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to] F1. by F2 F3 F4.

Keep] Sleep Johnson conj.

251. See note (X).

267. ’twere] it were Singer.

267-271. Pope ends the lines with that? ... slipper ... bosom ... Milan ... molest ... brother.

267. See note (XI).

269. twenty] Ten Pope.

270. stand] stood Hanmer.

candied] Discandy’d Upton conj.

271. And melt] Would melt Johnson conj. Or melt id. conj.

273, 274. like, that’s dead; Whom I, with] like, whom I With Steevens (Farmer conj.).

275. whiles] om. Pope.

277. morsel] Moral Warburton.

280, 281. business ... hour.] hour ... business. Farmer conj.

282. precedent] Pope. president Ff.

287. O] om. Pope.

[They talk apart] Capell.

Re-enter Ariel invisible.] Capell. Enter Ariel with music and song. Ff.

289. you, his friend,] these, his friends Steevens (Johnson conj.).

289, 290. friend ... project dies ... them] friend ... projects dies ... you Hanmer. friend ... projects die ... them Malone conj. friend ... project dies ... thee Dyce.

298. [They wake.] Rowe.

300. this] thus Collier MS.

307. Gonzalo] om. Pope.

312. verily] verity Pope.

upon our guard] on guard Pope.

Act II: Scene 2

4. nor] F1 F2. not F3 F4.

15. and] now Pope. sent Edd. conj. (so Dryden).

21. foul] full Upton conj.

35. [Thunder] Capell.

38. dregs] drench Collier MS.

40. Scene iii. Pope.

[a bottle in his hand] Capell.

46. and Marian] Mirian Pope.

56. savages] salvages Ff.

60. at’s nostrils] Edd. at ’nostrils F1. at nostrils F2 F3 F4. at his nostrils Pope.

78. you, cat] you Cat Ff. a cat Hanmer. your cat Edd. conj.

84. well] F1 om. F2 F3 F4.

115, 116. Steevens prints as verse, I’ll ... thy True ... earthly.

118. swear, then, how thou escapedst] swear then: how escapedst thou? Pope.

119. Swum] Swom Ff.

131. and thy dog, and thy bush] thy dog and bush Steevens.

133. new] F1. the new F2 F3 F4.

135. weak] F1. shallow F2 F3 F4.

138. island] F1. isle F2 F3 F4.

150-154, 157-162, printed as verse by Pope (after Dryden).

162. scamels] shamois Theobald. seamalls, stannels id. conj.

163. Ste.] F1. Cal. F2 F3 F4.

165. Before here; bear my bottle Capell inserts [To Cal.]. See note (XII).

172. trencher] Pope (after Dryden). trenchering Ff.

175. hey-day] Rowe. high-day Ff.

Act III: Scene 1

1. and] but Pope.

2. sets] Rowe. set Ff.

4, 5. my ... odious] my mean task would be As heavy to me as ’tis odious Pope.

9. remove] move Pope.

14. labours] labour Hanmer.

15. Most busy lest] F1. Most busy least F2 F3 F4. Least busy Pope. Most busie-less Theobald. Most busiest Holt White conj. Most busy felt Staunton. Most busy still Staunton conj. Most busy-blest Collier MS. Most busiliest Bullock conj.

Most busy lest, when I do (doe F1 F2 F3) it] Most busy when least I do it Brae conj. Most busiest when idlest Spedding conj. Most busy left when idlest Edd. conj. See note (XIII).

at a distance, unseen] Rowe.

17. you are] F1. thou art F2 F3 F4.

31. it is] is it Steevens conj. (ed. 1, 2, and 3). om. Steevens (ed. 4) (Farmer conj.).

34, 35. I do beseech you,—Chiefly] I do beseech you Chiefly Ff.

59. I therein do] I do Pope. Therein Steevens.

62. wooden] wodden F1.

than to] than I would Pope.

72. what else] aught else Malone conj. (withdrawn).

80. seeks] seekd F3 F4.

88. as] F1. so F2 F3 F4.

91. severally] Capell.

93. withal] Theobald. with all Ff.

Act III: Scene 2

Scene ii. Another...] Theobald. The other... Pope.

Enter ...] Enter S. and T. reeling, Caliban following with a bottle. Capell. Enter C. S. and T. with a bottle. Johnson.

8. head] F1. heart F2 F3 F4.

13, 14. on. By this light, thou] on, by this light thou Ff. on, by this light.—Thou Capell.

25. debauched] debosh’d Ff.

37. to the suit I made to thee] the suit I made thee Steevens, who prints all Caliban’s speeches as verse.

60. Johnson conjectured that this line was spoken by Stephano.

68. farther] F1 no further F2 F3 F4.

72. [Beats him.] Rowe.

84. there] then Collier MS.

89. nor] and Pope.

93. deck] deck’t Hanmer.

96. I never saw a woman] I ne’er saw woman Pope.

99. great’st does least] greatest does the least Rowe.

115, 116] Printed as verse in Ff.

115. any] F1. and F2 F3 F4.

117. scout ’em, and scout ’em] Pope. cout ’em and skowt ’em Ff.

125. sins] sin F4.

132. twangling] twanging Pope.

133. sometime] F1. sometimes F2 F3 F4.

