» Drama » All and Enough, Bianca Johnson [my reading book .txt] 📗

Book online «All and Enough, Bianca Johnson [my reading book .txt] 📗». Author Bianca Johnson

Chapter 1

Its seven o'clock in the morning and Veronica hasn't been beat by her husband , yet . Veronica and Tyree , her husband , has been together since they were in high school . They had gotten married after they got out of college awhile back . Every since the day they had got married , he had been beating her . As she gets out of her bed , her face is sore . He hit her several times last night for not running his bath water correctly . She heads to the kitchen to find him sitting in a chair and her younger sister Victoria cooking breakfast . Finally Veronica says " Why you didn't cook , you are supposed to be the man . " . Tyree pulled up fast out of his seat and smacked her as hard as he could knocking her into to wall behind that hangs nude pictures of him that he had made her took . Victoria had rushed over to her but Tyree gave her a nice shove and sent her arm flying into the hot grease that bacon had been cooked in . She started screaming but he made his way over to her and covered up her mouth and whispered into her ear making her tear up in the eyes . As Veronica felt a little relieved, she started to get up . Before Tyree made his way out the door to work he said " And make sure you both be in the house by 8:30 , I have a surprise for the both of you ." and smiled . Victoria went over to Veronica to make sure she was okay , but by then she had made it to her feet walking upstairs to get dressed for work . A few minutes later


Publication Date: 10-31-2011

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