» Drama » Selena, Taylor Leighann [books under 200 pages TXT] 📗

Book online «Selena, Taylor Leighann [books under 200 pages TXT] 📗». Author Taylor Leighann


Selena’s body wakes up after seven hours of sleep. Laying on her bed comfortably, stretching, reaching her arms up, letting out a cute moan. Realizing she needs to pee, getting up still half asleep on her way to the bathroom. Sits on the cold toilet seat, with her eyes closed her cheek laying on her hand holding herself up, slowly waking up. Her long curly brown hair resting on her arms, her lashes laying on her cheeks. Suddenly she hears someone knocking on her door. Not in any rush Selena finishes flushing the toilet, but not washing her hands, they knock on the door again.

“I’m coming, I’m coming” She says yawning afterwards.

She peaks through the door hole. An average sized guy, black short hair, mixed, probably 23. Opening the door, “yes?” she says, “uh hey I’m your new next door neighbor, my names Fanuel.” Handing her some kind of pie. “oh cool, Selena, what’s this?”, she slightly awkwardly and takes the pie into her hands. He shrugs “Oh it’s just some pie my wife made me bring over. Its good though I promise.” Selena chuckles. “well thank you, I actually have to go, but thank you so much for this and tell your wife I said thank you, and nice to meet you!” she says in somewhat a hurry wanting to go lay back down. “Oh, it’s no problem and you to.” He winks at her then walks away. She closes the door and laughs a little “the fuck”. She puts the pie up and walks back to her room as though that awkward situation did not just happen. She sits on her bed, grabs her phone, just looking through it and checking her messages to see if she can find something to do today.

“Fanuel Torres sent you a Friend Request.” She sees when she checks her fb, all though it was weird she thinks nothing of it and accepts it anyway. She messages her friends and seeing if anybody wants to go out while it’s her off day for work. Waiting on responses she takes a shower. Getting out wrapping her hair in a towel and her body, going to the kitchen to find a quick eat. Not seeing anything she wants, then remembers that pie her new next door neighbor have given her an hour or two ago. “mmm pecan pie, my favorite” she moaned as she took a bite out of it. Quick eat became two pieces of pie later, she finally went back to her room and put some comfortable clothes on, sitting on her bed checking her phone again. Two people leaving her on seen, Emily messaged back telling her to come pick her up.

“hey.”-Fanuel Torres. “uh not thanks.” She says leaving him on seen. Throws her hair up, and slides some shoes on grabbing her things and driving to her friend’s house. Going back to her house to hang out, watches a couple of movies.

“Dude I caaaannnt wait till this weekend!” Emily said enthusiastically.
“Why hah”

“I’m staying over josh’s house and I get to meet his daughter, I’m so excited. But like what if she doesn’t like me, what if she’s like, I don’t know. A freaking brat?”

Selena laughs “Girl you’ll be fine, I promise, josh loves you, I bet she will to.”

“Still scared though, but hey what about you. I know what you need, you need you a little side.” Emily says as she has her mouth full of food.

“Oh whatever, but some really weird dude came over today, apparently, my new next-door neighbor? I don’t know but he added me on Facebook AND messaged me!”

“Is He cute” Emily smiles looking at her waiting for her to answer

“His married Emily”


They laugh continuing the movies. Three or four hours later Emily calls it a night and goes home, Selena exhausted, passes out on the couch.

The next morning Selena wakes up to her phone blowing up, 17 missed calls and 20 text messages Realizing she’s 30 minutes late for work, throwing on her clothes, and putting on her make up on her way there. Walking in the office, her boss slightly glared at her but not saying anything, she smiles and walks in her cubicle. Sitting in her rolling chair rolling her eyes. “asshole”. “I heard that” a guy standing behind her says smiling, she jumps and turns around and realizes it’s the guy from yesterday morning. “shit” Selena says holding her chest “you scared me “he chuckles “my bad”. “you work here?” she says trying to hide the fact that she’s kind of weirded out by it. “Oh no, my wife does, I bring her lunch before I go to work, I saw you yesterday here and thought I’d say hi, hope that’s not weird.”

