» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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"I was looking for that worksheet you gave me yesterday... I lost mine and I didn't want you to know.." It comes out easily and he takes it with out hesitation.  He sets down his coffee and paper work, and opens the top left draweron his desk, pulling out the worksheet. He hands it over, and I thank him acting embarassed. "I know students aren't supposed to go through teacher things... I'm sor-"


"It's alright, I'm not to worried about it." He chuckles sitting down and then takes a sip of his coffee. "What class do you have?" he asks and he begins sorting through the ffreshly printed paper. I lean against the front of his desk, crossing my arms, getting comfortable. Showing I'm alright, and I feel comfortable around him.


"Anatomy... Mr. Witeman likes me .." I inform him, and he chuckles again.


"Most of your teachers like you." he looks down at his computer typing quickly. Most? My eye narrow and my eyebrows do the weird thing they usually do when I want to know something.  "You still do that. I remember I would always tease you about it." He points out and my expresions changes to real embarassment and surprise. "And your French teacher is... very lets say fond of you." He smirks.


"Oh my god that women!" I  throw my hand up in the air. Lebough. Of course she doesn't like me. "Let me tell you about her!" I lean against his desk again, place my hands flat the desk, leaning over closer to him. My hair falls over my shoulders forming a curtain like wall around my face. "She is just jealous that I can speak french better the her! That she actually has one student who knows what's going on! Now she has to teach the class correctly and right. No lying or making things up." It felt nice getting that out. I stand up straight, taking in a nice deep postive deep breath.


"You speak french?" he question.


"Yeah... It's something my family thought I should learn.. so I did." I shrug looking away, now the way his eyes are watching me is making uncomfortable. The way he is studying me, intensely and intrugued as if I'm a science experiment. It reminds me to much of pity. I'm not a fan. "It's not big deal... I don't see why it matters. I better get going." I say shaking everything off. This encounter with hi now has me even more troubled then before. What am I doing here?  I leave his room without waiting for a reply. Heading back towards Mr. Witeman's room, my mind roles over everything that occured in that class room. Casey cheating, and that heated/not heated conversation with Cody.  What is going on here, that the government is getting involved?


Luke wont answer that question. I'll have to ask a higher up. Once I get back later today I'm seeing Mr. Wahls.


The rest of the day goes by so fat it couldn't have really happened. I fly through French and Math and Cody doesn't mention anything about what happened earlier. in class which I'm thankful for. He gave everyone another work day so he could explain another topic to me.


Now making my way to my locker to get my things and meet Luke out in the vehicle, I take a couple deep breaths. Luke knows me. He'll be able to tell something is wrong. I need to calm down and clear my emotions.


"So wanna do something tonight?" Caleb leans against the locker to my left. I close mine give him a quick look and walk away. "That wasn't a no." He follows walking closely, kids litterally part the hall for the two of us. Gawkig at house being together again. I role my eyes at the excitement about nothing. High school really sucks if this is what interests kids.


"No. I have other things to do." I say simply to him, his cockinesss doesn't fade this time, he knew I would turn him down. He just wanted the satisfaction of walking through the hall whispering. He also knew people would take notice to it. I turn away, heading out the doors.


"Blaire, hey I have something for you." I hear Cody, I stop turning to see. What could he have for me? I spot the SUV, wondering if Luke noticed me and is watching.  "First you forgot this in my room. He hands over my notebook that  use to waster time in French. I doodle in it. Oh god! "I didn't look! Whatchas got hiding in there?" he asks as I take it from him. I shove it into my back pack without really looking at what I'm doing.  "Also you asked for extra practice problems." He now hands over a worksheet.


"Oh! Good this is great thank you!"  I say looking down at the math problems.


"I saw you and my brother..." He finally says what he really wanted to to say. "You were pretty close.. and whispering."


"What exactly are you asking me?" I narrow my eye brows at him, and he scratches the back of his neck. "Nothing. He asked me o-"


"Blaire... we have to get going." I hear Luke, I turn seeing him standing to feet behind me. I nod.


"M- Luke this is Mr. Riker, my math teacher." I introduce them, needing to do something to fix the situation. Luke overheard the comments about Caleb.


"Nice to meet you.... I'm the older brother." Luke offers his hand, and Cody takes it.


"Like wise." Cody replies, and looks Luke over "Well.. like I was saying before, just come to my room tomorrow morning and I can go over those with you."


"Alright." I wave as he walks away. I don't even look at Luke, I just make my to the Suv slide into my seat and buckle my belt. He gets in next to me.


