» Drama » No cards pulled, jolynna jean-pierre [e manga reader TXT] 📗

Book online «No cards pulled, jolynna jean-pierre [e manga reader TXT] 📗». Author jolynna jean-pierre

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time ago... I just never knew this was the reason though..." "what you mean... you never got my letters that I wrote to you... "what letters?" "yes that's right..."what?" "each letter I wrote since the birth of your brother was sent back unopened. " *tear falls* "I... I never knew... ''well I know the situation must be bad if life lead you to meet me this way. . . " "well I'm afraid it is. . . " "before you tell me, I just want to know…how’s everything with you?" *smiles* "well, I'm getting married soon" *dad smiles* "1 want to be able to walk you down the aisle" "that would be lovely" "If good behavior strikes through, I could be awaiting parole" "that's awesome...I've missed you so much dad" "I've missed you too's my big man doing?" *looks at him sad* *mumbles* "no one's told you?" "told me what?" *clears my throat* "j... joey is dead... " *dad glares at me* "wh... wh... what you mean hers dead?" "it's as I... " "no... you have to give me an explanation or something because this do not make any form of sense..." "dad...” *the security guard walks up to our table* "if you don't lower your voices, I will have to force your visit to be short" *looks at the guard* "I'm sorry...” *looks at the time* "dad...I have to go. " *dad grabs my hand* "wait...please tell me. *tears fall down his face* did he suffer... " *a tear falls and shakes my head* "dad.... please..." "please... he.... he needed a lung transplant because he had a tumor in his lungs, but the tumor proved to be too large and there was not enough time to get his lungs on -so he struggled until his last breath" *tears continues to fall* *dad began to cry* *whispers* "I'm... sorry" *the guard shouts out* "visiting hours is over...wrap up your conversation... *looks at my dad* *tears falls* "dad... I'm sorry..." *gets up and leaves the table*

As I left, I started to feel a moment of both peace and closure towards the absence of my father. The relief was extremely needed for me due to my life being ripped into two crumbled pieces. The tears falling from my eyes were as comforting pillows of doubt and stress being removed from my chest. *Lilia sees me* "chocolate... everything alright?" "yeah.... everything is fine... just need some air" *goes outside*


~a quick thought process: if you have ever been through the steps that I've been through in life, then you must understand what I've been through and I understand what you been through. ~


Chapter 6 - State of Georgia vs. Cynthia Ballome (part 2)

(6 months has passed...)

*fixes my stuff into the moving boxes* *looks around* *thinks: "Well, it's finally happening.... I’m going to college... " * *Lilia looks at me smiling with her camera* "smile girl.... baby girl making big moves..." *smiles* *camera flashes* "perfect. " *giggles* "you excited to start college at Clark?" *sighs* "I actually am... I am just hoping this will be a fresh start for me, especially with what has happened over the past year... " *Lilia sighs* "yes I completely understand how you feel. " *Lilia clears her throat* "but it seems that you won't need a dorm anymore though..." *looks at her* "what you mean.... we live an hour away from Clark... " *she smiles* "I know, but Gorge doesn't" *looks at her* "now you know...l am not about to move in with Gorge before I get married...I’m just not" *Lilia looks at me* "this is not up for negotiation...I'm going to my dorm" *Lilia nods* *picks up mega, my puppy* *opens the door and heads towards the car* *Lilia helps bring my stuff to the car* As we drive towards Clark, my mind starts to play back memories with joey. *tears up while touching the window* *smiles* *whispers* "joey... " *Lilia interrupts* "chocolate...” “h... huh?" "you ok?" "yes, I'm fine...l was just thinking about joey, that's all..." *Lilia smiles* "it will be ok.... you’ll see..."

(20 minutes later...)

