» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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are now. For some reason you were brought to where you are for a certain reason and you have to figure why, but you don't have that much longer to think about what it is, that's why you have to hurry."
"What about Bianca?" asked Evelyn.
"What happens to her is entirely up to you. This is your doing and you have to pick up the pieces and place them together again...It's not your time to die yet, Evelyn. It's the same for Bianca too. You got you yourself and here into this mess and only you can get yourselves out of it."
"What if I tell Bianca about this?"
Scott shrugged. "I don't know all the details. I'm just the messenger boy." he then reached over and placed a hand on Evelyn's. It was very faint, but she could feel his touch. "What happened to me is not your fault, but your here for a reason. Someone here, in this time, needs you. That's all I can tell you. Now, wake up." and like that Evelyn awoke and sat up fast in her bed. She kicked the covers off of her and slipped of her night rob. She opened up the bedroom door and closed it quietly. She need to get up and walk around; to think. As she descended down the stairs she noticed a light coming from inside Mr. O’Brian’s study room. He was talking to someone, but who? Evelyn peered in closer through the cracked door and listened in on the conversation.
"She's a nice girl, yes, I know." it was Mr. O'Brian talking. "But she hardly knows you."
The man he was talking to sighed. "Yes, that's true too, but give me some time with her, perhaps even alone, maybe we could make a good match." The voice sounded familiar. Who could it be?
"That's if she wants’ to. I cannot force her." replied Mr. O'Brian. Another question struck Evelyn: Who were they talking about?
"Completely understandable. I just hope you put some thought into this." said the man. After that Evelyn heard some shuffling and ran to the stairs seeing how the two men were walking out of the study room. Evelyn pretended to just be coming down and saw Mr. O'Brian and Charles Vanham walking out of the room. She was stunned a little to see him here at this hour of the night.
"Ah! Miss. Evelyn. It's good to see you. I hope our talking did not wake you." said Charles.
Evelyn shook her head. "No, no. I just came down to use the restroom." she then looked away from the two and started to walk away.
"Ah! Evelyn...?" called out Mr. O'Brian. Evelyn turned back around, waiting for his reply. "The bathroom is the other way." he told her. Evelyn nodded once and headed in the right direction this time, brushing past Charles; her nerves chilling her as she did so.
Chapter 11: Waking up to a nightmare.

Bianca woke up that morning and noticed that Evelyn had woken up before her. Lately, Bianca had been feeling tired throughout most of her days. She found herself going to bed early and waking up late. She didn't know what was wrong with her. As she slipped the covers off of her she could hear the men outside hard at work putting together the green house. When she looked outside she saw that they were almost done. Another thing she noticed was that Spot wasn't there. He hadn’t been there all week. She shook the thought from her and decided that whatever it was it wasn't her business.

As she got dressed and brushed her hair and neatly put it into a bun she headed down stairs, smelling some eggs and bacon. She walked into the dining room seeing that everyone else had ate their breakfast. Abigail then walked in, ready to clean up some dishes and stopped as soon as she saw Bianca standing there.
"Oh! 'scuse me!" she said and started to head out the way she had come.
"Wait!" Bianca called out.
Abigail stopped and turned around. "Yes?"
"Is there still food left?" just as she had said that her stomach growled. Bianca blushed a little with embarrassment and Abigail cleared her throat, trying not to giggle.
"Yes, there is. I'll get you a plate right away."

Within a few minutes Abigail came back out with a full plate of food. Bianca's nose was right. They did have bacon and eggs for breakfast. "Is there anything else you need?" asked Abigail.
Bianca shook her head and Abigail started to walk away. "Wait!" said Bianca again. "Sit down. I could use a good conversation." she told her. Abigail nodded once and sat down next her. Bianca took a few bites of her food before starting up a conversation with Abigail who seemed to be a very quiet girl. "What got you started working for the O'Brian's?" asked Bianca.
Abigail cleared her throat and said, "My little brother, Thomas---"
"Racetrack." said Bianca.
"Abigail nodded. "Yes. Well, shortly after selling papers he found this job for me and I took it up right away." Bianca nodded, Not sure on what to say next, but it was Abigail who spoke up this time. "Um...If you don't mind me asking...Where did you come from? I've heard all sorts of rumors but---"
"What kind of rumors?" Bianca said suddenly.
Abigail shrugged her shoulders. "Just silly stuff is say that you and your friend are run aways or something outrageous like that..."
Bianca raised a brow. "Well you can tell them that we are NOT run aways. Evelyn and I's just..." Bianca wasn't sure what to tell this girl. Either way, Bianca would have to lie to her. "Evelyn and I lost some very close friends and we had no idea what to do or where to go...So we came to Brooklyn." Bianca quickly shoved more food in her mouth, afraid she would let something slip. At least part of her lie was true.

