» Drama » No cards pulled, jolynna jean-pierre [e manga reader TXT] 📗

Book online «No cards pulled, jolynna jean-pierre [e manga reader TXT] 📗». Author jolynna jean-pierre

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need it no more" *feels sad* *gorge looks at me* "choco..u ok? *runs to my room* "choco!!" *locks my door* *grabs my phone* *dials up my mother* "hello?" *long silence* "hello?...anybody there?" "why'd you return the spare key?" "wha...what you mean?" "the spare key!!...why'd you return the key...the damn key that helps you check up on us...that key!!" "chocolate...i would've told you, but..." "I don't care anymore!!" *hangs up* *throws my phone**screams* *exits my room* As i enter the tv room, gorge and timothy both stares at me. "what?!" *gorge tries to hug me* "jus...just get out!! *pushes both of them out the door**locks the door* "joey turn off the tv and come to bed" "5 more minutes" "ok, but thats it...i got my phone on timer" "ok"

(5 minutes later)

*joey enters the room**joey climbs onto the bed and falls asleep**i curl up with joey**whispers* "good night"




Chapter 2- The Fire

*alarm beeps* *clock says 7:45 am* I look at my calendar. *thinks* "yess!! It's the annual senior ball!" *jumps out of bed* I walk towards my closet.  *opens my closet* I pull out a beautiful, silky, mermaid tailed shaped dress with a glittery design, and colored with a shade of bluish-purple. I fell in love with it at first sight. *enters bathroom* *brushes my teeth* *quickly takes a shower* Once i got finish with my shower, i wrapped myself with a towel and heads to my room. *closes my door* 

(a few minutes later...)

*knock...knock* *runs to the front door* "who is it?!" "it's me, shaie" *opens front door* "Shaie!!" "hey girl" "come on in" "thanks" *closes front door* *walks to my room* "you still have my dress with you, right?" "yeah, it's right here" *hangs dress outside my door* "perfect!!" "so what time is the party again?" "I think it's 12pm to 12am" "ok kool" "let's get ready then...shall we?" "alrighty" *shaie enters my room* *shaie pulls out flat iron* "choco...sit" *sits down in the chair and grabs a magazine* 

(15 minutes later...)

" all done" *stands up,and looks in the mirror* "wow, shaie you've gotten really good with this" "thanks, girl" "your very welcome, now your turn...sit" *shaie sits in the chair* *begins curling shaie's hair*

(5 minutes later...)

"alrighty..." *shaie stands up and looks in the mirror* " always you hook me up with the most awesomeness style ever" "you know it" "Alright...let's begin the make-up session"

(20 minutes later...)

"wow, don't we look beautiful" "girl...we the definition of beautiful" *knock...knock* *walks to the door**opens the door* Outside, there Bobby and Timothy stood. "Wow, you look absolutely beautiful, shaie" "Thank you, bobby" "Chocolate, you look like an angel" "you don't look half as bad yourself, timothy" *bobby and timothy hands us a bouquet of roses* "awww thanks" "ginks, you owe me a soda" *exits the apartment* *locks the door* *heads towards a limo**enters the limo**heads to the dance*

(5 minutes later...)

*exits the limo* *walks towards the building* As we walk towards the building, a waitress greets us. "Greetings, may i have your full names so i may seat you correctly?" " my name is Choclate Jackson, and these are my friends...Bobby Johnson, Shaie Princtone, and Timothy Wallace." "Alright...Ms. Jackson, and party of 4...come with me" We begin to follow the waitress. *enters building* "here you guys are...V.I.P. table #1" "thank you" *sits at the table* As we sit at the table, someone gets on the stage, and begins speaking. "Ladies  and Gentlemen..I am proud to welcome you to the 2013-14 senior ball!!" *everyone cheers* "Before we begin, I will like to tell you about a very special person that i met 3 years ago. She was lost and scared, very confused as of where to go. To make matters worst, she had to take care of her 2 year old baby brother by herself. All alone, she had doubts about staying in school, and whether or not to put her baby brother up for adoption. But after meeting her, i became her personal councilor. I guided her to a brighter and more happier future. So now 3 years later, that same little girl bloomed into a beautiful young lady. It is my pleasure to give this All-You-Can-Achieve Award to Ms.Chocolate Jackson!!" *everyone cheers* *looks shocked* *begins to walk towards the stage* *walks onto the stage* *gets the award* "thank you so very much" *tear falls from my face* "my brother and I are fine now thanks to my cousin, ms. larlia. *claps* "Although, my mother left us weak, and scared, today i can say that i, personally, have fully recovered, and is only a day away from recieving my diplomia. You may ask, "What motivated you to get this far?...well, the answer is that the day i questioned whether or not to place my baby brother for adoption, a question back fired at me. That question was whether or not i should graduate" *holds back a tear* "And looking at his little face, i just told myself, graduate, become a role model for my little brother, joey, and here i am... *tear falls from my face*...standing here, apart of this beautiful ball" *everyone cheers* *walks off the stage* *heads back to the table* *wipes my face as i sit down*

*light turns off* *spotlight shines*

*shaie walks into the light* "If you think that this is a sit and watch party, you are soooo wrong!!" *shaie clap three times**music blasts* "Ayeeee!!" *everyone starts dancing* As everyone is dancing, Timothy grabs my hand, and forces me onto the dance floor. "Are you enjoying yourself?!" "What?!" "I said are you enjoying yourself?!" "Oh yes thank you!" "Oh...that is nice to hear" "yeah...are you enjoying yourself?!" "As long as im with you, im happy" *smiles* I wanted to say something, but nothing came out, except : "look, im going to get me something to drink?!" "Okay!!" I walked myself out of the crowd, and headed to the drink bar. "let me have a glass of sprite with a cherry on top" *bartender nods*

(2 minutes later...)

