» Drama » January 9th, Jason Tru, Jason Tru [top 10 novels .txt] 📗

Book online «January 9th, Jason Tru, Jason Tru [top 10 novels .txt] 📗». Author Jason Tru, Jason Tru

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to be away as long as possible. Rubbing his eyes, over and over, not knowing where his glasses are, he sits on the bed, next to the window, before closing the blinds and stretches more, tapping his feet on the floor while yawning. As he sat there for a bit, he tried to quickly, plan out his day, and to think of what he'll do next and how he'll survive, generally. He's at a new school and being himself, he knows from a start that this was not an easy task. Gently raising his hand, with some of the semi-broken nails, he kisses the bracelet, then holds it close to his chest.

'Pon getting up to leave, he leans over to close the window, but notices in the distance, another window, with someone in it. Not knowing who the person was, and his vision, half-blurred itself, from just waking up and not having his glasses, his eyebrows lowered and eyes squinted and his face got focused and firm, while he tried to settle his eyesight. His hand then raised to itch his head, as his vision finally cleared, only to notice that the guy was just standing there, looking back in only his night-pants. August fell to the floor, not realising that the window is open, with his rear, stuck in the air and his face, planted in the floor. '' God, he probably thinks that I'm a creepy goof! '', '' I heard that? '', '' He's still there?! '', '' I heard that too?...''. August just got up and scratched his head and laughed gently, scratching his head more, until he notices that he's still scratching and smiling, then stops both in a frantic. Still being awkward, he then realises that he's now paused, without a smile and his arm still in the air. With no words, he just turns and walks out of the room.


'' Mm, haha... '', Caleb'd chuckle to himself, gently, after seeing the clumsy person, leave the room, as he looked down, fondling the drawstrings to his night pants, for over two minutes, before dropping them, with a smile, and walks to the bathroom to get ready for school. '' Who was that kid? Haha, that was interesting. Was it a kid, even? '', he'd softly mumble to himself, still smiling, while he generously smears shaving cream all over his sticky, prickly, stubble. As the cold blade of his razor met his skin, he'd move it roughly, up, against the hair's direction of his face, and drag it as close as he could. Being that his facial hair grows back painful at times, rates him to shaving twice per week. To his mind, shaving as close as he could, getting most off, would be best, removing most hair. In a sudden, without a warning, he sneezed, letting the razor slide against his skin, cutting his chin. The cut wasn't as deep, but was visible. Caleb just sighed and kept shaving the rest.

'' Mum, do you have anything for this? '', he'd ask his mother. '' For what? '', '' This, on my face '', '' What? Oh let me see. Aw, you know that you should be careful with those things... '', she'd stress in a low voice, '' Just go put some ice on it until you've finished your breakfast and leave for school. ''. As Caleb finds something to eat, he held a ice cube on his wound, just as his mum asked, so it would ease the blood vessels, and not swell or be infected. He'd find leftovers in the bottom left of the fridge, every morning, and eat it as breakfast, if not, just go to school without anything. While walking out of the fridge with a bowl in his mouth, held by his teeth, and one in his other arm, he slips on a little puddle that the ice dripped, having both bowls fall. '' Caleb, be careful! '', his mum, Beth yelled as she'd slap him behind his head, having him drop the icecube onto the floor, splitting open. '' Are you serious?! '', she'd scream as she hit him once more, '' That one wasn't even my fault! '', Caleb replies. '' WHO EXACTLY ARE YOU RAISING YOUR VOICE TO? '', Caleb's mum, Beth would scream, waking half the neighbourhood up. '' No one... '', Caleb'd respond in a disappointed tone, looking down with puffy cheeks and a red, drippy cut on his chin. '' Oh, man up. '', she'd tease, forcing him to look up and walk away. Caleb immediately grabbed his jacket after getting out of the kitchen and headed to the truck.

'' And, I'm late. Yeah, thanks mum. '', Caleb teases, underbreath, sarcastically while in his truck, knowing that he's a safe distance away from his mother's ears. Realising that he didn't brush his hands over his short hair, his face fades into a deep smile, with bright eyes. As he opens his mouth, pulling off a goofy smile, he'd close his eye and rub his right hand over his short hair, then burst into a light chuckle, to himself. '' I never really noticed how crazy I am... '', Caleb softly mentions to himself, as he smiles again, turning on the old radio, flipping from station-to-station, to find one that works. '' Ugh, dumb thing. You never wanna' give me a break and play, huh? '', he'd argue with the radio. With his attitude to fix it, and the radio's will to just, not work, Caleb finally sighs and gives up, '' You win this time, Mr. Radio. ''.

