» Drama » Taking Five, RoxyCupcakes327 [children's ebooks free online .txt] 📗

Book online «Taking Five, RoxyCupcakes327 [children's ebooks free online .txt] 📗». Author RoxyCupcakes327

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break up with me." You know until he said that I totally forgot about that day.
"Well actually I wasn't going to but after both those stunt, yeah I am breaking up with you. So go get all your stuff and get the fuck out of my house now! Maybe when get some since you can come back."
"If that's how you feel than I'm not helping you kidnap One Direction, instead I'll just tell everyone the truth, that you couldn't get one direction even if you tried."
"I don't need you"
As he reached his car he said,"You need me more than you know. Bye thanks for finding the best way to make a guy feel bad for making a mistake bitch." Oh hell no, this motherfucker didn't just call my a bitch is all I thought as I balled my hand up into a fist. He's right, he knows I know he's right this is over.
Since it's a Monday morning I had to get ready for school. Yeah:(.
When I got to school that's when I see him, he's perfect, Brandon. Now let's see if I can do a little magic. I went to the restroom to freshen up my makeup and well "fix" my already tight skirt and shirt (I pulled up my mini skirt and tied my button up shirt so that it outlined my boobs perfectly. I had a tank-top on up under it so I was OK)
After coming from the restroom I walk over to Brandon (in the corner of my eyes I can see every guy looking at me) who was checking me out.
He ask me,"What can I for you little miss shawty?"
"Glad you asked. I'll need to talk to you in privet." With that I grab his had lead him to empty class, I close and lock the door. I tell him everything and I mean everything.
"So can you help me," I asked as I lifted my leg to put it on the desk showing even more skin.
Without look away from he said," Um... I... yeah what ever tickles your peach, I mean whatever tickles you pink.
(SCORE once again I'm on top of my game.) One Way or Another...

Well getting Brandon to help me wasn't that hard, if fact that was quite easy. As I walked out of the classroom with him trailing right behind me I started to hear whispers; WTF are they a thing now, what do you think they did, I've never seen a nerd look so sexy, she is so out of his league what are they doing together. Then I saw Ryan across the hall his friend had just told him to look my way, but before he turned in my direction I turned to Brandon and quickly told him to play along as I started to make out with him in the hall in front of the "whole" school. I could tell that Ryan was mad because I could hear the commotion of his "Home Boys" holding him back. At that moment I laughed to myself thinking Ryan was such an asshole, I mean for real.
So after school today I drove Brandon, and as I was driving he asked me why I kissed him along with why I asked him to help me to kidnap 1D, When we got to my house I finally answered him.
"Um... well... a... I guess I've always liked you ever since 7th grade when we kissed at your birthday party when we were left in the closet for 7 minutes in heaven and I didn't think you liked me because after that you didn't talk to me." (this was so awkward)
"Oh, well I did like you I mean I do like you. You just ran out of there so quickly and then I saw you with Ryan when school started so I didn't really say anything about it."
"And that was just part of the reason the other parts was because I really wanted to kiss you and because I wanted to make Ryan mad which by the way it did work so thanks."
"Oh... um... your welcome... um... I guess." Was all he said I could tell that he felt used and that he was hurt so I kissed him again. This time I was more passionate kiss, passionate that somehow I ended up in the passenger seat on top of him, accutally straddling him with my hands lock around his neck. Now I really felt like a whore.
Well anyway getting back to the story, when Brandon and I walked in we sat down and the girls and I told him how things were going down when all of a sudden my sister came in with her iPhone in her new small portable speaker. That's when I think I fell in love with them, I could tell it was one direction but they were singing the best cover of One Way or Another. It was amazing. That is what made me determined to carry out this plan good thing they were getting to here (California) tonight!!! Meaning that the first concert of the 5 was tomorrow good thing I'm going to all of them so that I will make this steal perfect. That night I told the girls "I will get me some Zayn Malik One Way Or Another." (You see what I did there).

Game Day

So yeah I know what you're thinking, Your a whore, well thanks telling me that, I mean what do you want me to do sew on a red A on all my shirts.

Anyway that's how I felt when I read the txt that I got from Ryan. It said: You are such a whore. You get mad at me for having sex with you when you didn't say stop or anything and now you are making out with some dude to get back at me. Well damn I said I was sorry if that's not good enough then oh fucking well.
I didn't reply to him. I mean the only reason I was drunk was because I was happy that our plan was going great other than that I would not have been drinking, and I really don't even like him.

My mom is coming home today, but only because she needs to pick something up then she's going on another business trip (that's how my parents are. All they do is go on business trips they're never home.)
Before my mother gets home I asked the maids to help me clean. Then I went to change my clothes... I'm feeling a change coming (mostly because I feel like a whore), so I decide to put on a neon yellow lace shirt over a black spaghetti strap shirt, I had some black skinny jeans on with a neon belt, and to top it off I had on 4 inch black heels. When mom walked in she did a double take when she looked at me. I had a feeling that she knew what had happened to me considering the small smile on her face and the fact that she came in my room to talk to me about how I felt. I asked her how she knew, and she told me that she felt the same way after her first time. She stayed for 30 minutes then left. Which was just in time because my friends got to my house in a black limo like 30 seconds after she left.
We went over the plan for the last time and I handed them their passes and we got into the limo. The ride wasn't that long considering that we live 30 minutes from where the concert was being held (this was the day). Since we have gone to all of the 1D concerts the boys (from 1D) have started getting used to us they said that they wanted to go out somewhere with us after the concert.
I plan on taking the safe approach by asking them to do a gig at my school and if they don't well thank God that we are the ones giving them a ride to their hotel.
After the concert was over and all the people left from back stage and they were in their changing room talking I knock on the door and just walk in (thank God they had on clothes) seeing that they were sitting down in their seats and there are no more seats I take a seat on Zayn's lap, he really didn't have a problem with it instead he surprised me when he wrapped his arms around my waist, so I started to get them all comfortable with me by flirting with them especially Zayn. We started talking about their song Little Things (in a good way of course because that is my fave song by them) and I started to sing it. They started singing with me. Then Zayn and I had that whole stare in each others eyes intensely and then we both leaned closer to each other until his soft lip touched mine. He kissed like an angel, he liked my bottom lip asking for entrance on of course I gave it to him. We went on like this until Harry "coughed".
"Are you ready to leave yet love birds?" Harry asked.
"Um... Yeah, but first I have a question for all of you" I say.
"What is it?" they all asked.
"Will you um... come to my um... school and sing at our class president election, I'm kind of running in the race... and I kind of wanted to get you to sing for my school. If you want I will pay you anything for you to do this for me."
A soon as I say that Zayn, Niall, and Louis say yes but Harry and Liam take longer to think about their decision. So they did rock, paper, scissors (3 out of 4)and...

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