» Drama » Truth of Dark Pasts, Serena Wood [read my book .txt] 📗

Book online «Truth of Dark Pasts, Serena Wood [read my book .txt] 📗». Author Serena Wood

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disappeared through what already seems like hours ago. I know what she’s asking before she even asks, as vague as her wording is. But still my response is delayed. For the first time, it’s not because I don’t want people to know; I’ve stopped thinking like that ever since Chloe showed up on that street. It’s just a little intimidating when I’m talking to the mother of the girl I’ve been in bed with.

“Yeah…” I answer quietly with a small nod. She takes that in for a moment, trying to wrap her head around how I unintentionally just brought her daughter’s sexuality to the surface. “Well, I can’t say her father would be pleased if he were still around. But after all, his narrow mindedness is partly what lead to the divorce. Unlike him, I’m more worried right now about how you’ll treat her.” She turns her body to face me more fully and when it couples with the look she’s giving me, I feel the cowardliness in me grow. “I won’t hurt her.” the statement itself is already a lie and I feel as if something should strike me down for all the wrongs I’ve done. The old me has already broken that promise time and time again.

But that's the old me, I swore I’d never let anything happen to her again and in the promise I made to Ellie; I know I can keep the promise I’m making now to her mom. I won’t hurt her. Not again.

“You’re a good girl, River. I’m trusting you to take care of my baby.” her entire statement feels like a small stab in the chest but I try not to let it show in my expression. “I will.” when it leaves my mouth, the answer I give to her implied question doesn’t seem enough. In this era, this type of thing doesn’t happen all that often; when people date they don’t usually have to worry about meeting the parents and having the awful conversation I’m enduring now. As old fashioned as it is, it’s still a reality to some and no one really likes to be having this conversation with their lover’s parent; most would probably leave it at that small agreement in hopes the conversation ends. But as uncomfortable as this is, I have to make sure she knows I care about Ellie; that her daughter will be in safe hands. Even if I wasn’t that person before, I swear from this moment on to be the person she deserves.

Before I really know what I’m going to say, I find myself speaking. “She means the world to me.That sounds like something any stupid teenager would say, but I mean it. She’s the best thing that’s happened to me, She’s always been there for me. Ever since we met at the park and she had those pigtails.” I smile briefly at the memory of a 12 year old Ellie and Addie smiles too. It’s the first time I think we’ve smiled in days. “You’ve been through a lot together.” she says with this fond tone in her voice. “We have.” I mutter, knowing better than Addie that Ellie has endured a lot for me. Because that’s just the kind of person Ellie is. I wish I could be more like her, maybe then we wouldn’t be in this mess.

She gives me one last small smile before moving to the loveseat sitting in the corner of the room. Within minutes she’s asleep and I’m left alone in the silence of the room, the constant beeping of the monitor being the only thing radiating through the small, dreaded hospital room.


At some point, I must have let the tiredness get the better of me. I open my eyes to see nothing but a white blanket and Ellie’s hand. I reach out to it with as much gentleness as I can manage. I run my fingers along her palm; letting out a small sigh of relief when they come in contact with warm skin. At least I know she made it through the night. Maybe Kathy’s right, maybe I am worrying too much. But it’s not like I can help it.

I move my fingers up past her hand and stop at her wrist, the faint feel of her heartbeat still remains and I relax a bit. I move up the rest of her arm rather absentmindedly. I’m thankful I chose this side of the bed, I couldn’t bare looking at the scars that line her other arm. Carefully I move my hand back to holding onto hers, still I haven’t managed to lift my head from where it’s rested. I watch her for a while, this sense of hope still in the pit of my stomach. I’m still waiting for her to show me she’s okay.

One of her fingers suddenly feels like it’s moving underneath my grasp and I pull my hand away to study hers intently. At least ten minutes must pass and I start to realize I probably just imagined it. Please move, please. I find my thoughts begging for any signs that she could be conscious. When nothing happens, I move to play with her fingers; this wave of defeat washing over me.

A few more minutes go by and I find myself falling back asleep, my hand starts to fall away from hers. But just before it does I feel her index finger suddenly hook around my ring finger. My head shoots up from its resting spot by her leg and that feeling of hope in my stomach erupts into flames. “Ellie?” I search her face for any signs she’s awake but nothing seems to happen. Maybe it was just a reflex. I place my right hand on her stomach, making sure that my left hand stays in her weak grasp. “Ellie, please. Wake up.” I try to choke back the tears that start to form at the corners of my eyes and I wait.

