» Drama » Anastasia, Wendy Luis [new ebook reader txt] 📗

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push me out of the crowed with hims body still pressed on his chest. We went to the pool house where no one was allowed to go during parties. I knew no one would know of us being there. "So what do you want to know about me?" I asked just to break the ice. "Well for starters you can tell me little red what is your name?" "Well Mayson my name is Anastasia but a lot of people call me red or Ana." "Well in that case you are now to be called princess only by me." He stated as he sat on the couch. Before I could sit he sat me on his lap. "So have you disided who your true mate is or will you leave me behind?" I was shocked by the question. In this moment I felt he might be but had trouble thinking do to the drinks in my system. "To be honest Mayson I haven't thought of it all the way. I feel like you might be the one but only time can really tell." With that he layed me down on my back. He climbed on top putting almost all his wait on his arms. "What a perfect anser my princess. It seems as if I maybe in the lead." "This is not a competition you know." I stated to him. He just smiled and leaned down. "I know but I would like to say that I am the closet to being a true mate as you stated." He said as he kissed down my neck. With a push he fell off the couch. "How fun you like to play too." He said in that he pulled me on top. I couldn't stand the teasing back and forth. It's like my body was exploding with lust and wanted him there and now. I kissed him and grinded on top of him. He then stroke my legs pushing his hands up my dress. I left a moan out. With that he picked me up and placed me on the bed. His dick teasing me making me wet. I let out another moan as we kissed. Letting him get access to my mouth. Allowing him to deepen the kiss and have him take off my wings. He moved my hear and dress from my sholder. Before I knew what he was going to do as he let go of the kiss. I relised he was going to mark me. When marked their was no stopping what came next. I let out a moan as he bit me marking me as his. With that I lost control to what happened and everything became blank.  The Matting process

 I woke up with my head pounding. I tried to sit up but something was holding me down. When I turned to face someone it was Mayson. When I looked at him he looked peacefull it wasn't till I remember I was naked that everything came to me at once. My head pounded somemore. "You shouldn't think to much princess it will take the fun out of it. I know you haven't made a choice but I would like to feel that I am winning you." His confidence made me giggle. I loved that about him telling me what he thinks. I looked at him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Maybe or maybe not I just hope my brother doesn't eat you alive for claiming me so soon." Just as I said that someone nocked on the door. I got scared a little and that is when Mayson but on his underware and opened the door. I covered myself as fast as I could with the sheet on the bed. I was so suprised a little more when Liam walked in. "So you give him this right but not the rest of us. I came to only make things fair." As he walked closer to the bed Mayson got infront of his path. "Only she can deside what is fair to her. What I can see is that your busy with another why you ignore your feelings. You hold back why I will find out." He pushed past. "Well till then I say that she should have my mark as well." Before Mayson could stop him liam grabbed hold of my upper arm. All of a sudden I screemed out in pain. Liam went flying to the wall as Mayson looked at what he had done. It seemed to make a mark of fire on my arm almost like a tattoo. "You will pay for marking her when she is not wanting your touch." Liam then smiled. "We will see all I need her to do is touch me and we will be matted. I have gave her my matting symbol it is only fair with your bite you marked her with. Now it's up to are last brother to settle the score. Knowing his past he doesn't have the balls to make a more like that." I was so mad how could he come to me mark me and then call my other mates out. He was running aroung with cynthia and still wanted me in his arms no thank you. "You say the past lifes have been kind to you but in this life you have yet to meet my touch how mayson has or spoke to me as gential as Ethan has. When I will choose you will not be thought of!" I yelled. I could feel ray being a little sad and she knew it wasn't all true but we could not let him do that. In that moment Mayson grabbed me and we were all of a sudden in my bathroom. "Princess I think you had to much fun and so much to think of just shower and change. You need to think and I feel my pack needs me. I will see you in school tommorrow my love." With that he stood me up and kissed my forhead. With in another second he was gone.

I showered and was thinking of what Liam said about Ethan. So I made up my mind I would ask Ethan to mate with me so he could have a fair chance. I didn't mean it to fall down to this but I know from all three of them Ethan was sweet at heart. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I took a shower got changed before going to look for my phone.


Text: Wen Luis
Publication Date: 02-16-2016

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