» Drama » January 9th, Jason Tru, Jason Tru [top 10 novels .txt] 📗

Book online «January 9th, Jason Tru, Jason Tru [top 10 novels .txt] 📗». Author Jason Tru, Jason Tru

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what if someone sees me? No, I shouldn't. Why is this fag even here? Why does he look like that? I'm so confused right now...'', he'd mumble to himself, over and over, making literal body movement, forward and backwards, every time he agrees and disagrees to go look.

Finally, he builds the courage, after seeing the guy, sit there, and cry as much. The guy leans forward, eyes still dripping, as he attempts to pick his books up. His tears dripped on something that splashed back to his face. With a sudden breath, he jolts up a bit, as he realises that it was a hand, on his book. '' Biology? Same class as me; only, I forgot this book. '', Caleb would softly mention in a low, whispery voice. '' Just freezing there, the guy refused to move for a moment out of shock. As he raised his head quickly to see who it was, his eyes widened, as he just stayed, knelt there, looking up in fear. '' I'm not going to hit you, dude. Haha, '' Caleb gently asures. '' Y-You're not? '', '' No, do you want me to? '', Caleb joked, as it went silent again. '' Uh, anyway. Are you okay?... '' Caleb asked. '' Yeah, I'm fine. '', the guy would reply, having Caleb kneel in front of him, picking up the books with him. '' You don't have to help; I'm fine. '', '' Ah, shush. '', Caleb softly joked, as he gathered the books, and helped the guy stand. '' Well, uh, what's your name? '', Caleb would ask, holding the books, over his. '' Oh; I'm August... '', the guy replied, airily, in a gentle, husky voice, as he held his throat. ''And, you're Caleb, I'm gussing. '', he'd mention, trying to sound a bit popular. '' Haha, yeah. I'm Caleb. Well, uh, we're both extremely late. We should get going, right? '', Caleb noted, while placing August's book in his arms, keeping back the Biology book. Pausing for a short second or two, '' Can I borrow this? ''. '' Oh, sure. '', August replied in a burst of panic, unsure to how to respond. '' Thanks '', Caleb masked, before taking off to class.

'' Oh, wait! '', Exclaimed August, having Caleb turn around briskly, scaring August a bit, as he retreats, rephrasing in a softer tone, '' Hold on... '', '' Hmm? '', '' I don't really know where my class is or how to get there. '', '' Oh. '', '' Yeah... '', '' Well, that's a problem, hmm? '', Caleb replied, while he thought to himself and questioned how he was going to help, without anyone seeing. '' Ah, I'll help you find the school's office, alright? They'll help you from there. '', '' Thanks. '', August replied, softly, while he followed Caleb.

'' There it is, right through those doors. Just ask at the desk for assistance. '', '' Okay, got it. '', '' Haha, alright, bye now. '', '' Bye. Haha '', they both chuckled as they departed.

As Caleb walked to class, he looked at the ground with a smile, while he kept repeating what happened just now in his mind. Bushing his short hair once more, he'd laugh as he tried walking a bit faster to his class.

'' God, I'm still shaken up. Why am I? And, why did that guy help me? '', August mumbles to himself as he makes his way to the front desk. '' Ah, hello? Is anyone here?. '', August would question, unnecessarily, seeing the people sitting there, ignoring his existence. '' Anyone? '', '' What do you want? And, why are you not in class? You are a student here, aren't you? '', one of the secretary asks. '' Oh, yes, I am. I'm new, but I can't really seem to find my class. ''. '' I'll just get the principal. She'll help you with a class. '', '' Alright, thanks '', '' Mhm. '', she replied with a sarcastic tone.

Chapter 4; IDYLL

'' Caleb? Why aren't you in class? '', questioned Mrs. Jasmin, in a firm voice. Mrs. Jasmin was Caleb's old teacher. She's an elderly teacher that's been teaching for years, and taught Caleb in multiple classes in the history of his school-life. She grew more so as a strict-playing mother to him. '' Oh, I just came a tad late... '', '' And, what's that on your chin, young man? '', '' Ah... '', '' Oh, her? '', '' Haha, nah'. This one was my fault. Shaving can be dangerous, kids. '' he'd tease, as they both shared a light chuckle. '' Be careful. '', '' Ah, I know. '', '' Alright, get to class now before I write you up. '', '' Alright '', Caleb would tease back, flashing his fingers in the air, in a sarcastic tone of voice.

As Caleb reached the class's door, he expected everyone to somehow, know, that he helped a 'gay-guy', pick up his books. He was so new to the entire thing, and felt odd. Opening the door, finally, he walked in, sweating coldly, but to his surprise, no one even looked at him. Everyone was blissfully unaware, paying attention to class, and laughing to themselves to their own stupid jokes. They were passing notes and just enjoying their last year of high school.

