» Drama » Broken, Navaura Campbell [top young adult novels txt] 📗

Book online «Broken, Navaura Campbell [top young adult novels txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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brass nob handle, reaching in I grabbed a plate. I also grabbed a glass from the farthest end of the cupboards and then reached in the utensil drawer and grabbed a fork. Bringing my dishes back to the table, I sat my own place. Just as I’d gotten everything situated, mom came to the table bearing goodies. Home made biscuits that were in a plastic bowl but covered by a paper towel. Syrup, powered sugar, raspberry topping in a container and butter and honey. Craig rubbed his hands together, “Now it’s on and popping. You hooking us up this morning ma.”

Mom sat the stuff down on the long table, which was big enough to seat eight and went back to the stove. She brought, bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes with her. I smiled, “That looks good ma.” She glanced over at me with a sweet smile, “Thank you sweet heart, I hope you enjoy your breakfast.” This made my eyebrows furrow. Mom never got over an argument this quickly. Dad did, but, it would be a cold day in hell before that happened. I glanced around me. Dad had a newspaper in his hand reading it. He was dressed in a black suit and Maroon tie, nothing uncommon about that. He seemed all too calm. “Sweetheart, move your hand, ok?” Mom spoke with such kindness that I moved my hand and cleared my throat at the same time. “So...did you and dad have a talk?” I inquired as she placed three pancakes,sausage and eggs on my plate.

She nodded, “We sure did, didn’t we Jordan?”

Dad glanced up from the paper at me. “Yes? Why do you ask Vanessa? Since when does what your mother and I talk about become important to you?”

I shrugged, “Well, I mean...I thought after...” My voice trailed off. If he didn’t know, why tell him?“ guys always have talks, that’s all.” I stated, my tone soft. I pushed my hair over my shoulders, something I did when I was nervous, and pretended to be observing the food that was in my plate.


A few minutes later, my brother Craig stood up from the table and pushed his chair in, “Well, I’m about to bounce, see you later people.” He grabbed his plate, took it to the sink, sat it in there and walked out of the kitchen. I watched as he grabbed his bag hanging on a hook next to the door leading off the kitchen to the garage and walked outside into the warm weather.


“Vanessa, your breakfast ok?” Mom asked. She’d sat down at her usual place next to dad. I cleared my throat, “Yeah, but I gotta go. I don’t want to be late for school you know.”

She nodded, “Yeah, alright, go ahead, I’ll clear the table. Have a good day.”I narrowed my eyebrows in surprise. Something was going on, mom never was nice to me. Why now all of the sudden? Especially when we’d been up fighting the night before. Exhaling sharply I stood up and glanced over at her. She was staring down at her plate. I glanced over at dad who still had his nose in the news paper he was reading. “Dad?” I inquired, feeling eerie over the silence that had encompassed the table. He glanced up at me. His dark green eyes were inquisitive. “Yes?”

“You’re not mad at me?” I inquired.

He cleared his throat. “Should I be Vanessa?”

His eyes changed colors, going from dark green to a light green with the little bits of gold lighting them. I could never get past that gaze. It always made me squirm. I hung my head in shame and stated, “Last night mom and I got into an argument and I called her a bitch.”

“You don’t say?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I was so angry because I wanted to go to that party and she told me no. I just wanted a little freedom.” I admitted.

“Vanessa, we’ll talk about this when I get home tonight. You better get going.”I glanced over at my mom, “I’m sorry, mom.”

She smiled, “I know, just go on to school before you get the tardy bell.”I exhaled sharply and took my empty plate to the sink.



“I told you it was like reaping hot coals over her head.” Jordan stated to Denise that morning after their children had left.

“Yes you did.”

“My mom used to do that with me every time I got out of line.”“You didn’t get grounded?” Denise inquired.

“I got beat, grounded and a good meal cooked for me. The beating was because I did something, the grounding so I’d remember what I’d done and not do it again and the meal, so I’d be thankful for the things I did have.”

“Three in one, huh?”

“It worked.”

Denise stood up. “Well, I better get to the dishes.”

Jordan grasped her arm gently, “There’s something I need to talk to you about, Denise.”

Denise paused, “What is it?”

“Well...” Jordan turned in his chair to face her. He said, “Come closer, I don’t want anybody over hearing us.”

Denise laughed. “We are the only ones here Jordan.”

Jordan pulled her closer anyway, “Are you sure about that?”

Denise nodded her head, “Come on now, what are you up to?”He ran his hand down her back and over her bottom. “Nothing.” His hands squeezed gently and she smiled softly, “Nothing huh?”

He squeezed the back of her thighs as he worked his way down the silk robe she wore. “Nothing at all.” Her eyes closed and her head fell back. Jordan felt her body move closer to him. He made it to the back of her knees where the robe ended and slid his hands underneath it. “You know I love you, right.”