Later on that day, the sun was out and the wind made the weather reasonable. Bianca stood on the back porch watching the men get back to work. Evelyn and Sybelle were inside playing the piano and Mr. O'Brian sat to far right side of the porch talking something over with Charles Vanham and a few other men. Bianca felt like she was the only one not doing anything. Maybe this was why she had been tired? Was she depressed? She did miss her family. Sure she had Evelyn with her and had nice place to stay, food in her belly and a safe place to sleep at night, but she wanted more than anything was to feel important again. She wanted to see her family and help them out; she wanted to go back to work at the mall and she wanted to play with her younger siblings cousins again. Everyone seemed to have somebody but her and it made her sick to her stomach. She felt grounded; she felt as if she was already looking at her future.

Suddenly she found herself walked towards the working men. For some odd reason she wanted to help them. She enjoyed building things and getting a good workout.
"Watch out miss!" Someone yelled and before she knew it a long piece of wood smacked her right in the face. The next thing she saw was a white ceiling. She could hear a faint beeping sound and looked over to see what it was. Her eyes grew wide when she realized where she was: A hospital. She started to freak out when she couldn't see out of her left eye. She had wanted to reach up and touch it, but her left arm was in a cast and it hurt to try and move it so she reached up with her right hand felt a bandage around it. She looked down at her feet and her right leg was in a cast too. What the hell was going on? Hot tears started to form in her eyes. An I-V was stuck in her right arm and other cords were attached to her. She saw a nurse walk in soon after. At first she was looking down at some papers and then when she looked up, seeing that she was awake, she gave Bianca a warm smile. "Good morning." she said to her.
"What's happened to me?" she asked the nurse.
The nurse placed her hand on Bianca's head and told her. "You are lucky to be alive."
"What happened?!" Bianca said again.
"You got in an accident, dear. You've gone through some pretty rough stuff. It's best you try to keep calm."
Then it hit her. Bianca remembered that night that Evelyn was driving. "H-how long have I been asleep?" she asked the nurse.
"A little over a month. You're friend though is still in a coma."
"Coma?" said Bianca. Is that what had happened to her after the crash? But how was that possible? she had just been at the O’Brian’s house a few seconds ago.
The nurse hooked the I-V cord up to a new patch. "There. That should do it." the nurse looked down and then asked Bianca if she was hungry. Come to think of it, Bianca was hungry. In fact, she was starving! Bianca nodded and the nurse smiled again. Bianca was really getting tired of this nurses icky sweet smile. "Right. I'll be back as soon as I can." With that the nurse left, leaving Bianca to herself again.

Bianca tried to sit up, but she was in too much pain and decided to stop trying. An hour passed before the nurse came back with a tray of food. On it was pudding, toast with butter, water and some chicken broth. The nurse grabbed a device from the side of the bed and pressed down on a button and the bed slowly moved up. Bianca was now able to be up straight and eat her food. Only one problem occurred though: Bianca was left handed and her left arm was in a cast so she was forced to use her right. When the nurse tried to help Bianca yelled at her, telling her to leave. The nurse quickly left the room and Bianca tried feeding herself again. Her hot soup fell off her spoon before she could even get it to her mouth. She tried this another three times and when the same thing happened and she tossed her spoon on the tray. Not feeling very hungry anymore she watched as the steam rose up from the small cup. Bianca looked out the window, the sun was out and she could see trees swaying in the wind. She didn't know or keep track of how much time had passed. She enjoyed the scenery so much she closed her eyes and imagined herself back at the O'Brian's house, sitting under the tree in the back yard with Evelyn, laughing and telling stories. Soon the door swung open again, thinking for sure it was the nurse again, Bianca was about ready to snap at her but thought otherwise when she heard her mother’s voice ring in her ears.
"Bianca! Oh my little girl!" her mother, Grace, ran up to her bed and hugged her.
"Mom?! Ouch!"
"Oh! Sorry about that!"

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