"You're smart." is the first thing said. I look at him totally confused. I'm smart? Is that like him making fun of me? "Getting close to him... Attracting him." He says that last two words with a shaky breath.


"I'm not doing anything. I don't know what to do." I say looking away laying my head against the black window. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"Sure." he sighs, "We've gotta talk later." Then the rest of the ride is quiet. Arriving back at the facility, for some odd reason makes me feel sad. Vacation over for the day I supose. Now it's time to get down to business. To Mr. Wahls. I walk away from Luke and our awkward silence, without saying anything to him. I barge into Mr. Wahls' office and he looks up from his computer screen. He doesn't say anything but he doesn't smile either. I take a sit making myself comfortable. Once I feel confident  enough I look up at him clearing my throat.


"Why, Blaire... what a surprise." He leans back folding his hands together and laying them in his lap. "Well.. now that you're comfortable what can I do for you?"


"I need more information. Something to help me with this case." I begin, "You've sent me on a goose chase, and I have no idea why."  He scoffs, a wicked smile spreading into his expression. He sits up and clicks on his computer mouse, and then the printer behind him starts up and begins printing. After that he carries on small talk waiting for all of the papers. Once it finishes he is left with a stack of papers so thick a stapler wont work, and he uses a huge clip thing to hold it all together. He sets it on the edge of the desk for me, and I reach up looking down and the first page. It's full of words... like a book page. I look up at him still not understanding.



"Read through that please.. and then come and talk to me. Take you time and really pay attention to what you are reading." He says and waves me away. That's my que to leave. Getting up without a word I leave heading straight for my room. I toss the paper onto my bed and change into different clothes in a frusterated manner. I go to the training area and take an aptitude test to see what category I need to work on. It is a simulation that test all of your fighting abilities, your endurance, and stamina along with mental health.


After I finish working in and out of the aptitude simulator, I go back to my room showering and throwing on the only pair of sweat pants I have and one of my three night shirts. I plop onto my bed smacking my head against the packet of paper. I pull the clip off flipping through the first couple pages, noticing the numbers. The first five pages are numbered one through five and then it starts back at one. There like stories... chapters. I pull the first five pages away from the others that I clip back together and lay on my dresser. Taking the other five pages, Ihead down to the kitchen for super. going through the line I get a yogurt cup and a baked potato with sourcream and cheese. Sitting down at an empty table I stir my yogurt and begin reading the first page. While reading through the first paragraph that is describing what a bathroom at some huge concert looks like, I get a weird feeling about what I'm reading. It's almost terribly written, and I begin to wonder if it's a book even.


"Whatcha got there?" Tessa slips into the chair across from me with her super tray. I shrug taking a bite of my yogurt and setting it down. "Where'd you get it from?"


"Mr. Wahls.. he gave me like a stack of five hundred papers to read..." I sigh, looking away from the reading and at my potato. It looks delightful! Cutting into it, and making small talk with Tessa for little while I look around for Luke. I haven't seen him sense after we arrived back here hours ago. I shake my head, knowing I shouldn't care where he is.


"Oh... god he is coming this way!" Tessa's cheeks turn as bright as a red rose, and she ducks her head loking down at her tray. She begins playing with her salad and covers her face with hr other open hand. Who's coming? I turn around, and Crash is five feet away looking at me. I look back at Tessa totally not cool with how she feels about Crash. I'm not jealous I'm mad and disapointed! Tessa, a beautiful pure breed Italian who is model material and 19 is crushing on Crash?


I feel his hand on my back, and then his breath on my ear and back of my neck. I'm taking a bite from my yogurt when he whispers a little note to me. Then he walks away as if he said nothing and didn't even stop and talk. I shake my head at his unneeded comment. About Luke not being here along with Morgan and Natalie. I glance at Tessa who is watching him walk away, and I kick her under the table. She grunts turning and looking at me.  Then she cover her face with her hands letting out a sigh.


"It's bad I know!" She says, I don't reply. She is right. "But he isn't my manager so I mean.."


"No." I say, "Don't even go there... he isn't a person you want to mess around with. In any way." I inform her and she sighs again, looking down at her food. She wants to say something... but isn't. "What?" I say setting down the first page to the reading. I still haven't gotten through it with all the distractions.


"Well.. just never mind." She takes a bite, and I set down my spoon taking in a deep breath. I hate it when people are like this. They obviously show in their body language and facial expression that they have an opinion and

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