“Since we were sixteen years old.”

“That’s a long time.” He stated.

“Not long enough.” She gasped as his hand reached just below the cotton underwear she was wearing.

“It’s not?” He asked, feeling his body begin to respond to hers as her heat radiated from up the robe.

“No, it’s not.”

“Hmmm, how long is enough?”

“Til death.”

Jordan laughed, “Yeah, I guess when one of us kick the bucket that will be long enough.”

“Most definitely.”

He’d worked his way to the inside of the fabric. Denise bit down on her bottom lip. He moved his other hand over her chest, squeezing at her breasts. An exhale told him the effect it had on her. Her eyes fluttered closed as his hand removed the opening of the robe and uncovered them. Whimpering, she reached out, grasped his head and pulled it toward her. This Prompted him to grab the robe and pull at it. Easily, the silk fabric slid down her body, to the floor. Denise swallowed and sat down on top of him. She whispered, “You’re going to be late.”


Another minute or two after, her eyes glued to his anatomy, she whispered, “It’s not like you have to be in court this morning.” Jordan grabbed her and pulled her forward, his hands squeezing her bottom. He loved the feel of the smooth flesh in his hands. His gaze traveled over her body and how it had went from the firm smoothness of youthfulness. To the full beautiful roundness of woman hood.


Denise had never been slender, but she did gain weight while pregnant with each of her children, so while she wasn’t as small as her size seven in high school, she’d gotten up to a size nine and he found himself loving it. Her roundness did nothing but heighten his attraction to her. Her body had developed a soft feminine feel to it and this he loved. It caused him to love her warmth and treasure the way her body felt against his. His gaze traveled the length of her body and he found his manhood responding. Her breasts were round and full as they stood against her chest. He could have sat there all day staring, but was interrupted by the beautiful smooth sensation of her sliding down over him. Denise didn’t think she would ever get tired of the loving she received from him.


The way their soul, heart, mind and body aligned when they were together was amazing. It intensified anytime they were together. She let out a groan when she’d slid down, filling herself with his long full member. Slowly she began to ground her hips into him. As she continued to stroke him, he enjoyed the feel of her tell tale juices as they made their presence known. Jordan moved his hips up to meet hers after a while and when he did, Denise felt her woman hood clench down on him.


He allowed a curse word to slip out and grasped her body tightly to his as he pulled her down harder on him. Denise wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “Mmmm, I like that.” She ground her hips into him the next time he pushed up into her. He grabbed her head and pulled it to his, covering his mouth with hers. When he did, Denise let out a loud swear and her body met with his once again, and she began to shake from the orgasm that suddenly swept through her. His arms tightened around her and Jordan felt and heard it as their bodies met one final time, bringing her to a climax that hit him so hard, he didn’t seem to have any choice but to meet hers. As his seed burst forth into her, he swore for a second time and kissed her again. He could feel the trembling in her body and his as he held her close to him. When they finished, Denise ran her hands over his short spiky black hair. He’d gelled it for work and the strands that were normally soft and thick were now hard from the gel. “I needed that baby.”

“I know you did. So did I.” His tone held the usual deep relaxed drawl he’d inherited from being raised in the south.

“ I think you should get cleaned up, you’re already late for work.”“Really? I thought I’d told Bridgett I wouldn’t be coming in till noon today.” He stated.

Denise furrowed her brows, “You planned this?”

He laughed and gave her a boyish expression that she’d fallen in love with during high school. “What can I say, I’m devious.”

“What else did you plan?” She inquired, leaning in to him.

He sighed and stood up. As he did so, his pants and underwear slid down his legs. Stepping out of them he swooped her up to take her to their bedroom.


~ ~

Vanessa walked up to the front of the school where several of her friends waited, including Tamarah and greeted them as she did, “What’s up girls and guys?” She wanted to know. There was ten of them. Tamarah flashed a perfect smile at her and held up her hand in salute. “Hey, V.”

“What happened to you Saturday Night?” Neicee, a friend of theirs asked. She among three other people outside of Tamarah and Tommy had been waiting for her at the party this weekend. Draneice o’neal was a tall, lanky, beautiful dark haired girl who had hazel brown eyes, that would shift from dark brown to light shades of green and then to blue like a chameleon, all the time. She was of both Indian and English heritage. She was what some would call model thin. And even though she had a slim figure, she preferred to dress in corduroy pants and stripe shirts. This she’d done since elementary school and since it was typical for her, no one ever commented on it, besides, in a way, Vanessa thought it fit her slim figure. It gave her the appearance of a seventies chick. She always wore matching shoes with them, which is what Vanessa figured spurred her attraction to those type of clothing. Today she wore a color combination of purple plum with white strips on a long sleeve blouse and purple plum colored pants with white keds, which made her outfit stand out.

I know girl, but my momma had a bitch fit the other day. I swear, if

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