» Drama » Mei Hana, Mark Lauck [read ebook pdf txt] 📗

Book online «Mei Hana, Mark Lauck [read ebook pdf txt] 📗». Author Mark Lauck

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Tsuniga places down the amount of money they owed for the food they ate. Being a gentleman, he opens the door for Mei, and Mei exited the cafe with disgust towards Tsuniga.
"Seriously?" Tsuniga says to himself.
Mei stood outside with a stiff stance. She saw the man that Tsuniga saw earlier. The man was on the other side of the street, but noticed Mei's appearance. The man waits for cars to pass by before attempting on crossing the road. Tsuniga then grabs Mei's hand, and they began to run the direction of his house.
"Don't look back," Tsuniga says.
They kept running until they find themselves in Tsuniga's neighborhood breathless.
"Is that a friend of yours?" Tsuniga asks gasping for air.
"I don't quite remember, but he looks really familiar," Mei says catching her breath.
"Let's not stop until we get into the house," he finishes.
Tsuniga and Mei continues their walk to Tsuniga's house. They quickly enter his house and sat down on the couch in the living room.
The Next Idea

"Do you have a clue about who that person was?" Tsuniga questions still in desire for an answer.
"Not one bit, but perhaps if we were to talk to him we might get an answer out of him," Mei responds.
"I don't think that'll be such a good idea. What if that person was after you and is a bad guy?" Tsuniga says worried.
Tsuniga's mother enters the living room from the kitchen. She looks at her son and then at Mei but then looks back at her son once more.
"Is this a friend of yours, Tsuniga?" says Tsuniga's mother.
Tsuniga paused for a moment. What should I say? I just met her today, but I don't want mother thinking that I brought in a stranger.

He responds, "Yes, this is a friend of mine."
Tsuniga's mother starts crying with laughter, "You finally have a female friend, huh?"
Mei starts to crack up laughing. Tsuniga blushes. Seriously, mom? That's really embarrassing to say. I've got many female friends.

"Where's my manners? Hello, I'm Tsuniga's mother, Rachel. Who is this young lady?" asks Rachel.
"I'm Mei. I just met Tsuniga today, and I can surely say that you are wonderful at teaching your child how to be a gentleman," Mei exclaims.
"Thank you. I love to think that I did, but some times it doesn't feel like it," says Rachel teasing Tsuniga.
Rachel leaves the living room and back into the kitchen.
"Your mom is pretty," says Mei.
"How in the world am I going to explain to her about you?" Tsuniga says.
"What do you mean?" Mei questions.
"Well, I don't plan on throwing you out of the house. I don't plan on leaving you somewhere unsafe," Tsuniga begins.
"Aw, you care that much?"
"Don't say it like I never did in the first place."
"Mind if I ask why? Why exactly are you trying to help me?"
Tsuniga thought to himself.Alright, I need a good answer for this one. If I say that it was just fun, would she snap as thinking that it's all a joke? What if I just say that I cared. Would she snap and think that I'm trying to be with her?

Tsuniga responds with, "Well, why not? I might as well help someone in need."
Rachel enters the living room. She brings in tea from the kitchen. Kindly, she asks Mei, "Would you care for some tea?"
Mei nods her head and gives her a gentle smile.
"Such a good young lady," Rachel praises and pats Mei's head.
"Uhm, mom, I have something to ask you," Tsuniga begins.
"What is it, dear?" Rachel asks.
"Mei isn't really from around here, and she got lost trying to find somebody. Do you mind if she stays for a little bit until we figure out where she belongs?"
Without hesitation, Rachel responds, "sure! It sounds like fun."
"It seems like you already knew I was going to ask that," Tsuniga says then smirks.
"Yeah, yeah. Tsuniga, would you please set up the guest room for Mei?"
"Sure, why not?" Tsuniga says.
The front door opens up, and Tsuniga's father steps inside the house.
Tsuniga's father is a hard-working business man. He constantly wears a formal outfit. When at home he has a plain pair of glasses, dress pants, a collar shirt, and a vest over the shirt. He enjoys messing around with his child and his wife.
In an attempt to trick Tsuniga's father, Mei says, "Good evening, father."
Rachel begins to chuckle. Tsuniga's father, not noticing Mei, places his shoes in a shoe rack by the door. He then walks into the hallway before figuring out that a young lady was in his house.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Tsuniga's father begins rushing back into this living room. "Nobody, said that Tsuniga was getting married! When did this begin? No answer? Well, at least she's a pretty young lady."
Tsuniga reenters the living room, "Hey, Dad! Mei, you're room is set up."
Freaking out, Tsuniga's father begins to say, "What? She's already living with us! Why doesn't anyone tell me about what goes on around here any more?"
Tsuniga's father exits the scene and trails off into his bedroom feeling bummed out.
"What just happened?" Tsuniga questioned.
"I can't say for sure myself," Mei said confused as well.
"I'll calm him down and explain everything. You guys get prepared to sleep," Rachel exclaims.
Tsuniga and Mei nod their heads toward Rachel. When Rachel left, Tsuniga showed Mei to the room that she would stay at. It was a pretty spacious room. It had the basic necessities: a bed, a closet, a nightstand, a lamp, and a window. Mei didn't have to study the room too long and was already feeling a warm welcome when she entered the room.
"If you need anything, my room is just next door," Tsuniga informs her before leaving her to her room.