137. that] om. Pope.

147. Trin. Will come? I’ll follow, Stephano] Trin. Wilt come? Ste. I’ll follow. Capell. Ste. ... Wilt come? Trin. I’ll follow, Stephano. Ritson conj.

Act III: Scene 3

2. ache] ake F2 F3 F4. akes F1.

3. forth-rights] F2 F3 F4. fourth rights F1.

8. flatterer] F1. flatterers F2 F3 F4.

17. Prospero above] Malone. Prosper on the top Ff. See note (XIV).

20. were] F1 F2 F3. are F4.

26. ’tis true] to ’t Steevens conj.

did lie] lied Hanmer.

29. islanders] F2 F3 F4. islands F1.

32. gentle-kind] Theobald. gentle, kind Ff. gentle kind Rowe.

36. muse] F1 F2 F3. muse, F4. muse; Capell.

48. of five for one] Ff. on five for one Theobald. of one for five Malone, (Thirlby conj.) See note (XV).

49-51. I will ... past] Mason conjectured that these lines formed a rhyming couplet.

53. Scene iv. Pope.

54. instrument] instruments F4.

56. belch up you] F1 F2 F3. belch you up F4. belch up Theobald.

60. [... draw their swords] Hanmer.

65. dowle] down Pope.

plume] Rowe. plumbe F1 F2 F3. plumb F4.

67. strengths] strength F4.

79. wraths] wrath Theobald.

81. heart-sorrow] Edd. hearts-sorrow Ff. heart’s-sorrow Rowe. heart’s sorrow Pope.

82. mocks] mopps Theobald.

86. life] list Johnson conj.

90. now] om. Pope.

92. whom] who Hanmer.

93. mine] my Rowe.

[Exit above] Theobald.

94. something holy, sir,] something, holy Sir, F4.

99. bass] Johnson. base Ff.

106. do] om. Pope.

Act IV: Scene 1

3. a third] a thread Theobald. the thread Williams conj.

4. who] whom Pope.

7. test] F1. rest F2 F3 F4.

9. off] F2 F3 F4. of F1.

11. do] om. Pope.

13. gift] Rowe. guest Ff.

14. but] F1. om. F2 F3 F4.

25. ’tis] is Capell.

30. Phœbus’] Phœbus F1. Phœdus F2 F3. Phœduus F4.

34. Scene ii. Pope.

41. vanity] rarity S. Walker conj.

48. no?] no. Rowe.

53. abstemious] abstenious F1.

60. Scene iii. A Masque. Pope.

thy] F1. the F2 F3 F4.

64. pioned] pionied Warburton. peonied Steevens.

twilled] tulip’d Rowe. tilled Capell (Holt conj.). lilied Steevens.

66. broom-groves] brown groves Hanmer.

68. pole-clipt] pale-clipt Hanmer.

72. After this line Ff. have the stage direction, ‘Juno descends.

74. her] Rowe. here Ff.

83. short-grass’d] F3 F4. short gras’d F1 F2. short-grass Pope.

96. bed-right] bed-rite Singer.

101. High’st] High Pope.

102. Enter Juno] om. Ff.

110. Cer.] Theobald. om. Ff.

foison] F1 and foison F2 F3 F4.

114. Spring] Rain Collier MS.

119. charmingly] charming lay Hanmer. charming lays Warburton. Harmoniously charming Steevens conj.

121. from their] F1. from all their F2 F3 F4.

123. wife] F1 (var.). Rowe. wise F1 (var.) F2 F3 F4.

124. Makes] make Pope.

sweet, now, silence] now, silence, sweet Hanmer.

124. In Ff. the stage direction [Juno, &c. follows line 127. Capell made the change.

128. windring] winding Rowe. wand’ring Steevens.

129. sedged] sedge Collier MS.

136. holiday] holly day F1 F2 F3. holy-day F4.

139. Scene iv. Pope.

143. This is] This’ (for This ’s) S. Walker conj.

strange] most strange Hanmer.

145. Ff put a comma after anger. Warburton omitted it.

146. do] om. Pope. See note (XVI).

151. this] F1. their F2 F3 F4. th’ air visions Warburton.

156. rack] F3 F4. racke F1 F2. track Hanmer. wreck Dyce (Malone conj.).

163. your] F1 F2 F3. you F4.

164. I thank thee, Ariel: come.] I thank you:—Ariel, come. Theobald.

169. Lest] F4. Least F1 F2 F3.

170. Say again] Well, say again Capell.

180. furzes] Rowe. firzes Ff.

181. shins] skins Warburton conj. (note, V. 1. p. 87).

182. filthy-mantled] filthy mantled Ff. filth-ymantled Steevens conj.

184. feet] fear Spedding conj.

190. all, all] are all Malone conj.

193. them on Rowe. on them Ff. Prospero ... invisible. Theobald, Capell. om. Ff.

194. Scene v. Pope.

230. Let’s alone] Let’s along Theobald. Let it alone Hanmer. Let ’t alone Collier. See note (XVII).

246. to apes] om. to Pope.

255. Stage direction added by Theobald.

256. they] F1 F3 F4. thou F2.

261. Lie] Rowe. lies Ff.

Act V: Scene 1

7. together] om. Pope.

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