» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

Book online «I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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Once the car comes to a stop I realize we're not at a hotel but an airport. I love flying!


"Come on." Crash opens the door, and I follow behind him. The facility has it's own private airport. We can fly anywhere at any time. All of the pilots we have stay at the airport! So when needed you just go get one. Of course the plane we will be taking is already up and running ready for take off.  The two of us take our seats, and buckle up, and no time is wasted we're taking off! I stare at the window, loving the feeling and watching everything on the ground become smaller and smaller. "I never understood your fascination with flying." Crash sighs turning down the T.V show he is watching.


" I don't know either..." I sigh, laying my head against the window. "Are we jumping?" I ask, sitting up. That's something I'm not good at. In fact I can't do it. I have to be connected to another person. He gets up and goes over the isle towards the pilot. He comes back a minute later with a sour expression. "We are!?" I panic. I sit back, not wanting to be here anymore.


"Are you afraid of heights?" He asks.


"Not heights... just falling in general." I say. I turn and look at him, it's his fault too! "I have been since our last mission together."


"Oh." is all he says, and that's the end of the conversation. Normally I get tied to Luke, and I squeeze him so tightly, that I'm sure he looses circulation!  Now I'm going to be doing that to Crash. I don't know what sounds worse. After an hour the pilots voice rings back over the speakers telling to get ready. I take a deep breath following him to the back. We suit up, and the Light flashes green telling us to go. "Come here!" He yells over the noise, of the door opening. I don't argue. He pulls the velcro straps, and uses the metal hooks and connects us together.


" I have to face this way." I whisper turning and facing his chest. "It helps."  I wrap my arms around him, taking deep breaths. "Don't count! Just do it!" I yell. He wraps his left arm around my waist, and even though it's him it's comforting. Then We're falling. My gut drops, and my breathing increases. I don't scream at all, but I squeeze the life out of him. I feel the jolt of the parachute but I leave my eyes closed, and wait patiently to feel the ground on my feet. It's still pitch black out, and to early to see us at all. I feel the ground beneath my feet, and I calm down and let go of him. First he unclips the parachut, and then he starts unconnecting us. I step away, thanking him quietly. I take off the gear, putting in a pile with his. Then I follow insuit behind me towards the hotel.


"... so you ready? It's been a while me and you!" he says, as we prepare ourselves outside. I nod stretching my arms. The plan is for the men to hopefully be sleeping so we can go in and slit their throat and leave. Of course plans rarely go as they are supposed to, so we neeed to be ready for anything.


"You know if these guys are somewhat important wouldn't they have body guards?" I question, as we walk inside. The desk attendant asks us what we're doing and if we need a room. We inform her that we are just here to pick up some friends. "Crash... what if?!" I say again. He pauses glancing back at me a moment.


"You and I are here. We can handle it!"  he smirks. "Now, do you want to press the button?" he asks, gesturing to the up and and down elevator button. I sigh, stepping forward thumbing the up button. Once we're on the floor we need to be on, we split up both of us going to around so that way if anyone leaves the room they will run into one of us. We wait about ten minutes hoping they will just come out on there own. They don't. "Alright, I'll go first. Stay out here, and be ready." He comunicates through our walkee talkees. I nod, and he makes his move towards there room.I scouch in closer as well that way I can catch up if they take off in the oposite direction. It's quiet for a minute then there is a loud thud like someone being thrown into a wall. Then there is more comotion, a yell and the door flies off it's hingers over the edge and I take a deep breath.


Two older men both come out and take off in the other direction. I role my eyes but take off in a sprint after them. I jump onto the closest one, and pulling back on his neck he falls backwards and almost lands on me but I get out the way I pull  my knife that is tucked away in my boot and then I clamber up and slit his throat easy as that. I'm not happy about it though because he was struggling under me, and blood squirted. It's all over me now. Including my face. I can't stay and clean up though, I have another one to go after. I chase after him, but don't make it to the elevator in time. I set off the fire exit alarms when I bust through the stair case next to the elevator. I run up the stairs taking them three at a time. I check each floor making sure that he didn't trick me. He leads me all the way to the top where I get there the same time he does, and we see the helicopter at the same time. He runs at it really thinking he can beat me. I go to, sliding in front of him he trips right over me. He face plants, and blood imediately drips from his nose. I reach over grabing his ankle, and then using my other hand as well pull it out and twist it to the right. I hear the snap over his scream, I let go, looking into the helicopter. The pilot is staring wide eyes, and holding a camera.


