» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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Bianca rolled her eyes. "Oh jeez! Spot sounds REALLY boring! Come on! He can't be as bad as you make him out to be. You're not telling me everything are you?"
"Well," started Evelyn. "We ended up leaving early because we saw Charles Vanham there. Spot didn't want me getting caught so we ended up leaving early."
"And...?" Bianca pressed on.
"And that's it." said Evelyn.
"No great kissy time?" asked Bianca.
Evelyn blushed. "Shh! No!" she lied. She had to. She didn't feel like telling Bianca THAT much already. Besides, Spot ended up acting really weird after that and just wanted to forget that kiss ever happened. But damn was that kiss good. She hadn't been kissed like that ever before. Did guys from way-back-when have a knack for kissing? Evelyn smiled to herself at the thought. Nah. She thought. I must just be kissed deprived or something silly like that, she told herself. Just then a newsie boy bumped his way into Evelyn, shouting out the headline. Evelyn looked around in her dress pocket for a penny and handed it to the boy. He then gave her paper and was about ready to head off but Evelyn called out to the boy and he turned back around. She took out her pancake from her bag and out of the cloth napkin and handed it to him. The boys face lit up like she had just given him some gold. The boy smiled, tipped his hat, said thank you before taking the food and walked off happily with both food and money in his hand. Evelyn felt pretty good about herself and didn't notice Bianca staring at her.
"What was that all about?" asked Bianca. "Now your handing out free food?"
Evenly only smiled and continued on walking to school.

Spot sat in his chair reading a paper. Working at the District Work Center sure beat selling papes. Most of the time Spot found himself either doing paper work, working on projects, yelling at people to do their own projects or taking errands for Mr. O'Brian or Charles. He cringed at the thought of him and put his paper down. He took off his cap and ran his fingers through his hair. Just then two hands slammed down on the table he was at and startled him a bit. "Jessus!" he said. "The hells ya do that for?" he complained. When he saw who it was he grew even more annoyed. "Well if it aint Mr. Vanham himself."
"I've been trying to find you all morning. I have something to talk to you about."
Spot sighed. Annoyed and just completely irritated. "Can it wait?" he said.
Charles raised a brow and placed his hands on his hips. "Don't speak to me so 'lightly' Mr. Conlon. And no, it cannot wait."
"Ah right fine. What you got t'say?"
Charles sat himself down and began talking. "I saw you last night," he started. "With that Connealy girl, Miss. Evelyn. I advise you to stay away from her."
"Jealious?" asked Spot.
Charles glared at Spot. "She's just a girl, Spot. I don't want you going and ruining her."
Spot glared back. "The hells dat suppose t'mean eh?" now he was just pissed off all together.
"Just be careful, Spot. I won’t tell on you because then that means I'll be telling on Miss. Evelyn, and I don't want her getting in trouble for your stupidity." he rose from his chair and walked away from Spot and out of his sights. Spot let out a sigh of relief, glad that that conversation was over and done with. But in a way, Charles was right. Evelyn was a nice girl, but all Spot wanted was to show the poor girl what a real party was. He never meant for this to happen. He never meant to...kiss her. He would have to stay away from the O’Brian’s house then for a while until he got rid of the thought of wanting to kiss Evelyn again. In a small way, Charles was right: Evelyn is a nice girl being brought up by good people and he...he was poor and always living on the edge. He was busy supporting his family. He didn't have time to be chasing skirts like he did in his younger teens. He was almost twenty and his mother was already nagging him about finding a wife and having lots of babies. Spot completely ignored her on that subject and usually left the apartments whenever she brought it up. For now, Spot had his work cut out for him and it liked it that way.

While sitting at her desk and writing on her black board with white chalk, Evelyn raised her hand for Mrs. Thorn to come over. Just as she did, Mrs. Thorn stood up from her desk and briskly walked over to Evelyn's side and checked all her answers. "Very well," said Mrs. Thorn. "You are free for the rest of the morning. Continue on with your reading until the rest of the class is done." she walked back over to her desk sat down, picking up her book she was reading just moments before. Evelyn flipped open her book of Romeo and Juliet. She was to the part Murcutio was just about to be killed by Tibalts blade. That part was so moving in the movie, but reading the part in the book moved her emotions even more. She felt for Murcutio. She knew what it was like to have such a dear friend. Evelyn then peaked a glance to Bianca who was done with all of her morning studies and reading the same book too. She was further in it though and looked just as sucked into it as Evelyn herself. She then went back to reading, remember the place and the setting and wishing that she could tell Bianca that her liking Spot was not just some foolish game. She really did like spot and not only because he looked a great deal like Scott. She just didn't know how to go about telling Bianca how she really felt.

