» Drama » Onto the Stage - Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays, BS Murthy [books for 9th graders .TXT] 📗

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sentiments of your father.

PRATI: It’s no excuse; there is nothing I don’t know about you and father.

VIMALA: I never knew you were an eavesdropper and a voyeur combined into one.

PRATI: Oh, I don’t mean it that way.

VIMALA: Leave it at that, and get to the realities of your life.

PRATI: What realities?

VIMALA: I won’t mean much to you once you marry…

PRATI: If you drop your idea, I won’t get married at all.

VIMALA: These are no Mahabharata days my dear. But still if you keep your vow, it will make it worse for me. Well, Bhishma didn’t marry to let his father have the woman he fancied. And you want to remain unmarried to prevent your mother from marrying the man who loves her.

PRATI: But don’t love him, do you?

VIMALA: What for you if I love him or not?

PRATI: Won’t it reflect on your marriage?

VIMALA: You’re just a girl not even a newly wed. 

PRATI: Maybe, I’m old enough to understand.

VIMALA: If only life is as simple to comprehend…

PRATI: I know it’s the stock stuff to gag the young mouths.

VIMALA: Okay, I’ll tell you about a stark reality. If ever you were in my position, you would feel as much need for a male company as I do now.

PRATI: Don’t think I don’t care for your needs. But I can’t bear your    shaming dad’s memory by marrying. If you still go ahead, I know I can’t prevent it. But I’m not sure whether I want to live to see you as someone else’s woman.

VIMALA: I think doctors save lives and not take lives.

PRATI: Why do you forget I’m no less a devoted daughter. 


VIMALA: Prati dear, know my love is as precious as your life.

PRATI: What, you love him!

VIMALA: Had my father cared for my feelings, Pratap would have been your father.  (PAUSE)


SCENE - 12


INT – Vimala goes to Pratap.

VIMALA: The sentimental fool has put her life on line.

PRATAP: Didn’t you foresee that?

VIMALA: No, I thought I could put some sense into her stupid head.

PRATAP: Now would you put my love on line or what?

VIMALA: No way come what may. 

PRATAP: What if she acts stupid; it’ll cast a shadow on our love life.

VIMALA: So be it, no missing you even at the cost of my life.

PRATAP:  That’s the love I crave, but still we’ve to save her life  

VIMALA: I’m glad it’s father like.

PRATAP: If the koya dora gets it right, won’t I become a proper father.

VIMALA: The day I deliver, would be the day of my life.

PRATAP: Never mind, the daughterly rebuff.

VIMALA: Mind you, only a woman would know that.

PRATAP:  Wish I were one to be able to feel like you.

VIMALA: You would know as I open my heart and soul to you. Now see how we can save Prati’s life without wasting ours.

PRATAP: Maybe, Sekhar could help us out. Why no word from him.

VIMALA: I don’t think so, yet Raghu may make some difference. But self-help is the best help, isn’t it? You apply your mind and I’ll find out what she is up to.


VIMALA: The she devil is sleeping. (PAUSE) I know you’ve an idea, it’s written on your face.

PRATAP: It’s husbanding trouble ahead.

VIMALA: What do you mean?

PRATAP: What else, wife being a face reader.

VIMALA: Oh, how I’ve been missing life.

PRATAP: And I, for the lack of inspiration.

VIMALA: That’s behind us any way; tell me what next.

PRATAP: As your logic failed to cut her sentimental ice, we shall melt it with her emotional heat.

VIMALA: But how? 

PRATAP: By feigning our suicide.

VIMALA: What an idea really, but how to go about it?

PRATAP: We bleed a little by slashing our writs and Sekhar will alert Prati to our suicide pact. Then we all should be smiling for our wedding album.

VIMALA: But what if the timing goes wrong?

PRATAP: I see your drawing hall wall is wide enough to accommodate our photographs. Why doubt, Prati’s sentiment would ensure that.

VIMALA: It’s no time to joke any way.

PRATAP: It’s all nuts and bolts my dear. Don’t you have a razor blade at home?

VIMALA: I think it’s there somewhere. 

PRATAP: You get hold of it as I get Sekhar on line.


SEKHAR: (OFF) How do you feel now?

PRATAP: Quite fit to think and act.

SEKHAR: (OFF) I’ll be reaching there shortly.

PRATAP: It’s the climax scene here. I’ve a role for you too.

SEKHAR: (OFF) I know it’s hard to handle Prati.

PRATAP: Listen carefully so that you won’t mess it up. Prati has threatened to commit suicide. I thought of vajram vajrena bhedyate. You’ll find Vimala and me in blood with our wrists slashed. You alert Prati and work on her emotion for the turnaround. Call me back to give us five minutes and we’ll keep the main door ajar.

SEKHAR: (OFF) What an idea sirji. I’m sure it makes Ajitab Bachan   proud.

PRATAP: Wait, Vimala has something to say.

VIMALA: Sekhar ask Raghu to follow you with his medical kit, just in case. You call him on 9246209733, okay.

SEKHAR: (OFF) Done, I’m glad you’ve got your man Vimala.