I jump in but I don't get directly to the pilot he had buddies in with him! I connect my fist into one of there faces, and he falls back not expecting that much force. The other grabs my knee and pulls it up tripping for a moment, until I use it to my advantage. I send my leg up doing a weird one lef stand split, and I crack him in the face as well. The other guy I had punched is back up, but now aiming a gun at me. I laugh he must be dumb! Pulling out a gun in a helicopter is the dumbest thing! I duck and slide between his legs, and I take an oh shit moment seeing as I'm now in front of the pilot who stood up and must be recording all of this! I feel hands in my hiar pulling, and I it catches me by surprised and I let out a small yell. I kick my legs up and over and I land on the guys back. Taking my right elbow, I bash it into his neck and he falls letting go of my hair. I push my leg out from under him, and I fall out of the copter in a moment of confusion. I lay for a minute making sure my body isn't hurting anywhere. Just then the door pounds open, and Another guy comes running. Crash is behind him. I stand up, ready to stop him.


There is a gun fire, and I feel a slight pain in my shoulder. I duck out of the way pulling my arm into my body. I was shot!? The pilot! I turn wanting revenge, and I see the helicopter already taking off. I sprint towards the edge of the building ready to jump.


"Blaire stop!" Crash yells, I don't. I keep going.  Then I get yanked back, and lift off the ground. An arm holding me, and stopping me from going anywhere.


"Let me go! We didn't complete the mission!" I yell fighting against Crash, but his grip is iron. "Crash!" I yell, lashing out. What is he doing? They're to far away now, there is no way for us to reach them!


"You've been hurt, we need to get you back." He says, "Besides we did finish, that last guy wasn't mentioned in the file at all. We  got them all Blaire!" He says. I stop kicking a minute, and I glance at my shoulder.


"It just grazed me. I'll be okay, it's happened before." I say, it hurts like hell but this is the third time it's happened to me. I know how to not cry under painful and intense situations. "Put me down!" I say stirnly, and he does as told. He calls in saying we're ready, and that the clean up crew needs to get here fast. Now it's the fun part. The clean up crew will come in, and take care of bodies, and blood. Then a big lie will get told about what happened here, and no one will ever have known Crash and I were here. The video tapes will be taken and burned, for no evidence.


Crash and I get taken aside from everything and get checked out. They begin cleaning my shoulder up and covering my wound. Once they're done, we get taken away from the scene right away flying back to the facility. We get there, and we both get told to take it easy the rest of the day. I go back to my room, taking off my blood stained clothes, and throwing them into the bio-hazard laundry basket. I look at my reflection not happy that no one ever thought to wipe the blood off my face. I guess I'll do it myself. I actually just need to shower, but I was told not to today because of my shoulder. I look through my clothes changing into clean spandex and sports bra and adding new deoderant. I go to the bathroom, sighing at my blood tinted skin.


"Blaire?" I here Luke's voice yells but not a loud yellm into my room. I peek out from my bathroom, and his face is filled with panic, and we speeds over to where I am. He pulls me into him holding me tightly. "Oh god you're alright! Lauraine said you were hurt badly, god she is always exagerating!"  I don't say anything. I just stay still, not knowing really what to do. Yesterday we left things very awkwardly, now here he is hugging my while I'm in my underwhere. Although he has seen me in this before, in fact this is what Crash used to make me wear will I was training. It made my skin tougher, he tells me. He pulls me away holding me at arms length, checking me over again.


"I'm alright." I finally gain my voice, "Just a little scrape." I pull in my shoulder, and he noticing the patch that is covering my bullet wound.


"What happened?!" He demands, and step away and back in front of my mirror in the bathroom. "What happened Blaire?" he asks agains leaning in the door frame. I wet a wash cloth, and begin explaining what happened on the mission. "You were going to do what?!" He asks once I finish, saying Crash stopped me from jumping.


"The helicopter got away! What else was I supposed to do?" I finally finish cleaning my face.


"You were going to leap off a building and into a helicopter?" He shakes his head looking at me closely.


"Yeah... he had the recor- Oh my god! Luke! He recorded it! The

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