» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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real clothes, but I'm in my training gear, or a really fancy dress, or even once a wedding dress. It depends on the mission.


"You look different." Luke says, and I don't know how to reply. Different good or Different bad? Do I look like an idiot?! "It's nice seeing you in normal clothes." and I stop freaking out. I look okay.


"So... do you have any idea why I have to watch Mr. Riker?" I ask, picturing him in my mind. Black hair, brown eyes, and average build. An average guy, so why him?


"No idea." He sighs, "So, are you nervous? You're going to see your classmates again." My classmates. I hadn't really thought about that. I don't really remember any of them. I remember twins... a boy and a girl... that's about it though. No names or faces come to mind. I think back to that night, and still I come up blank. I remember going to the party with twins, and then I remember what happened at the party. Almost like half my life was washed away, but I really could careless. Focus on the  mission, and no attachments. That will be easy.


"No." I say looking over in his direction, and I feel my cheeks heat he was watching me! We both look away, and the rest of the ride is quite. I sneak one quick look at him again, and I can't help but stare and admire him. He is always just so... perfect! I mean he is flawed, everyone is flawed, but I haven't seen many of them, honestly I can't think of one thing. But of course there is something. Looking away before he can catch me staring, I day dream about what is going to happen my mission. I have to do good. I have to prove to Luke I can do this.


"I can do this you know." It slips out before I even think about it. I don't look at him, but I can feel him looking at me now.


"I know you can. It's not that I'm worried about." He replies, and the SUV comes to a stop.


"You're worried?" I question, waiting to be told to get out of the car. At this moment I don't want to get out. I wnat to listen to what he has to say.


"Of course. I always worry about you." He says. It makes my heart melt. "Hmmm you and the other girls." He clears his throat, and his comment all of a sudden doesn't to mean anything. I worry about the others though too.


"Why don't you send me out on mission then?" I ask now I look at him. He looks away not wanting to meet my eyes.


"We should go." He says, opening his door. My jaw drops, at him ignoring my question. I hop out and catch up to him.


"Answer me." I say, knowing I can speak to him this way. He doesn't care, but if I spoke like this to some of the other managers I'd get slapped.  If Crash was still my manager I'd probably be running 10 killers which sucks when you have a running course as long as two backetball courts with 20 lines marked.


"Because you sometimes aren't the right person for a job." He makes up something.


"Are you kidding?" I ask.


"We're not talking about this right now." He says, and by his tone I can tell he means it. I look ahead of myself, pushing the anger down. In front of my are entrance doors to Weston High. Home of the Foxes. We push open the doors, and we're meet with teens laughing and skateboarding around. Phones in hands, headphones covering ears, and even a couple couple making out. This must be like a cafeteria area. None of this rings a bell. I don't recognize anyone, I don't remember the school at all. I step closer to Luke, maybe I'm not ready!  We walk around the big mess, and make it to the office. The lady gives me a schedule, and has Luke sign a couple more papers, apparently they knew I was coming. We get shooed out of the office once everything is taken care of, and Luke pulls me aside away from all the noise.


"Okay... Blaire, listen closely." He begins, I nod watching his eyes. "Remember all the rules. Do your job and get out of here as fast as you can. Mr. Wahls is only testing you, this is it. If you pass, you're cleared. You'll be his go to mark. Stay focused and come back to me." He says, but he doesn't seem to realize exactly what he said. He said come back to him.  Gladly. Although the whole Mr. Wahls thing has me a bit confused I don't say anything I just nod. I'll come back to him. I always do.


"Have fun." I say waving goodbye. He leaves, and I turn towards the mess of people. Jesus I'm in high school! I look at my schedule, and head in the direction of my first period class, Anatomy. Which is body parts and bodily functions. That was one of the classes I took a couple years ago, for my medical training. I have it all drilled in my head. Walking into the classroom the teacher looks up surprised to see a student.


"You must be Ms. Kennedy. Blaire Kennedy?" he looks up  pushing his glass up so he can see properly.


"Yes, Mr. Witeman?" I pronounce his name like white-man. He smiles, and I the corner of his eyes crinkle. He is older. White hair, glasses, doctor looking.


"Yes. Nice to meet you." He offers his hand, and I shake it firmly. "I have your things..." He gets up and goes into the closet behind his desk. I look around the room, and see posters of the body, and tables that have three stools each instead of desks. There are to skeletons in the back of the room, along with fake body parts on shelves. "Here you are, text book, packet for this chapter, and your body part."