Mei finds herself in a dream. Here was a realm never seen before to Mei. She gets up on her feet and looks around the environment. It was a forest with a tree by her side. It wasn't just any tree. It was a maple tree that she seemed to see as something that is more valuable then the other trees around. It wasn't valuable by worth; it was valuable by relation. She felt that she had known this tree as if the tree was her own father. She looks at the tree.
"Why have you taken me here?" Mei speaks as if she knew she would get an answer.
She continues to look at the tree. The orange leaves slowly fell as if autumn was soon to arrive. She glances around the forest and notices a trail of smoke and ashes arising from somewhere out in the distance. She began to run towards that direction. It wasn't before long before she notices a house that was caught on fire. She runs in through the front door and a giant light blinds her view.

Mei finds herself screaming when she awakens. It was only a dream; wasn't it?

She felt her forehead with the back of her hand, and her forehead was sweating. It felt so real.

Tsuniga enters the room. "Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, I think it was a nightmare," Mei responds. "What time is it?"
"It's three in the morning," Tsuniga informs.
"Oh," Mei says laying her head back down on her pillow.

Tsuniga slowly closes the door as he left the room. He walked off into the living room and sat down on the couch. Am I really helping her? It doesn't feel like I am.

He stands up after he finished questioning himself. It would be best if he just got outside and caught some fresh air. When he reached the front door, Mei enters the living room just in time to catch him.

"Hey, where are you going?" Mei asks.
"Just going out for a walk," Tsuniga says.
"Do you mind if I go?" Mei questions as politely as possible.
"Sure, but hurry," Tsuniga responds.

Summer Festival

Tsuniga and Mei took their time as they headed out of the neighborhood. The sun was just soon beginning to arise and the light it released placed a glare in their eyes as they headed that direction. A giant sign caught their eyes as they were walking by a local New Navy clothing store. It read "Summer Festival - May 30th - Keito Square Park".
"Summer Festival?" Mei asked.
"Yeah, and, apparently, it's going on today," Tsuniga said surprised.
"Why don't we join them?" Mei says.
"I don't know," Tsuniga says hesitantly.
"Please?" Mei questions looking directly at Tsuniga with a face so innocent it could make a busy business man tell his boss he'll take a break just to come spend time with her.
"Fine, I'll go."
Mei was so grateful that she screamed with joy as if she had never been to a festival before but has heard of the joys the festival brings.
They continue their walk towards Keito Square Park, which was only four blocks away from where they found the sign at. They didn't really spend time talking as they walked. Mei knows that Tsuniga doesn't like to talk as he walks. Mei had a very kind, playful expression; she couldn't wait to visit the festival and enjoy herself with Tsuniga.

Tsuniga had other things going on in his head. I guess it'll be just about impossible to get Mei back to who she once was. Our only bet is to ask that guy that is after her about what he wants.

Tsuniga notices that Mei had stop moving.
"What's wrong?" Tsuniga asks.
She looks straight ahead with a tremendously excited face.
"Have you ever been to a festival before?" Tsuniga asks confused.
"I don't think so, but this looks like it's a lot of fun!" Mei says excited then grabs Tsuniga's hand as they head into the park.

There were many games displayed, lots of kids jumping on bounce castles, people eating grilled foods and drinking soft drinks and coffee, and groups of kids to adults hanging out and enjoying themselves. Mei didn't know what she wanted to do first. Everything going on looked like it was so much fun.
"So, what do you plan on doing first?" Tsuniga asked.

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