» Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗

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home. On the way back i drounded my thoughts out with loud music. I couldnt deal with all the events of the night at that moment so i locked it away and kept moving.

***********************MY 17TH BIRTHDAY***************************** June/27th/2011

I woke up feeling like a million dollars. it was finally my birthday and the only thing i wanted was to go to atlanta. Jas and storm had stayed the night with me the night before. I slipped out of my room quietly going downstairs to find my mom sitting on the couch looking at photo albums. "happy birthday!" she squealed. I smiled. "thanks mom." i said nicely. "so whats on the agenda today?" she ask. i smiled. "you already know whats on the agenda. shopping and im going to get my hair dyed black." i said. She smiled. "well i got you a little something for your birthday." she said getting up. She walked into the kitchen and there sat a new phone. "oh mom thank you so much i need a new phone!" i squealed. "thats not all." she said pulling out two bags. "mom you really didnt have to. i really didnt need anything this year." i said. She handed my the bag and i started to open them. In one there was a picture of me and my dad laughing. Under the picture there was a hundred dollar gift card. I sat the card down on the table and looked at the picture a little closer.  I was about twelve in the picture and my dad was pointing at something. I looked so happy. A tear fell down my cheek. "thank you mom. this is exactly what i needed today." i said hugging her. The picutre reminded me there was a time in my life i was completely happy without companionship. "your welcome baby. I knew you would love it. but open the other bag!" she exclaimed. I wiped the tears away then opened the bag. In it was a green pair of sandals and under the sandals was a green piece shirt it looked like. I pulled it out and realized it was the customized dress i had wanted earlier in the year but mom had said it was trashy. It had the sides cut out of it with a v neck. The back had a butterfly in it. i pulled it out hugging it to me. "mom your the best. i cant believe you ordered it." i said looking at it. "i added somthing to it." she said taking it out of my hands. She turned it around so i could see the front better. Around the v neck there were little diamond studs. I hugged her tight. "thank you so much mom. i love my gifts. thank you so much!" i squealed. I ran upstairs with my bags. I wanted to get dressed and be cute. After i got a shower and did my hair i put my new outfit on. When i looked in the mirror i looked great but i felt horrible. I wished so much that i could spend this day with ty. I missed being with him. I missed his smile and even more i missed his horrible humor. I sighed. I heard a tap on the door. "who is it?" i ask. "jas can i come in i got to pee." she said. "yea come on." i said trying to collect myself. I didnt want anyone to think i was having a bad day because i truly wasnt. "Oh em gee. That dress is to die for. where did you get it?" jas ask. "my mom gave it to me as a gift." i said. "what? did she really?" jas said shocked. "yep she did. she finally realized that this was the style." i said laughing. When i left the bathroom my mom yelled for me to come back down stairs. "whats wrong?" i ask. but when i looked into the living room i saw a boquet of roses. "are those for me?" i ask. "yep. they just arrived." she said. I walked over to them and looked at the card wondering who sent it. "well open it. lets see who sent these beautiful flowers." she said smiling. I was a little nervous. I opened the card and started to read. 

Alana Monie (shortie)

Seventeen flowers for a beautful girl on her seventeenth bithday

i love and miss you! Have a wonderful birthday beautiful!

And dont you dare cry you little sappy stink.

Your friend tyler(the jerk)

I tried my best to fight the tears. "who's it from?" my mom ask. I smiled through the tears. "theyre from ty. his note was sweet made me cry a little." i said wiping the tears away. She smiled. "i knew he wouldnt forget. That boy is something else." she said smiling. I half smiled wishing i could just see him. I knew i couldnt though. He was doing rehab because i begged him to. i didnt realize how hard it would be for me and i could only imagine how hard it was for him. I only got to visit him once a week. It was killing me but He had to do it. His dad thought he was living with a friend in atlanta. His mom knew where he was and she thanked me for talking him into going but deep down it killed me. I missed him so much. I sighed putting the card back in the envelope. The door bell rang and i smiled wondering what was next. My mom answered the door to find another vase with flowers. "who is this one from?" she asked skeptical. I shrugged really not having a clue. I opened the green card. 


See i had to send another one because i know you cried off the first one. 

Have a good day and stop missing me! Ill see you soon i promise. 