"Body part?" I hold up " What do I need to do with a talus bone?" I ask, looking at the ankle bone in my hand. It's fake, plastic, but still weird to need. I glance at him, and he seems surprised. "What?" I ask.


"You know what that is?" he questions. "Without any of the other parts next to it." he seems amazed.


"Yeah.. I've taken Anatomy.. a couple of times." I make up on the spot. " I move often..." he looks sad, but yet happy.


"Well, I'm sorry to here that, but I'm glad I have one student who might know what I'm talking about." He laughs, and his laugh makes me smile. He is just a nice friendly old man! I'm guessing he will be my favorite teacher.  "Well.. I have three open seats in first hour. There is right in front middle, with John and Landon, or three rows back on the far right with Rachel and Logan, or there is al-"


"I'll take the front. I don't care really." I say, and he jots that down real quick. Then the bells rings, and I get a little nervous. school is starting now. I'm officially a highschool student. I sit down, obviously I'm the first one in the classroom. As other people start flowing into the room, I get a couple looks, but no one talks to me and some people don't even seem to notice me. I'm okay with that.


"Hey babe you new?" A boy slides into the seat next to me, I turn looking him over. Sandy blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a cocky grin. I can smell smoke on him. It makes my nose wrinkle at how strong the scent is. I grab my things and move them away from his, and just nod. "Where ya from?"


"Des Moines." I say, remembering my back story. Although I really am from here, Chicago. I don't know where the faciility is located, but I know the drive here wasn't horribly long only 3 hours.


"What brought you all the way to Chicago?" He asks, and from his body language and tone of voice I can tell none of this matters to him.


"Foster care system." I say, looking at him.


"You're in the system?" He puts his chair on all fours, and now it seems his interest is peeked. I just nod. "Man that's gotta suck... hey if ya ever need anything. I mean anything.  You just lemme know!" he winks, and I'm pretty sure he is offering me drugs.


"Thanks." I say as another boy slides into the seat next to him. He checks me out, and his eyes flick at the other boy who's name I didn't get. "Blaire.. Kennedy." I introduce myself to both of them.


"I'm John.. and this idiot is Landon." the new boy says. He has blonde hair as well, but brown eyes. He is short and skinny.  Then the bell rings and Mr. Witeman quites down the class. He doesn't introduce me at all, which I'm greatful for, and he tells the class that he wants them to begin working on there packet. I look down at it, sighing as I write my name on the top. It's a matching activity matching the names with the right bone. I look up at Mr. Witeman, is he really gonna put me through this? I could do this whole packet in this class period.


"I'll just let you do this... unless you want different work." He says, catching my eye.


"Ah.. no it's okay." I say, and he nods. I begin, and I notice Landon and John both trying to get answers from my work. Should I let them copy? They aren't learning anything if I do, but do I want these to guys hating me? I'm guessing I don't. I let them continue, and I look back around at the rest of the class a second. I see some people who are actually trying, some on their phones, and even a couple that are sleeping. No wonder this is all the work they have to do. I flip to the next page once they're finishee copying, and we keep up this system through class. When the bell rings signalling second period, I gather my things.


"See later babe!" Landon says with a wink, and John just waves. I shake my head heading to my locker. I set my Anatomy things in there and head to my next period. Food and Culture, a cooking class. This is my only class I'm worried about. I can't cook. I've never been able to. I don't even like cooking. I go in and see the teacher, introductions are done, and she gives me my text book and tells me where she wants me to sit. Taking my seat, in the front again next to a girl who is already in her seat I lean back. The teacher is definetly more uptight then Mr. Witeman that's for sure. I get through class, and apparently this class is just a big mess because no one in here gives a shit. I was the only one participating, and I could tell Mrs. Lagor appreciated that.


Third period came, and I was stuck in yet another class that I would breeze through. French. Mrs. Lebough pronounced Lay-boof, entered the class late, and spoke only french when she walked in. Everyone else just shut up and stared having no idea what she said. Of course a couple kids caught a couple words, I caught all of it. She swore wishing she a longer break. She also had to be the first teacher to introduce me to the class.


"Introduire yourslef." She spoke, and obviously everyone could tell what that meant. I said my name, and where I was from. "Dire  á la classe ce que vous aimez faire pendant votre temps libre." She lost have of the class, and I glanced back at her. She didn't expect me to know what she has said.



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