“Uhhh no, not at all, and she does? What cubical?” she asked curiously “Oh I’m not really educated on the whole cubical thing yet so I’m not sure yet hah, but I got to go to work, see you around Selena.” Winks at her and walks away. “Probably not.” She mumbled as she turned back around. She texts Emily about seeing Fanuel again and goes about her day. Later that night one of her ex comes over, Amberlynn. Short, Thin, Pale as a ghost, plush lips and light green eyes with black long silky hair that flows down her back perfectly. Pulls up wearing dark jeans and a long sleeve white crop top and cute dark grey sandals not wearing a bra so you can see her nipples pierce through her shirt. Hearing a knock at the door, Selena answers it seeing her ex trying not to look at her perfectly round breast. “What do you want Amb?” Not even looking in her direction. “You don’t go out no more, you don’t call, not even a fuck you so I know you’re alive?” “As if you care.” Selena rolling her eyes walking back into her house and sitting on the couch continuing to watch whatever show was on at that moment. Amberlynn signing, walking over behind the couch rubbing her hands down her arms. “Don’t say that, you know I care.”

“Should’ve thought about that before you cheated on me.” Selena says not budging. Amberlynn leans over and goes to kiss Selena, she resists for a few seconds but gave in, kissing amberlynn back. Bringing back memories of their 5-year relationship, wanting to stop but can’t. Feeling her soft pink plush lips rub against hers reminded of her of when they were happy. While amberlynn climbs over the couch getting beside her, rubbing her fingers through Selena’s hair, Kissing getting more intense and deep, Selena gently caressing Amberlynn’s breast, lifting up her shirt, rubbing her nipples with her fingers. Amberlynn smiles “I miss this.”, “me too”, Selena says with slight heavy breathing. Selena starts kissing her breast, still rubbing her nipples. Amberlynn stops her, lifting her chin up with her finger. Selena looks at her for a second without saying anything, “Isn’t this what you want?” you could hear that she is somewhat hurt in her voice. “Of course, it Is what I want, but is it what you want?” hoping to hear her say yes, but she says nothing. “I guess I better go.” She signs. “If that is what you are wanting” Selena says not looking at her, knowing she does not want her to go.
“Lay down”

“excuse me?” Selena says looking at her weirdly.

“Let me make up for what I did, let me make you happy again.”

Selena looking at her, not knowing if she is being sincere or not. Not knowing if she actually loved her, or just wanted to make love to her. Then again amberlynn always has done this. When they were upset, sex, Hungry? Sex, Bored? Sex. Maybe she did love her, but just did not know how to show her emotions thoroughly. “or maybe I’m just overreacting or why does even any of this matter”, Selena thought to herself. Being in the vulnerable state that she was in, and lack of care, or was it too much care? Who cares. Selena laid down anyway, pulling amberlynn on top of her, wanting her but not wanting her at the same time.

“good” Amberlynn says kissing down her stomach, sliding her pants off at the same time. ” I promise you won’t regret it” Kissing the inside of her thighs, nibbling at them. With her hands running up Selena’s shirt to her breast, caressing them. Kissing her on the outside of her panties, licking her. “You make me so wet” Selena says whispering in desire, not even caring at that moment if she leaves and never comes back like last time. Amberlynn smiling, kissing back up her body then her lips. Sitting on top of her pulling her shirt off, and her bra. Holding her hands above her head, kissing her neck. Both making quiet moans. Amberlynn starts sucking on her breast, using one hand holding her hands and the other slowly down her panties. Feeling how wet she is, rubbing a soft plump pink pussy. Rubbing her clit slowly, Selena breathing slightly heavily, moaning. Sliding her finger inside of her, then starts kissing her breast, her stomach, across her waist line. Kissing her thighs, then her pussy. Licking her clit, while fingering her. Selena leaning her head back, rubbing her breast. “God I love you”

Amberlynn making her orgasm several times, licking her dry each time. Kisses in between, Selena constantly telling her “fuck me.”. After Cumming again and again, Selena sits up, holding her hand on Amberlynn’s cheek kissing her. “my turn” Selena says while nibbling on ear lobe, rubbing her thigh. Without hesitation, amberlynn lays down. “nonono” Selena says making that cute giggle that amberlynn loved. “what?” amberlynn said smiling but confused. “Sit on my face.”




Publication Date: 02-16-2017

All Rights Reserved

Is she being stalked? Or is it a afair? Does Amberlynn really love her? Selena, a 21 young hispanic girl living on her own with a bunch of random drama in her life. Weird new next door neighbor, and a ex who always pops back up. Book not finished, just started. Wanted to post the beginning as a small demo. Let me know what you think in the comments!! would be much appreciated. :) Enjoy!

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