» Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗

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ask. "he's still in recovery with his parents but when he's comes back up to icu ill have one of the nurses let you know." he said. i gave him a faint smile then sat back down. It felt like for ever before before a nurse finally come. She come in and called my name. I ran behind her quickly. When i got into ty's room my eyes lit up with fear. "you may have to speak loudly. The impact from the accident was loud and his ears are still in shock." she said quietly. Ty was laying in bed asleep. I walked over to stand beside him trying to steady myself. I couldnt break down here and now. I was so afraid. He was hooked up to so many things and he looked so still. After about five minutes i pulled a chair up beside the bed and sat down. I sat there for hours waiting for him to wake up. i was falling asleep when he groaned "where is she?" i sat up putting my hand on his. All the fear i had locked up started to seap away. "im right here ty." i said softly. I realized he probably didnt hear me so i said it louder. I turned his head looking at me angrily. "do you have to yell?" he said. I smiled. "no they told me to." i said more quiet. A smile swept his face. I squeezed his hand. "i love you." i said. "i know." he said almost in a whisper. "i thought i lost you tyler. Dont ever scare me like that again." i pleaded. He closed his eyes. "i thought i had lost you." he sighed. "tyler ive told you. you will never loose me. I love you." i said. He tried to sit up but the brace on his neck prevented him from doing so. "stop." i spat. He let out a noice of aggravation. "can you call those dumb ass nurses to take this stupid brace off. They said my neck was fine." he said angrily. Even i knew he had to wear the brace for a certain amount of time. "um no." i said. He sighed. "ive got a few broken bones and a few stitches im not dying. tell them to take this damn thing off. you and my  mom are killing me. Yall need to chill like for real if i was really dying or some shit they wouldnt be sending me home tomorrow." he groaned. Most of what he said went in one ear and out the other. I was just glad to see he was being himself. I faintly smiled. "shut up! only reason they are sending you home is cause you are to long for their beds." i joked trying to lighten his mood. He smiled the best he could with the stitches in his cheeks. "yea okay if thats what you think." he said. He turned the light on with the remote on his bed. "what the hell happened between when i dropped you off now? you look like shit shortie." he said. I sighed "um nothing really and how nice of you bae. just tell me i look like shit. Watch yourself cause i am in full advantage to drop kick your ass now. better stop talking reckless." i teased. I probably did look horrible i had been crying and so many other things. "whatever ill still fold you up lana. Dont get cocky. im just saying you look worse than you did when you had the flu." he joked. I rolled my eyes. "go back to sleep with all that." i joked. I just wanted to hug him so tight. "whatever i will not be going back to sleep answer the question. hey scratch my right leg by my knee." he said I walked over to his right side and pulled the blanket back. I went to scratch is leg but there were deep scratches all over them. My mouth opened a little. "what?" he said in a panic. "nothing." i lied. "i know my leg is still there i feel it. Whats wrong with my leg?" he ask angrily. "nothing dumbass. shut up before you wake the people around us up." He sighed. "man im getting pissed off they need to take this stupid brace off my neck so i can look around." he said still angry. I rubbed his leg. "is that the spot?"  i ask. "no its not the spot. well yea it is but your not scratching it!" he said annoyed. i had to think quickly. "im not scratching it cause i dont want to add to the ashyness. You need some baby oil on these extra long legs." i joked. He rolled his eyes. "well then put some on them and scratch my damn leg. I could use a massage anyways." he joked. I snorted "ah no. if i had my phone i would instagram this with a caption saying the struggle is real." i said laughing. He chuckled. " see thats just petty. Where is your phone? im surprised you havent had a mental break down yet without it." he teased. "I broke it when your dad called. and speaking of my phone guess who brought me here." i said changing the subject. I was actually shocked i hadnt once thought about my phone. Im sure people were going crazy online. "who?" he ask. "keely. she's in the waiting room." i said. "why would anyone have to bring you here and thats good i guess." he said. "because i was freaking out and we havent really talked or anything." i said. He nodded then yawned. "go back to sleep. Ill be here when you wake up." i said. He shook his head. "im good. so my mom wants me to come stay with her till im better." he said with aggrivation. "well wouldnt that be the smart thing to do?"  i ask. "yea i guess but maybe if you came to stay with me till you leave for school i wouldnt have to." he proposed. I sighed. "ty i dont know if i can do that. I dont know how my parents would feel about that." i said. "well if they say its fine would you? i mean i now need a personal babysitter since i only have two working limbs. i figured hey who would be better to take care of me than my girlfriend who knows everything about me. Plus your a clean freak" he joked. I rolled my eyes. "ill see. but only if you get some rest. and i am warning you now im not a good nurse so when your ass is stuck somewhere dont be mad at me. I warned you." i said laughing. He half smiled. "I think you will be a great nurse, because you love me." he said. I rolled my eyes."yea okay and if you think im going to like clean a bunch of shit your crazy." i joked. he laughed. "okay." He leaned his

head back and fell asleep instantly. There was so much more i wanted to say but couldn't imagine how to say it. I wanted him to know i loved him more than anything in the world. I wanted him to know my life would have been incomplete without him, i couldn't have went on. I

stood up looking around the room for something to write on. I grabbed a piece of paper and began to write.


Tyler,  i love you so much! I'm sorry for ever taking your love for granted. I promise you from here in it you will have all i have to offer. Your truly the best friend and boyfriend I've ever had. You are an incrediable person. Your sweet funny gosh i love you so much. This accident proved to me why i should cherish you. I know you always say I'm your backbone but without you my whole life would fall apart. I love you and we will concur this together just like everything else!! I choose you tyler!

I folded the paper up and put it beside him. As i watched him sleep thinking of all the good things our future would hold i smiled.


Publication Date: 12-31-2014

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to all the girls that have had their Heart broken. Also much love to the ones who stood up and moved on. Life is what you make it ;)

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