Knowing now, that they don't know, in some strange reasoning, Caleb walked in the most questionable way, possible, to his seat. He just sat there in suspense, looking left to right, gently clawing his teeth into his tongue. '' Boo! '', Debby screamed in a whispery tone, keeping her hands on his shoulder. '' Dude, jeez. What happened? '', '' Ah, I dunno'. You look like you've seen a ghost or something. ''. She'd joke, as she chewed on some gum, which was not allowed in school. '' Nothing. Haha. '', he replied, as he quickly opened his Biology book and started writing random things. With a curious mind, Debby runs her fingers along the side of the book, trying to seduce Caleb in a sense, before, finally grabbing it. '' Caleb, this book looks new. Where's all of your notes? '' Debby asked, flipping the pages. At this point, Caleb was about to surrender, putting his hands up and getting on his knees. He remembered, quicker than ever, that it was August's book. '' Shit, I forgot. It's Summer's book. Summer? Winter? Seriously? I've forgotten his name already? May. It's May, no, June, October? OH, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HIS NAME IS; IT'S HIS BOOK! '', Caleb argued with himself in his mind, taking a while in reality. '' Caleb? '', '' Hmm? Oh, that book. Well, see. That's a new book. '', '' Oh, new? '', '' Yes, new. I lost my old one and got a new one. '', '' Right, well Mr. Smartface, why'd you get a new one and we're at our ending class, anyway? '', '' Don't question my process, woman. '' he'd end. '' Alright, man. Haha. '' Debby would reply, as she quickly kissed Caleb, running back to her seat, next to him.

'' Well, at least that's over with. '', Caleb would talk to himself, silently, as he ignored the teacher for his own thoughts, '' Why am I even panicing, anyway? ''. As Caleb sat, settling himself, he rocked back on his chair, putting his foot up on a small bar, on the bottom of the chair. As the words of the teacher started getting into his mind, he tried to figure the questions out, and remember things. Not too long, after he started settling down, he heard a bit of mumbling, by the class's door. While he squinted his eyes, trying to see what was going on, he saw a kid at the door, looking confused. the kid kept peeking in and walking back, then peeking again. At the moment when he realised that it was August, he nearly fell back, off of his chair. Gladly, no one noticed him nearly falling. He just sat forward, with his arms rest up against the table; sharpner in his left hand and pen in the right. '' He looks confused as hell. '' '' Am I going to help? Yes, yes I will. No, actually, no. But, he needs help. Oh, I'll just sit and wait. '', Caleb went back and forth in his mind. As time passed, August just stood outside the door, without budging.

Breaking his vow, Caleb decided to go over to the door and help. As soon as he was about to stand, August opened the door, and stepped in. Caleb just sat back in his seat, quickly, before being noticed. '' Ever heard of knocking? '', Mr. Greg, the teacher, asked, before reaching forward for his drink. August just stood there, silently for a moment, looking back and forth, at the class and to the teacher, without moving his head. '' Are you going to talk? '', questioned Mr. Greg in a jaunty mood, as he sipped his drink. '' Yes, sir. '', August replied, singularly, with his hands clenched firmly on his books. '' Oh? '', Mr. Greg jokingly responded, in a high-pitched voice. '' Yes. '', August replied once more, leaving his replies, lesser and lesser of words, to which at a point, became quite amusing to the surrounding class. '' Well? Your presence in my classroom is because? '', he'd tease, raising his drink in an old-timely fashion. '' Well, sir, I was told that this was my new class... '', August would reply, being cut off by random scuffle and argument to the notion by the classroom. He'd turn his head back to the teacher, firmly keeping his eyes on him, trying his best to avoid visual contact with the class. '' The principal said that this was my new class... '', he'd get cut off, once more, as a paper ball hits him, directly in the face, having the entire class burst into a blazing laughter. '' Class! Keep it down, alright? '', Mr. Greg exclaimed, trying to contain them. '' So, the principal sent you here? Are you sure? '', '' Well, yes, sir. It's classroom B.6, isn't it? '', August questioned as he awkwardly tries to unravel the torn, little, white paper that he wrote the name of the classroom on. '' Yes, this is classroom B.6. Ah, just have a seat anywhere, alright? '', Mr. Greg replied, softly, as he angled his arm with the drink in it, pointing at the classroom. '' Oh, okay. '', replied August in a dubious tone.

With his arms locked even more firmly around his books, he digs through the trash and garbage, having his head faced to the floor, in attempt to block any hits or things thrown towards him, while searching for a desk. Finding a dusty, old seat next to the wall, he exhales in relief, as he dives into it. Still not raising his head or looking at the class, he ignores their presence, while he tunes them out with the sound of his new teacher's voice.

The noise of his other classmates grew so obstreperous, that he was forced to lay his head

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