» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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towards him, Casey doesn't follow now but she leaves the door open, she is watching us. "Here." I hand over my book bag. Turning to look at her I wave bye and then she  closes the door.


"Get anything?" He ask holding out my mission clothes. Leather leggings, leather boots, and my leather stretchy jakcet. I nod gesturing to my back pack. "Okay you can change in the back." He says and I take my clothing hopping into the back. I change, and slip through the blinds sitting next to Luke and buckling my seat belt. "What's with these photos?" he asks, disgust obvious on his face.


"I found a locked cabinet drawer filled with them. I thought that would be something we might want to know.... All I was able to get was that picture on my phone and a flash drive that took all the files from his computer. " I lean back roling my shoulders. That swimming really loosened up my body. I feel nice and relaxed.


"You got his whole computer?" He looks at me amazed.


"Of course... it was just a standard apple lap top... easy." I shrug. I glance at the drivers, and back at Luke. It's just us two on a mission! "How long is this going to take?" I question.


"Three days at the least." He replies, quickly. As if that's the only thing on his mind. Well it is for sure the only thing on mine! Three days! Just Luke and I? I look away not wanting him to notice my excitement and slight blush appearing on my cheeks.


"So, I'm going to miss a lot of school?" I ask after I calm down. Still looking out the window even though I can't see anything. The Windows are always covered so the Mark's hav a hard time finding places. Also so that we don't know the exact location of the facility. But a world map is drilled into our brains during you first week here, it comes in handy during missions. "That's good if I am I don't really like it, I'm happy I didn't have to go through all of that." I glance over at him.


"High school is the time of your life, Blaire. Trust me you'll regret it." He says quietly. I glance at him trying to figure out what exactly he means. I've already figured out that he was in high school before he was brought here, but he has never openly told me that he misses it or that he regrets not finishing it.


"I don't know..." I begin, " So far it seems to be just a bunch of girls and boys with the heads up their asses so far they can't even see how ridiculous it all is." 


"You know I was one of those kids." He turns now looking in my direction. I raise an eyebrow at him wondering what extent he means. "I was... popular I guess... Football was huge at my school, I was quarter back. Dated the head cheerleader, rich parents who never really paid attention to me.... the works." He looks away now embarassed.


"You dated a cheerleader!?" I gasp horrified."My respect for you has gone down a couple knotches!"


"We didn't  even like each other... we did it because it was expected of us. She actually had a thing with my 'best friend' behind my back she of course told me about it but he never did." His eyes glaze over in ruminition.


"Sounds like you had it all.... how'd you get here?" I ask, even though I'm not supposed to. In fact we aren't suppoed to talk about our pasts at all, I can't even talk about mine unless a higher up asks, higher up's  being Mr. Wahls, Ms. Jennings and and Managers.  I keep my eyes on him, watching his reaction will he be mad that I asked, well he repremand me for doing something wrong?


"I got in a lot of trouble... with the law... drugs and drinking but my parents were always able to get me ou of it. Being a police detective and a lawyer.... but I just burried myself to deep one time.." He says in a rush looking at me. I keep a blank face and leave my judgements to myself. In fact I'm not really judging him at all, with his parents careers I'm sure he had one hell of a home life. Drugs and alcohol were probably his way to get away. I smile at him after a minute. Life is hard there are hardships but you can't let them slow you down. 


Look at where we are now! We're secret opperatives working for the government. We were once screw ups but now we're a secret weapon.


"Hey... well now your here, and if you werent here you never would've had the honors of knowing moi!" I smile, and my hand reaches out to touch him. I pull back, telling myself I shouldn't go that far. He does chucke about my remark, and the rest of the ride is silent but we both are comfortable.

Chapter 8

Blaire's POV


"Are you really going to make me go back there?" I sigh sliding into the back seat of the SUV. "There is nothing on this guy... other then him having a weird pedophile thing with porn." I add once Luke is in the car next to me. We got back from our mission late last night.. Sunday night. Now It's Monday morning, and he is dragging me to school.