As we pull up to Clark, we see there is a rally of people gathered together. There was music playing, people shouting, and sadly, some people fighting. What a way to start college...l guess. *mumbles under my breath* "here goes nothing... " *we park at a building that looks like the student center* *looks at Lilia* "let's make sure this is the right building before we actually unload the car, ok?" *Lilia nods* As we get out the car, someone from my high school recognizes me. "Choco?!", shouts a familiar voice. *looks around* As I look around, I don't recognize anyone so I kept walking. "Choco?!" *gets frustrated* "who could be possibly calling me?" As I look around for the second time, I recognize shay waving her hands at me. "shay?!" *runs towards her* When I got closer, I suddenly stop. *eyes pop* "shay, you're…" *shay holds her stomach and sighs* "yes.... I’m pregnant...” *shay quickly smiles*...but look at the bright side, I got my best friend to cheer me on, right?" As I look at her, I can tell that she wanted to cry. "I know it's none of my business, but what happened to you and bobby?" *she looks at me* *she clears her throat* "bobby...bobby got cold feet after I told him that I was pregnant, so during summer break after graduation, he texted me last minute stating that he was accepting his scholarship at The University of Tampa for baseball, in which I said congratulations and that I was happy for him because he would finally get to live out his dream, then he said that he was moving near the end of summer break, and I fried to ask him if we would still be together... *shay chokes up while starting to cry* .and he said...he said that with him being in Florida and me in Georgia, our relationship isn't going to work so he broke up with me. " *shay starts to break down crying* *pats her back* "there...there…everything is going to be ok…how many months are you?" *shay looks at me* "I'm like 7 some weeks... I'm not sure..." *smiles* "you can share my dorm until you feel comfortable being by yourself' *shay smiles* "I truly appreciate you..." *dries her tears off* As we walk towards the dorms, we see the building for new registering students. *enters the building* *sees an elderly lady sitting behind the desk reading a book* "e... excuse me, miss, is this where I get my dorm keys?" *she slaps the book closed and looks up at me* The woman, herself, had a peculiar way that she carried herself. Her hair looked as she gets catered to on a regular. Her nails were well managed. Her eyes were as the ocean-waves, both smooth and deadly. "Wah ya want?" *looks shocked* Realizing that she is Jamaican, I get relieved. *smiles* "how you doing my island gal... *the lady rolls her eyes* . . .my family is from Jamaica too... " *she tips her glasses forward* "oh... really... which part ye fwom...Cause mi and mi fam fwom Kingston. " *smiles* "Mi fam fworn Portmore... .mi fatha dem hav mi small lil count of family left in Portmore... " *shay looks shocked* "I didn't know you were Jamaican?!" *looks at shay* €'we'll discuss that later... *looks back at the lady*... .but as for right now, I am just trying to get the keys to my dorm room... *the lady slightly smiles* "here ya 42" *nods* "thank you..." *quickly leaves with shay*

(moments later...)

"room 36, room 38, room 40. *sighs in relief* we 42" I giggle the keys at the door just in case somebody was already in the room. *door opens* "I am so excited to see what my dorm looks like..." *enters the room* *shay giggles* "well, it could use some personal touches" *sighs* Well, as expected, the room wasn't bad, but like shay said, it could use some personal touches. I mean the room had spider webs, dust, and dirty windows, as if the room hadn't had someone living in here for ages. But what can I say? Home isn't home till you make it your home. But seriously...this is not what I expected when I said I wanted a place of my own for college. Maybe Lilia wasn't so wrong with that idea for moving in with gorge. *phone buzzes* Speaking of the devil...gorge is face timing me now*picks up the phone gorge, my darling how are you today?" "I'm doing well... your cousin told me that you are starting your years in college...I am so proud of are you liking the new dorm?" "well, I wouldn't say that it is brand new…" *shay peeks at the camera* "hey gorge?!" *gorge giggles and waves* "hey shay nice to see you... " *gorge looks at me* "hey I was in the area and I was wondering if I could come scoop you and take you for lunch…" *smiles* "I would like that…” "alright...see in 5" *blows a kiss at the camera* *hangs up the phone* *sighs* "girl...l think I might move in with gorge if he asks me to... *shay looks at you*... .and yes, you can come because I need to assist you with the baby..." *shay sighs* "Choco...I need to talk to you..

*looks at her* "what's wrong?" "I... I’m not keeping the baby..." *looks shocked* "w... why

not?!” I have a whole life to live, and a baby is the last thing on my to-do list. .." *looks at her* "you can't get rid of the baby...the baby will always need its me...I should know... " *shay holds my hands* "which is exactly why I want you to have him. " *looks at her* "y... you can't be serious... "you are only person I know and trust that will take and do an excellent job raising my child... I'm not motherly like...I'm scared, confused...without bobby, there is no life for me. ...this child will just only remind me of that more...1 was going to give him away regardless, but now that I reconnected with you... .it was as if god was sending me in the right direction to a safe haven for the child in my womb.... I know this is shocking news, I will give you a couple of days to think it over, but after that, the decision is no longer in your hands. " *shay leaves the room* *remains shocked* *phone buzzes* *sees a text from gorge* ''I'm outside... " *grabs my bag and walks towards the main gate* *sees gorge sitting on the side of his car waiting on me* *smiles and runs towards gorge* "gorge?!" *gorge smiles* Gorge gets up and meets me halfway. *hugs and kisses him* *gets in the car* *gorge gets in the car and starts the ignition* *gorge looks at me* "is everything ok?" *sighs* "shay wants to give me her gorge coughs at the sound of child* "sa.. . say what now?" "exactly what I said.... she wants to give me her child... "what you mean... .1ike she's pregnant or something?" *nods* "yea, and I just

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