When all this is over ill make it up to you i promise. 

I love you and enjoy your day. 

P.s. The great vine said your dying your hair

plz dont dye it red thats all i ask. 

you willl look like a demon. 

Love (your jerk)

I burst out laughing. He was a trip. He always surprised me when i just didnt see it coming. "let me guess another tyler gift." my mom said smiling. "yep he had to make me laugh because he made me cry. you know how he is." i joked. Jas walked into the room. "Wow these  flowers are so pretty." she said admiring them. "i know tyler sent them. this has his style written all over it." she said winking at me. "you sneaky wench. you told him i'd be at moms this morning and you told him i was dying my hair today!" i yelled. Jas would go with me to see ty most of the time. They were surprisingly close. I liked it that way though because i knew what they were both up to at all time i didnt have to worry about sneaky bullshit between them. After a while storm finally came downstairs. It wasnt long after that we left. I spent the day mostly shopping but afterwards i took the girls home and went to coblestone park. I got out walking over to the swings and sat down. I started to swing thinking of all the times tyler and i had shared there. I pulled my phone and text him hoping he could still text. 






nothing at our park


what are you doing there?


enjoying my day well my night now


lol okay. How has your day been


great. It would be perfect if i had my bestfriend here


yea ikr. I wish he was


i was just thinking you rmember that day you fell in the mud wearing those white pants


Hell yea. fuck that day!


roflmao. your gonna make me fall outta the swing laughing


lol. that shit was not funny


OH but it was! you looked like you wanted to cry.


I did hell. those were brand new pants and i really liked them.

I was fresh that day. Then some dumbass talk me into jumping out of the swing.

I should have known better.


lol no need for name calling you were the dumbass 

I didnt do it cause i knew the ground was wet. i didnt think it was that 

wet but i knew it was wet lol. 


that shit was soaked. I fell into a fuckin ocean of mud


Lmfao. im dead right now laughing at you


lol stop laughing that shit isnt funny. 

then you sat there and laughed at me. 

man i was hurt. 


bahaha. your so dumb. 


yea your tellin me. since you want to bring up memories you remember that day you fell off the slide. 


Oh gosh! yes! i thought i was slick that day. 

lmao Ill never try to walk down the side of a slide in flip flops again. 


who does that? what were you thinking? i mean i clearly knew it was 

a bad idea but you just knew you could do it so i let you. 


yea thats the petty part you just let me do it. 


atleast i didnt talk you into falling in a mud ocean!!

Fuck you mean petty?

That was the root of all pettyness.


Lmfao im dying laughing.

I would rather be dumb than guliable. lol


Ahh then you hit me with a insult.

See thats whats gonna get you drop kicked when i get home


ha! oka...

You will get drop kicked.


If you can get your short legs up that high maybe.


Fuck you tyler! lol.

Im done.

That was the last short joke im going

to tolerate!


Mhm ok. shortie


I miss you


I miss you too. Ill be home soon.


I know. soon isnt fast enough sometimes.


i know. send me some pictures of our park.
I miss it almost as much as i miss being

there with you.

 I sent him pictures of the sky. The full moon was so beautiful and looked so close. I took a picture of me on the swing I was actually a peace with myself. It felt almost like we were sitting here talking to each. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard at our memories. We had done so many stupid things after work and after school at the park. When we were alone we would just try stupid stuff to see if it would work. Even when we were a couple we would come to the park and just hang out. Those were some of the best memories. Then things started going south and we stopped coming to coblestone all together. 


ewww. She looking cute tonight. 

Im glad you didnt go anywhere.

i Like like the brown and blonde hair

Its cute. 


thanks. Thats how i use to wear my hair when i was younger.

you extra jealous arent you! 


hell yea. I miss those curls


lol im so sure you do


heh smh you dont miss anything 

you see right through me


lol. no i just know you. 

And i know Mr. t lmfao


oh god! your a mess shortie


Lmfao. those were your words that night

not mine. lmao. 


smh i cant deal.


lol. I miss you so fucking much!


i know. i miss you too


blehhhhhhh. When you come home 

We are taking a fucking trip. 

we need new memories!


whatever you want shortie. 

i gtg lights out. i love you tho. 

Have a good night and get out of that dark park alone! 


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