On the way back from school Bianca and Evelyn saw a bunch of those Plug uglies again beating up a newsie and taking all of his papes and most of his money. The two looked around while the poor boy got beat up and left there on the side of the street. It was such a dirty world and Evelyn wished she could just stop it all. The newsie sniffed and picked himself up and limped away from his selling spot.
"I feel so bad for those newsie," said Bianca. "And those damn Plug uglies! I'd sure like to shove my fist into all of their faces."
"Why don' ya then?" said a voice.
The girls spun 'round and saw Racetrack sitting on some steps, lighting a cigar. "Thomas?!" said Bianca.
Racetrack puffed out smoke slowly. "Eh, call me by my nick name, Racetrack. I answeh betteh t'that more. Thomas is what my granny calls me...And Abby."
"Oh. Right. So Racetrack," started Bianca. "About what I said..."
"Ya can't do it can ya? Is dat it?"
Bianca shook her head. "Oh no. I could probably do it, I just think those Plug uglies wouldn't stop bothering me then after that. And not because I beat 'em up, but cause I'm so gorgeous!" she flicked her hair and laughed jokingly. Evelyn and Racetrack joined in.
"Sure, Bianca," said Evelyn and Bianca gave her a playful shove.
Racetrack stood up from the step he was sitting on and said, "You goilies are different."
"That suppose to be a bad thing?" Evelyn said.
Racetrack quickly shook his head. "Nah! Everyones always so polite deas days. It jus' annoyin' ya know? And you two, especially Blondie oveh heah, Bianca, jus' don' give crap what othehs think or say." The girls could only shrug, know that Racetrack was right. "I like you goils. And so does my sisteh. Well I best be off to the lodgin' house. Grannys drivin' me crazy." he laughed a little and waved the girls off.
Racetrack was right. The girls definitly a different kind of spunk then the rest of the folks and they would have to be careful about that. People would start to ask questions and get sneaky and that was something the girls did not want to have to worry about.

Later on that day Evelyn stood by a window in the music room and watched as men worked on the green house. She noticed right away that Spot wasn't there. She had a bad feeling it was because of her.
"Something troubling you me dear?" asked Sybelle.
Evelyn turned around quickly and said, "Oh! No. Nothings wrong. Just thinking is all." she gave her a small smile.
Mrs. O'Brian smiled back. "How ya think of the party?"
"It was nice. I really enjoyed it."
Mrs. O'Brian chuckled. "Oh, that's good t'hear me dear. Come sit down. Let's play the piano for a while." It had been a few days that Evelyn and Sybelle had practice anything on the piano and it was good to hear the soft melodies the keys gave off. It was a good way to rid the thought of Spot from Evelyn mind too, at least for the time being. She kept her focus on how to play the keys just right and before she knew it she had gotten through her first song.
"Oh this is great!" said Sybelle. "You are learning quickly! I never had any daughters to teach music too and me boys were neveh the type to follow into music. They were so much like their fatheh." Evelyn could tell that she was happy with her and Bianca being here and wished, in some way, that she could stay here forever, but nothing ever lasted forever, unless if you were dead.

When night came, Evelyn lay all nice and warm in her bed. The sheets covering her toes and up over her chest. The lights were off and the moonlight shined in a little through the curtains, giving off a blue colored light in the room. Evelyn watched at some shadows danced across the ceiling while it blew in the wind. The image of it was so peacful it made her fall right to sleep. But she soon started to dream; at least she thought she was dreaming. She stood at the foot of her bed again, looking down at herself. She turned around and saw misty light sink in from underneath the door. This dream was all too familiar to her. As she opened the door she found herself standing in the hospital hallway again and blinking dull light by the desk in the distance. She stepped forward, walking ever closer to the first room, Bianca's room. She peaked her head inside and saw that Bianca's limp body was still laying there in bandages. Evelyn continued on walking and then came to the second room, her room and walked inside, seeing herself again on the bed. She looked like a tragic mess the closer she walked over to the bed side.
"This is what you've become, Evelyn." said a voice.
Startled, Evelyn looked over her shoulder and gasped. "S-Scott?!" she was so frozen she couldn't move from where she was standing and Scott only stood a few feet away.
He slowly walked over to the other side of the bed and said, "This is you, Evelyn."
"I...I know." she answered.
"And this is how you will stay even once you wake up."
"What do you mean "Once I wake up."?"
Scooted sighed, looking down at the Evelyn who laid on the bed and then at Evelyn herself. "You’re stuck in-between time, Evelyn."
"And you will be stuck like this until you decide what you want to do...I mean...till your heart knows what it wants to do."
"Explain...?" said Evelyn having a hard time believing that it was really Scott she was talking to or a figment of her imagination.
"Right now, Evelyn, your body is laying here, unconscious, dying slowly, while the conscious part of you is stuck where you
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