VIMALA: We’ll wait for your call.

SEKHAR: (OFF) Be ready, I won’t take long. 


PRATAP: Nice you found it. (PAUSE) It looks new.

VIMALA: How to go about it, I mean…

PRATAP: Hand in hand in the bed for better affect. Go and open the front door and keep it ajar. Don’t make noise.


SFX – Two rings of cell phone.

SEKHAR: (OFF) I’ll be there in five minutes. Raghu is on the way, he said he’ll bring some bandage along with him. Better be careful.

PRATAP: Don’t goof up, okay.



SCENE - 13


INT – Sekhar enters Vimala’s house and finds Vimala and Pratap in a pool of bed.

SEKHAR: Oh my god, (loud tone) Come Prati, be quick.

PRATI: (OFF) Sekhar uncle, what’s wrong with you?

SEKHAR: (loud tone) Your mother … .


PRATI: Oh, God.


PRATI: Mummy, are you okay?

VIMALA: Please leave us?

(PAUSE) How can you do this to me? Uncle, get something to stop the flow.

SEKHAR:  Okay, let me see.


PRATI: Are you okay uncle?


SEKHAR: Here’s is a saree. (PAUSE) Why he’s not responding?

PRATI: He’ll be okay. Please get some glucose from the medical shop.

SEKHAR: I’m back in a minute.

SFX – Soundtrack of cloth being torn.

VIMALA: Doesn’t save us.

PRATI: I‘m sorry mummy.


PRATI: I’m ashamed uncle.

PRATAP: I don’t blame you Prati.

PRATI: Don’t you forgive me mummy.


PRATI: Sekhar uncle, with water. 

SEKHAR: Why this madness Vimala. I thought he would give you new life and not abet you to suicide.

VIMALA: Don’t blame him.

PRATI: Uncle, have some glucose please.

PRATAP: Give your mummy. 

PRATI: Mummy, please.


PRATI: If you have, uncle also will have.


PRATI: That’s a good girl. (PAUSE) Uncle, be a good boy.


SFX- sound of the door buzzer.

SEKHAR: Prati, find out who it is.

RAGHU: (OFF) I’m Dr. Raghu, I came to check up Pratap uncle.

PRATI: (OFF) Who has called you?

RAGHU: (OFF) Don’t you know about the car crash?

PRATI: (OFF) What’s that?

RAGHU: (OFF) It’s Sekhar uncle’s car. Pratap uncle was a little traumatized?

PRATI: (OFF) It’s news to me. But how do you know?

RAGHU: (OFF) I was in the car myself.

PRATI: (OFF) Please come in.


SEKHAR: How timely. Prati is taking care but surly you can help.

RAGHU: Oh god, but why their wounds are not dressed up?

PRATI: Oh, I haven’t thought about it.

RAGHU: It happens when doctors treat their own people.

PRATI: I’ll go and get some bandage.

RAGHU: No need, I’ve it with me. Let’s move them out from here.


PRATI: Mummy, steady, (PAUSE) Sekhar uncle, help Pratap uncle (PAUSE) This way, to mummy’s room.


RAGHU: Pratap uncle, how lucky, you’ve escaped death twice today.

PRATAP: What luck it is when I couldn’t live life one day in twenty years.

PRATI: Uncle, with mummy with you can’t you let bygones be bygones

VIMALA: I know you love me dear. That’s why I don’t want to embarrass you any more. I would go to the States with Pratap. I hope you understand.

RAGHU: I think you should lead by example.

PRATI: Mummy he’s right. 

SEKHAR: Its no to Vimala’s visa. 

PRATI: On one condition.

SEKHAR: What’s that?

PRATI: Pratap uncle should surrender his passport.

RAGHU: And make me his best man.

PRATAP: Can I have a better man for that.

VIMALA: It’s just not you.. 

RAGHU: Auntie, I get you, but one step at a time.

PRATI: Why leave me out of the loop.

VIMALA: You may know Pratap is going to fund Raghu’s pro-poor hospital project. 

PRATI: Oh, I’m glad I’ve a job already..

RAGHU: Of a managing partner if you please.

PRATI: One step at a time.

RAGHU: Takes to the right destination.

SEKHAR: All’s well that ends well.  

SFX – Marriage tunes   


                                                                               The End



























Publication Date: 01-27-2015

All Rights Reserved

Under the British Raj in India, the self-indulging Nizams of Hyderabad abdicated the administration of their vast principality to doralu, the village heads, letting them turn the areas under their domain into their personal fiefdoms. While the successive Nizams were obsessed with building palaces and acquiring jewelry, the village heads succeeded in ushering in an oppressive era of tyrannical order. Acting as loose cannon from their palatial houses called gadis, the doralu succeeded in foisting an inimical feudal order upon the downtrodden dalits. Besides making these dalits toil for them as cheap labor without impunity, the doralu had no qualms in making vassals out of the hapless women folk. What with the police patels and the revenue patwaris in nexus with the landed gentry and the moneyed shaukars making a common cause with the doralu in their unabated exploitation, their sub-human condition ensured that the dalits were distressed economically,degraded socially 'n debased morally

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