» Drama » Anastasia, Wendy Luis [new ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Anastasia, Wendy Luis [new ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Wendy Luis

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The Transformation

 We where walking as fast as we could so for wolfs that was like light running for humans. "Ana I want you to understand your mate will be differnt. In some legends they state the strongest mate will come first. Their are creatures wolfs and humans have never seen and you will be the one to see them. There is through to be more then just humans and wolfs in the world but went into hidding. They say the red is their to protect and keep balance. It is known that the red would birth both wolf and creature. The say you will need to choose to stay with wolf or leave with creature. Reds have always left after seeing creature. Once they know that the wolfs are safe from the creatures. That is why they tried to scare you with the myth that you heard of. You do not die like in the myth but no one has hurd of a red to stay as history shows." As soon as we got in there it was 11:50. Just a few more min before 12:00 midnight. My brother hugged me before he opened the door and locked me in. "It will be okay Anastasia. I will be here for you." I whispered a thank you in my head before feeling my body in pain. I feel my bones slowley brake as they say the first transformation is the slowest. It feels as if my bones are braking slowler then time its self. I then turn into a full red wolf I am bigger as a wolf. I am at 10 feet I look at the mirror my eyes are purple but how can that be? "They are my eyes. Even though I am inside of you my eyes shine through." My wolf told me as I looked myself in the mirror. I was happy are training room was as big as a ball room if not any wolf would go crazy in a small space. "Do you think are mate is on it's way? What do you think he is?" I asked my wolf as I was getting excited. "I do not know. I only know what you know for now. Your abilities will come soon." I was puzzled wolfs could only have one ability even if they where alphas. But then again I'am a red wolf. I so wanted to stay in my wolf form but knew my brother's wolf wouldn't allow it. They are said red wolfs once trandformed do not need to follow any alpha if chose not too. But I felt like turning. I didn't want to be naked when my mate arrived if the legend was true anyways. So I turned back it took a while but didn't hurt as bad as transforming.


I was in human form when I grabbed a towel from the training room. We left towels just in case anyone transformed from anger which happened a lot to guys. It seemed like most girls could keep it under control after a week from turning. I knocked on the door to getting a bear hugg as I step half way out the door. "You transformed and turned back faster then the others." My brother stated too me. "Lets get you dressed. My wolf has located a diffrent smell then wolf or human closing in on terriroy. The guys know to let him in so there will be no trouble." I was so excited it i wasn't in a towel I would jump to hug my brother first. 

Once I ran up stairs to hope in the shower I was worried that I wouldn't be good enough for my mate. My wolf kept on telling me he should kiss the ground I walk on. But once I went to change I didn't look fully in the mirror intill I was about to walk out of my room. I have a mirror on the back of my room I have always had it there so when I walk out I know I look good. I looked and I was a foot taller the only way I noticed cause my shirt fit a lil too short. My jeans looked perfect. Being short they were always a little to long but it seemed to fit just right. My butt said the same which I didn't mind. I looked at my eye and they looked fully green. I thought I was a completly diffrent person I didn't even recognize. I was lost in my looks intill I hear my brother yell. "He is here I think you would like to see him." I run down stairs almost falling. Now I know why tall people have trouble running. When I go to the living room I throught I was DREAMING!! "MATE! MATE!" My wolf screamed in my head causing me to almost fall over. Before I could someone got to me it seemed like they came out of no where I was five feet away from where my brother was. When I looked up a guy with black hair and with blue tips and gorgues eyes stand infront of me. As i looked in his eye they turned dark blue and so did his hair. His face looked so amazing when he finnaly he stood up he came to be 7feet. I might have touched his chest and could have felt an eight pack. He looked slim but not too tinny. He was perfect down to his toned body! "He is all ours. Or should I say Mine!" My wolf seemed to want to take him then and their. If it wasn't for my brother and a few others looking at what happened.

The dragon

 "Hi. My name is Liam. " I was in love with his deep voice. It sounded like angels singing. "More like a god that came to life." My wolf decided to comment. She wasn't off I just never felt this way for no one before. "Hey. My name is Anastasia. Most call me Ana or the guys call me red." All I wanted to do so badly was kiss him so badly. "If you want it all you had to do was ask." All of a sudden he leaned in and kissed me. I heard someone clear there throught and like that I remembered my brother was still there. I felt my cheeks heat up so badly I thougt I would burn my own face. " I wouldn't mind this meeting continue in my office. Of course If you guys pomise not too make things worse." "I promise Luke." We started heading to my brothers office when I felt Liam touch my hand. I gladly let him hold my hand. I felt so many feelings of loning, lust, happniest, and excitment. At first I thought it was my feelings intill we got to my brothers office. Liam looked and the feeling changed from worry, to dought, and confusion. "Are you okay Ana." "Yeah I'm fine Liam." " Are you love birds coming in the office or staying outside." We all walked into my brother's office. Liam still sending confusing through me. We ended up sitting in my brothers couch while my brother sat behind his desk. "So Liam is it. So you where saying you know the other part of the legend we are clueless about." "Yes, Ana actually knows everything in a way. Red can actally look at past reds life and the outcome of it. She will be tested with three brothers that where born triplets all a diffrent creature." "What! I have to choose between boys to find my legend that is true to me. Not only that but i'm going to have to get pregnant and have twins one creature one wolf!" I was so in shock. I didn't know what to say or do and I think Liam knew it cause I couldn't read his emotions freeley. "I know it's a lot to take in sis but everything will be okay. I know alpha and red are the only one's to know your true form would you like to show us or wait till you become what ever it is you are." I looked at look angrly. "Really luke! You don't have to be so mean to him and demand to see or know what he is." "It's okay red. I don't mind I know a lot of alphas demand worse." In that he turned to something so big and beautiful. His scales where just like his hair. I think my mouth was on the floor. I thought I was totally dreaming intill." Your a dragon!!" Luke yelled out.

Dragon's Past

I felt so light headed when I saw him transform. I felt my body go limp and everything was black for a moment. 

"Did I black out." I said trying to reach up for help. When I stood up I was somewhere else in a meddow. When did I get here? "You first meet here before vampires died. Before a lot of creatures died." My wolf told me. Everything felt so real but I knew it was a memory of a red before me. "Ray is this still you?" "Yes, I am the reason you can always see everything before in past lifes. Just wait a little longer you will see why we are here." All of

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