At least five more minutes pass before I feel her other fingers slowly and stiffly move to grab my hand. They just barely manage to hold on with a feather light grip and again I search her face for signs she’s awake.

All in one quick second, her body seems to come back to life. She moans softly, a small, strangled cough leaving her and in the process her eyes gradually open. I let my breath in a sigh of relief, my chest feeling like it’s about to burst. As soon as her eyes open, I stand up; hovering over her with worry. “Ellie?” I find myself saying her name again, just to make sure she’s really awake.

She lets out a groan of pain and her eyes start searching the room blindly.

At last they seem to adjust to the light of the room and her eyes find me. She studies me hard for a moment before realizing who it is she’s looking at. “R… River?” her voice is slightly strained but I couldn’t be more happy to hear it. I feel tears of relief start to stream down my cheeks, “Thank God, you’re okay.” my first instinct is to hug her but I restrain myself in fear of furthering her injuries. I settle for moving my right hand up to her cheek and kissing her on the forehead. She tries to smile but the busted lip Chloe gave her startles the smile away with a pinch of pain.

“River…” she tries to start a sentence but finds it difficult at first. I wait impatiently for her to speak, all I’ve been wanting for days on end now is to hear her voice. “… Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital.” I answer instantly, the last word sticking to my tongue like some kind of poison I can’t escape.

“W-why? What happened?” she asks with worry.

“What do you remember?” I answer with my own question, a small part of me feels glad that she can’t remember.

“We were… taking Kathy home, weren’t we?” I can only manage a nod in reply and it takes me several minutes to voice what had happened to her. She doesn’t seem that surprised when I tell her and honestly I can’t blame her, this is something Chloe would do. She’s insane, I swear.

Addie stirs from her sleep and notices Ellie’s awake state instantly, as if it’s the first thing she looks for when she wakes up. I know the feeling all too well. She rushes to the side of the hospital bed and unlike me, she doesn’t think to be careful. She moves to hug Ellie regardless and thankfully it doesn’t seem to cause her too much pain.

After a hug and several kisses on the cheek, she rushes off to find a doctor. When the doctor arrives, I find myself being shoved out of the room while they do tests. Addie and I wait nervously for at least two hours until finally the doctor comes back to us.

“So?” She immediately starts pestering the short, middle aged man. “As I said when you brought her in, she could have had permanent brain damage from such forceful impacts.” He pauses for a minute to read his clipboard and to me it seems like he’s doing it for some kind of dramatic effect. “But the good news is, she’s okay. We’re going to keep her for about two more days just to be sure, but she should be fine at home as long as she’s supervised for a while. Just make sure nothing happens to her head. And I mean absolutely nothing. If she so much as hits her head on a counter door or anything, bring her back in as soon as it happens. Okay?” When he says that, I instantly dislike him because his words are bound to make Addie and I a thousand times more protective.

Once Addie’s gone over a few more things with him, he leaves us with paper work and allows us back into Ellie’s room. I’d somehow managed to remember to text Kathy when we were in the waiting room and not five minutes after we’re allowed back in, her and Shay rush through the door.

“Hey, cutie. Glad to see you’re finally awake.” Kathy moves to give her a small hug and once again, Ellie tries to smile. Her eyes light up when Shay comes into view and she reaches out for the shy girl the instant she enters the room. “Hi, sweetie.” Shay moves in to give her a hug as soon as Kathy steps back. She’s usually shy and reserved when she hugs her, but now she’s hugging Ellie like they’re long lost sisters.

“Wow, how long have I been out?” Ellie asks with surprise.

“Only, like, four days, sleeping beauty.” Kathy smirks as she moves to sit in her regular seat. “Really?” the adorable sound of astonishment in Ellie’s voice brings out the first laugh I’ve had in what feels like forever.

Chapter 17, "Recoveries"


Ever since I woke up, I’ve been showered with nothing but attention. I didn’t remember what happened at first and I still kind of feel like I woke up in a different world, but I’ve accepted everyone’s kindness with earnest regardless of the situation.

When I’m allowed to go home, mom makes sure to treat me

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