"thanks" *drinks the soda**goes outside* *begins to walk down the street* As I begin to walk down the street, I thought about joey. "Let me call joey's babysitter" *gets phone out of my purse* *calls cythia* "you have reached cythia ballome, please leave your name and number and i will be back with u as soon as possible, thank you..bye" *thinks* "why isnt she picking up her phone?" *looks up* As i look up, i see a thick cloud of smoke in the sky. *sees ambulance trucks and firefighters* "Are they heading...." *begins running towards my apartment complex* *stops in front of my apartment complex* *sees smoke* *runs towards the building* "joey!!" *runs towards the entrance of the building* *police stops me* "ms, you can't go in there" "my brother is in there!!!" " i said you can't go in there!" *sees a firefighter holding joey* "jo...joey!!" *runs to the firefighter* *holds joey's hand* "joey??" *firefighter looks at me* "are you related to him?" "yes...he's my baby brother" "well, you have to come with me" "o...ok" *enters ambulance truck* *heads to the hospital*

(5 minutes later...)

*enters hospital* *walks into a room #246* *sees joey sleeping* *doctor walks in* *stands up* " everything alright with he going to be ok?" "Your brother has been suffuring from a severe case of asthma that turned into a life threatening case of bronchitis" "wha...what does that mean?" *tear falls from my cheek* " going to be straight with you...your brother's body is strong but not strong enough to pump enough white cells into his lungs providing air to his body...meaning his lungs are slowly dying and he would need a lung transplant" " long does he have?" "sadly, he has only 2 weeks" "2..2 weeks? takes you guys a week just to place an order for a lung donor and then another week to find one and bring it here to this hospital!!" "Ms, you need to calm down, please" " am i suppose to keep calm when i just learned that my brother is going to die if he doesn't find a donor within 2 weeks span!!" "i understand your worries ms, just please remain least for your brother's sake" *looks at the doctor* "i'll...i'll try" *sits down* *phone vibrates* *looks at my phone* "hello?" "choco...where are you?...everyone is worried sick about just vanished from the party like that..." "look, im dealing with something very important right now" *intercom annouces* "Are...are you at a hospital??" "yeah" "what happened? Are you ok? Did someone hurt you?" " least for now i am, but im in the hospital because my baby brother is sick and i have nowhere else to go to" "You can call your cousin, lalia." "Ok..i'll call you back" "alright" *hangs up* *finds lalia's number* *calls lalia* "he...hello?" "hello? lalia?" "choco...where are you? Are you okay?" *cries a bit* "joey...joey..." "what's wrong with joey?" "joey's dying" "dying...what, what you mean dying?" "meaning he's only have 2 weeks left" *silence* "where..where are you?" "i'm at the General #246" " on my way...stay right where you are..ok" "ok" *hangs up*

(15 minutes later...)

*knock...knock* "chocolate?" *wakes up* "lalia?" *stands up**hugs lalia* *looks at joey**whispers* "he is just a baby....why can't he live longer?" *begins crying* As lalia comforts me, the doctor comes back into the room. "ms, may i ask where your brother's mother is at this moment?" "my mother is in New York, New York" "Do you think you can get into contact with her as so us, doctors, can have consent to the surgery just in case we do find a lung donor in time" *lalia stands up* "I'm both chocolate, and joey's eldest cousin that lives within state...if we are not able to recieve contact with my aunt, which is their mother, i will personally sign the consent forms for any type of life saving surgery that will be needed to save my cousin" "Ok, but may i ask who are you?" "I'm Lalia Jackson, head lawyer at the jacksonville law office." "did you say lalia jackson?" "yes sir, i did" "you never lost a case, and you be battling the best lawyers in the state" "true, but this is my family, and im willing to give consent in place of my aunt" "i understand" *doctor exits the room* *looks at lalia* "how am i suppose to graduate tomorrow if 1. i don't anything to wear, cap and gown is destroyed due to the fire at my apartment complex, and 3. joey's condition" "i have some of your clothes at my house, and your cap and gown wasnt destroyed because i never gave you your real one...i gave you a preview of it" "Oh ok, but still joey needs me" "joey will be fine...i promise you...the doctors will take good care of him, now..come with me so we can get sme fresh pair of clothes and something to eat" *nods**grabs my purse**walks over to joey and kisses him on his forehead**exits the room* *lalia walks over to the doctor* "Doctor...if you have any questions or additional information that you need to tell me while im not here, you can contact me from this number *lalia hands the doctor a card*..that's my contact information" "ok thank you i will place

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