With a sigh, Caleb fixes his eyebrow down, attempting to start the old, cold, truck. After, over twenty tries, it finally kicks up, making a puff of grey smoke in the back. '' You old dust trap. Didn't wanna' start, but I made you. Mwahahah' '', Caleb would tease the truck, once more, having it puff one more time during his laugh, '' Alright, alright. No jokes. Sorry, haha. ''.

''Great, no parking spot. '', Caleb nagged, while turning the stiff steering wheel, cornering the truck on the side, behind the school, parking it there. '' And, I forgot my lab book. Oh, just awesome. '', he'd sarcastically slur. As he got out of his truck, he'd rub his short hair, once more, before leaning back in the truck, getting his books.

'' Ah, so, first period's Biology. I wonder if I could duck it. I'd need a note. Or, pretend that I'm not here. Oh, that'd be so great. I mean, I do want to miss class, after all. Actually, no. I want to be in school, being that it's the last year and all, but I'm so tired. Oh, and I still have a headache from the hangover, oh, that'd be my excuse. Yes, yes. It's all set. Oh, lord. No. I can't. I'm not going to lie. Ah, it's my last year anyway. What am I going to get? Suspended? Haha...'' Caleb would stop rambling by the sound of chanting. '' Oh, a fight? I'll miss these. '', he'd mention as he quickens his pace, using his ears as a sense of tool, to spot the fight. The chanting gently fades into laughter as he got closer. '' Haha, fag. '', '' Why are you even here? '', '' Go back to where you came from, you little shit. '', the chants and laughter would build. '' Caleb! Did you see the fag? Ugh, God. He's so sickening. '', questioned Deborah, Caleb's 'girlfriend', that Caleb's group of friends assigned him, as she bumped into Caleb, right in front of his face, nearly scaring him, to drop his books. '' What? Haha. '', Caleb'd reply, in a sort of confused voice. '' I don't know. I guess a gay guy moved into our school. '', she'd reply, leaning on his arms, stepping on her tip-toes to kiss Caleb at the side of his mouth. '' Well, where is he?...''. Caleb'd get cut off once more but a loud thudding sound. As he turned around quickly, to see what made the noise, he found what seemed at the time to be the 'gay-guy'. Another thud is heard when Matthew hit the guy from behind, in the middle of his back, having him bend forward in impact, dropping his books. As they fell to Caleb's feet, and having all eyes on him, he shoved it softly, forward, back to the guy, laughing along. As the guy picked the books up, Blake would point his fingers to the guy's head, shoving him forward, '' Why'd you come here, bro'? Hmm? Or, should I call you, sis? ''. With no reply, he'd shove the guy on his forehead harder, '' Answer me, man! '', he'd yell, having everyone chuckle, underbreath. Just being more silent than before, the guy would just cough, because of the lash to his back and close his eyes slightly, looking down at the floor. '' Aren't you going to answer me, pretty boy? '', Blake would annoy. '' Hey ! '', he'd yell again, this time, louder, scaring the guy as he lightly jumped in surprise. '' Oh, he's scared. Aww. '', teased Blake, as he looked back at Caleb, giggling to himself. '' And, what's this? '', Blake deviously slurs, grabbing the guy's arm, slipping his finger under his bracelet. '' No! Leave it alone, that's mine! '' the guy would finally exclaim, in a high-pitched tone as he pushed Blake by the chest, away with his weak arms. '' Excuse me? '', Blake would question as he pushed back, having the guy push Blake back, once more, automatically. Knowing what he did, his eyes were red and filled with fear, with Blake just tightening his fist. Before Blake could hit, Caleb gabbed Blake's arm, pulling it away from the bracelet quickly, then loudly hits the guy's books once more, having them fall to the floor on his feet, '' Don't shove Blake! Do you even know who he is, little man? Haha, '', Caleb teased having the bell ring in the dead silent moment. '' Aye, see you at lunch? '', '' Yeah, man. '' Alright. See ya' then, Caleb. Bye faggy! '', Blake teased one last time as he left with Matthew and Deborah.

'' Coming, Caleb? '', questioned Jasper. '' Ah, yeah. I just forgot something in the truck. '', '' Alright, see you in class. '', Jasper replied, leaving slowly. Scratching his head, Caleb left, walking to his truck, knowing that there's nothing there. Walking back slowly, he peeks from behind a grey wall, and watches the guy kneel to the floor, as his eyes hastily starts leaking into tears, covering his face. Sitting on the floor, he uses his sleeve to wipe his right eye, as his nose and around his eye started getting puffy and red, from the tears. He coughs and holds his chest, as he buries his face into the sleeve of his forearm. Caleb, at this point, was unsure to what should be done or what he should do. He just stood there for a few moments, looking on. '' Should I go say something? Yes I should. But,

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