"Just give it another week or two okay. Mr. Wahl's has sent you here for a reason." He whispers, keeping his eyes up ahead on the driver.  He looks down at me with a glint in his eye. "Besides... I get the feeling we're gonna get a lot busier in the next couple of days." 


I want to ask why. I want to ask what he means. I don't. I get the feeling I should know what he means, but I don't....


We pull up the the school, and I go in taking my slip for missing three days of school. Then I walk around getting my late homework. I stop in Mrs. Lebough's room last. I go in asking for all the work I missed.


"Vous avez manqué un test ma chére." She smirks, exactly the way a teacher shouldn't. Does she think I'm gonna fail her class because I missed three days? This woman is nuts! I missed a test...  I don't think she realizes I speak French... along with 9 other languages fluently.


"Je peux le faire dés maintenant. Je parle couramment le françias so vous aviez pas remarqué." I tort back not in the mood for any of her attitude. She is the one person in the dumb hell hole of a school I wish I could hit. She flexes her jaw letting out a breath of anger. She looks through the stacks of papers, and hands a packet to me with a smirk. I sit down zooming through the test faster then I even thought I would. I hand it back to her with a fake dimple, and she thanks me while roling her eyes. I leave her room, just as the bell rings still, and I hurry through the halls that are crowded with other students.

I close the door behind me when I enter Mr. Witeman's room just as the bell rings. He looks over at me with a happy smile. He is by far my favorite teacher. I take my seat and he hands my the new packet they started working on last week on friday. Poor Landon and John actually had to do some work on Friday, I'm pretty proud at how much they achieved with my being absent. I sit down, and work through the acket with them and  I realize this is all for review. There must be a test coming up. At least I know I will ace the tests in most of my classes!


Trying to not laugh at Landon in John the last couple minute in class I relax loving this break. I have to admit this isn't my favorites mission... actually it is probably my least favorite... but with these two idiots it's not that hard to call this a vacation! Right now we're playing hang man, and they keep coming up with nicknames for different teachers. Mr. Witeman doesn't seem to care either, he seems to be distracted and part of me wonders what about. It's none of my business. I shouldn't care. No attachments and no relatinships. From now on this is just a vacation until the mission becomes an actual mission. Speaking of this being a mission. I need to work on it. The longer I'm here the more suceptable I'll be to forming relationships. I clear my throat, looking at the clock. I need to get out of here. Standing up I ask to go see Mr. Riker. Walking to his classroom, I peak in. No class. No sign of Cody. I open the door slipping inside. His laptop is sitting turned on and files open. He is here. Where? I check around the room, gong towards the closet. I peak back towards the door, and behind me there is a thud sound, and I hear a guy.. but not him.. swear. Who is in the closet? Making my way closer I listen in. There isn't anyone speaking anymore. Pants are being zipped, and then there is a slight shuffle. Who ever it is is coming out! I make a run for it and shove myself behind his desk praying it's not him.


I hope it wasn't him. I heard that zipper. I know what was going on in that room. When the door opens, I hear more then just one persons footsteps. They don't say anything, but stop at the other door. I move back so they can't see me, but first I look to see who it is.


Oh! Well, I guess that my first impression on her wasn't right. That isn't even Mark, who is supposedly her boyfriend. I don't know him... but he is familiar. He was one of Mark and Caleb's friends.


"I'll gt a hold of you later." He says before he opens the door.


"Fine... but not right after school I'll be with Mark." She says, he nods. I shake my head they must have some kind of understanding about their relationship, and her and Marks. I bite my tungue holding in my anger with her. I want to jump out and slap some common sense into her. Why be in a relatiosnhip and cheat? If you don't like the relationship anymore break it off, don't cheat and lie about it. Once the door closes I get up wiping of my pants, I look around trying to see if there is anything semi helping in this room. Probably not though. If he has some terrible secret a  school is probably the last place it would be. To many kids and other people around.


"Whatcha doing back there?" Cody walks in holding a cup of coffee to his lips, and a handful of papers in the other.  He doesn't ask in an angry way, and he doesn't have any angry features. I move out from behind his desk, thinking

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