» Drama » Taking Five, RoxyCupcakes327 [children's ebooks free online .txt] 📗

Book online «Taking Five, RoxyCupcakes327 [children's ebooks free online .txt] 📗». Author RoxyCupcakes327

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I stop him from finishing the sentence by kissing him. He put his around my hips and pulled me closer to him, as I snaked my arms around his neck. Then he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist without once ever breaking the kiss.
"Kydriana are you ready to...ummm... I really sorry I didn't mean to." said Cat
"Yeah I'm ready Ryan and I needed to umm settle a few realationship problems. Let's go."
As I walk out I can feel Ryans eyes on my ass and he said,"Promise me you won't fall for those one direction gay pricks."
"Please I would dare fall for one." I hoped he haden't noticed that I didn't answer his question. Shopping, "Swimming", and Sex?

If you haden't noticed I didn't answer Ryan's question. I don't think that I can make that promise, I mean Zayn Malik is pretty sexy so if I end up falling for him I wouldn't be able to help it. I mean think about it he's dreamy and I love him british accent... wait what am I saying I love Ryan I think

That's what I'm thinking as I'm driving my friends to the mall in my new GT Mustang.
"Hey Keke what were you and Ryan "discussing" when I walked in." Cat asked me.
"Ummm well he asked my to promise him that I wouldn't fall for any of the one direction dudes"
"Well what did you say." They asked.
"I told him that I love him."
"You didn't answer his question!"
"Yeah I know but I don't think that he noticed." I say as i get into the closest parking space at the mall. So we got out and I grabbed $4,000,000 dollars from my purse and gave them each $1,000,000. I told them to go a pick out the cutest out fit they can. I didn't give Lilly any money because of course she has money, shes my sister remember. So we grouped upit was me & Cat, Lilly & Abigail, and lastly Caroline & Jessie. Cat and I went to forever 21, and that is when I saw it. It was the prettiest dress I've ever seen. I was all yellow that came about mid-thigh with a thick black and white zebra print belt. It only cost $150. Now all I needed was a pair of 5" heels and a new Louis Vuitton. So I went to this really nice shoe place and got some black and white zebra print heels the accual heel part was yellow and so were the insides.That cost $327. And my Louis Vuitton well that was costum made it was all black with a yellow flower on the outside and on the inside all yellow with a black wallet. That cost $683. Now for excessories I bought $20 earings that were black, and the necklace was $30 that you baught to go with it. Now all I need is to go to Bath and Body Works (Yes I'm rich and still love B&BW). From there I get secret wonderland. Now that I'm all done we are all ready to go since the girls were all waiting on me. Cat got a zebra print blue and black dress with black stelettos. Well they all bought black stelettos, the only difference was the dress. Abigail got a red dress. Jessie got a purple dress with black polka-dots. Lilly bought a Lime green dress that had a tiny yellow belt. and Caroline got a blue dress with a really cute unexplainable pattern but it was cute. They all bought L.V. and big earrings. On the way home I stop at red bowl for the girls and Kabuto's for myself, and McDonalds for Cat (soo difficult that Cat) well I did eat her fries for making me stop there I mean it's not like she care she never eats them. So when we get to my house we change into our bikinis and we jump into the pool. I had brought drinks out from the kitchen you know just in case one of the girls didn't want to swim but wanted a drink.
Then Ryan walked out where we were. He was in his trunks and he came over by where I was, and of course he came the girls left. Like completely left me and went home, and the boys were gone the whole day, and Lilly went to a friends house for a sleepover so it was just me and Ryan. I thought that he wanted to talk... I GUESS I WAS WRONG. He swam to me, took my hand and sat down on one of the pool chairs pulling me onto his lap. He look at me with lots of lust. He whispered in my earseductively,"So where were?" and once again I straddled him and we started to kiss. I licked his bottom lip to ask for entry and he gave it to me. Our tongues danced around in each others mouths for a while and then I broke the kiss, grabbed his hand and jumped into the water. We swam for like five minutes, but Ryan just could't keep his hands off me. He picked my up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me all the way up the stairs to my room. We continued to make out and then he leaned me back onto my bed. (I remember thinking damn it my bed is all wet... it's gonna get that way anyway)He untied my bikini and well...(the do not disturb sign was put up) you can figure out what what happens next. (Oh and if you didn't catch it I didn't want this I didn't want sex. I was also drinking at the pool and was drunk when this happened that's kind of what happens when your a senior sometime and you drink and swim. oh and don't try it at home it's very dangerous and could end up killing you. Stay tuned tomarrow to see what happens to Ryan and Kydriana's relationship.)

It's OVER with Ryan, but what about the plan??

I woke up to "Rock Me" by One Direction (Lilly made that her ringtone... uhhg) anyway when I reached and got my phone and said hello to her that's when I had noticed I had nothing on my body but the covers and to my right was Ryan. I could tell he had no shirt on and possibly no clothes on either, I peeked under the covers to find him naked too I quickly drop the covers and put on a shirt and some sweatpants. Oh shit I know we didn't do that, did we?
"Kydrianna are you there?" she questioned
Trying to shake the thought away, "Yeah I... um..."
"Did you and Ryan have sex by "accident?" she asked. I could tell she put quotations around the word accident as soon as she asked.
"I... um... I think so."
"How can you think so, I mean did you wake up and notice that you both were naked?"
How did she know. "How did you know?"
"Um let's see. Oh yeah I'm 14 and lost virginity before you, that's how I woke up."
"Wait, when did this happen. Mom is gonna kill you-"
"I don't think I'll be the only dead meat around seeing as you had sex-"
"OK I get it."
Ryan's P.O.V
When I woke up I noticed that I was all alone in Kydriana's bed,she must have gotten out to go to the bathroom or something. Then I heard her talking on the phone, no scratch that yelling on the phone,
"OK I get it, What should I do, I mean I can't break up with him. No make that I don't want to break up with him."
What was she talking about... oh now I remember we had sex, it was more like I had sex with her because she was drunk so did't really realize what we were doing. Damn it... I should've stopped this from happening.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked her as we sat in my Bugatti.
"Why would ever need to ask me? Of course you can kiss me..." she replied as she gazed into my eyes getting lost. I cupped her face in my hands and leaned in to kiss when she stopped me and finished the rest of her sentence with this, "but if you ever try to have sex with me I will break up with you the second I that I realize it." and with that she leaned the rest of the way and kissed me.
I really fucked this one up this time. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me I can't just loose her. I put my clothes on and I walked out the door and went down stairs only to
Kydriana's P.O.V
I heard the door to my room open and close my bedroom. I knew Ryan was up so I waited next to the steps and when he came down stairs and as soon as he did I slapped him so hard and yell with tears i my eyes,"Why did you do this to me? You knew damn good that I was drunk and you took advantage of me and probably fucked me all night long."
Looking a little stunned and pissed he said,"Well you didn't seem to have problem with my dick last night. All I could hear was you moaning, calling my name, telling me to fuck you harder, how good it felt, and how you liked the fact that the only thing on was the radio."
I started to slap him again he did the unexpected. He caught my hands and held them above my head and kissed me,he licked my lip asking for entrance. No way in hell was I gonna give it to him, not after that little stunt he pulled last night. Then he let go of one had for a second only to grab it with other hand. Now ha was holding both my hands with one. In that moment I noticed that the hand not holding anything was traveling down my back until it reached my but which he gave a squeeze making my gasp which one again he took advantage of me by french kissing without my gaining access. After he finished kissing me he whispered into my ear,"That was for the long road ahead because I know you will

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