» Drama » Mei Hana, Mark Lauck [read ebook pdf txt] 📗

Book online «Mei Hana, Mark Lauck [read ebook pdf txt] 📗». Author Mark Lauck

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Mei's dream picked up from where she had last left it. A flash of light had blinded her sight and eventually faded back into the surrounding that was laid upon her. The building was burning with intense heat. A little boy was curled up on the left hand corner of the living room. Mei instantly rushes over to his location and picks up the little boy. A part of the ceiling collapses and blocks the front door disallowing the two to leave through that exit. She carries the boy into the kitchen and walks over through the back door. She freed her right hand and spun the door knob until she managed to push the door open. Mei carries the boy twenty yards away from the house before setting him down.
"Is anyone else still inside the house?" Mei questions.
The boy shook his head indicating that nobody was home, but has face said that he wasn't sure. Mei couldn't risk losing someone to a fire like this. She runs back inside the house and ran up the stair case looking for anybody that could be in danger; however, nobody was inside. It was just the little boy. The boy didn't have to wait for long before Mei got back over to his side.
"What happened?" Mei asked.
The boy didn't respond. His eyes began to tear up.
"Don't cry," Mei tries to comfort him. "Can you speak?"
The boy shook his head.
"You're a mute."
The boy nodded his head.
"What should we do? It looks like we're in the middle of a forest. Should we start walking and look for help?"
The boy shook his head.
"We can't just sit here?"
The boy shrugged.
"Come on, let's go look for a city or a town."
The boy refused.
"You can't just sit here and do nothing. You won't get anything done that way."
The boy continued to resist Mei. Mei sighed and sat down beside the little boy.
"Do you know where your family went?"
The boy nodded his head.
"Did they leave you here by yourself?"
The boy nodded his head.
"Why would they do that?"
The boy layed down on the grass and played dead.
"They're... Dead?"
The boy nodded his head.
"What happened?"
The boy pointed at the fire.
"But I didn't see any dead bodies in the house."
The boy pointed at the sky.
"Even if they did go to heaven, they're bodies would still have to be here."
The boy shook his head.
"It's true."
The boy shook his head.
Mei stood up. "I'm going to look for someone to give us some help. Please, do follow," Mei says getting ready to walk to a trail not far from where they stood. It looks like it was a long dirt path that lead to no where. Mei wasn't intimidated by this sight and began to walk down the trail. She couldn't help but think about the little boy who was in need of help.

It seemed like hours passed, but it seems like she wasn't making any progress.


Text: Mark Lauck - HighCaliberStudios - Contact:
Publication Date: 06-12-2012

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