, also because we were standing there in an awkward silence. I smiled as I said bye. He smiled back and said by. Forgetting how to walk I almost fell as I turned to go to the bathroom with my best friend. 

October 15, 2013


At lunch today I walked to talk to my crush. Not really willingly since I was almost beingf dragged there, I was nervous. My friends left me alone with my crush and his friends, I asked him if we could walk. We walked about 5-7 feet away from his friends in the middle of the school yard. We said about three words before we had an uncomfortable silence. Taking a huge risk to break the silence, I managed to say " Well're cute and stuff.." Luckily he said thanks, and said " Um you too.." I blushed and said thanks. 

His friends soon came to crowd us and stare. I looked at them like "What the fuck you want" Me and my Crush looked at them as they said " Ohh no, no continue.." With a slight smirk. My crush made them go away, and allowed only one of his friends to stand within 3 feet of us, because he wanted to listen. One of my guy friends started to whisper to me, telling me to ask him out already. I continually said " No shut up ", most girls want the guy to ask them out, like me. My guy friend asked me if he could talk to his friend, my crush, I said sure and looked at my friends, who were starring at me in a group. My crush's friend, The observer who wanted to listen, came to me and asked if I liked his friend. I said " Noooooo I'm standing here this nervous for no reason" sarcastically. He asked again and I said " Yeas " being more clear.

When my crush returned he said " So are you nervous.?" I said " Yeah.." Then he walked to my side and he said " There's a question being talked about.." I walked with him as I said "Mhm". He looked at me and said " Would you like to go out with me.?" I said " Yeah..kinda" with a smile, mentally freaking out in excitement. He asked me if I wanted him to walk me to my class. I said yeas and bit my lip. 

When we got to my class "The observer" came to talk to us before I went in. He looked at him and he asked if he was going to ask me out yet. My crush told him he did already. He then looked at us back n' forth saying " You did.!? He did.!?" I smile and we both said "Yeas.!" He said "Oh" as my teacher made me walk in class. We said bye.

I walked to my cousins ex and I told her. We hugged, squealed, and started jumping. 

I replayed the moment in my head, drawing the date in my notebook with hearts all around it. 

Walking out of school I saw him and we walked out together. He goes right, and I go left, he awkwardly left me not

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