» Drama » False Friendship, Charity Oliver [classic reads txt] 📗

Book online «False Friendship, Charity Oliver [classic reads txt] 📗». Author Charity Oliver

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time arrived I already missed first period but I didn't care, I stayed in the car for a few mintues to make sure I looked ok before going into the building. 


Even though it was a one night stand I still wanted to go ahead and impress him. Hopefully he would come to school today even if he is late. I jumped out the car and made my way towards the school building, on the way I saw Trey car in the parking lot. I made my over to see if he was still inside,but instead of seeing him I heared a loud moan come from the car. I quickly hid behind a bush for a good 10 mintues to see who would be coming from the car. Finally some girl jumped out the car with Trey right behind her.


" So I will call you later." Trey told her.


" No this was a one time thing."


" Come on Tasha, what if I want to hook up with you again?"

"Well you would have to find some one else to fuck. Bye Trey." I quickly took a picture of them before they left the car.I heared the door close and Tasha walked towards the school double doors. And Trey followed right behind her. I sat down and had to think this shit through, did this bitch actucally sleep with him. I didn't have time to let in all sink in, second period was about to start and I don't want to have detention again. I quickly got up and ran towards my class.


I was hardly paying attention when the lunch bell ringed. I grabbed my things and went to my locker.


I slam it shut and walked towards the cafeteria, grabbed a slice of pizza with a cookie and water while walking towards my table.


"Why are you sitting here?" I tried my best not to be rude to Tasha but with the information that I know it was really hard not to.


"I came to apologize about my actions last night." It took everything in me not to laugh at what I was saying. "But I was scared out my mind and I know that can't make up for what I done,but I'm sorry. And I would really hate it if we lost our friendship over it." 


Asia slowly rised from her seat and walk towards me. She hold out her arms and slowly embrace me, I hugged her back then pulled away. "So you forgive me"


"Of course Elia." I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding.


"What bout you Tasha, am I forgiven?" She rolled her eyes and mumble a yes. "I'm so glad that we are girls again, because I got some gossip to tell you all."


"OMG on who?" I laughed at Asia while Tasha spoke.


"Chill Sia you act like your life depends on this shit." Asia rolled her eyes then gave me her full attention.


"Ok so you know after our whole argument last night." They both shook thier heads yes. "So how bout Trey gave me a lift and we ended up fucking last night." Right when I finish my sentence Tasha spit out her water and Asia mouth hung open.



"WHAT?" They both asked at the same time. I was laughing so hard On the inside but had to keep my composure.


"Yep and let me tell you it was amazing, but that's not all. So I woke up late and had to go home and change and whatever, so on my way towards the school I heard a moan come from his car."


"You have to be kidding me right now." I heard Tasha say.


"Nope, but I hid in a bush to see the girl but I couldn't hear or see anything else. Isn't that crazy."


Asia shook her head. " I wonder who the hoe is?"


"Why does she have to be hoe, she probably doesn't know what type of guy Trey is or they had a one day stand." I smiled at Tash


"What's a one day stand?"


"Same as a one night stand but daytime. Don't judge."


"How can we not that doesn't make since."

"Neither does flirting with the principal to get out of ISSP, but you still do it Asia."


"Well it's not my fault that my mom gave me this body. And I can't help it if he looks on his own will." We all laughed and finished eating our food right when the first bell ringed. We got up and we towards our final class of the day.



Once the last bell ringed, me and my girls fled out of the classrooms to our lockers.


"You guys are you sure I don't need to lose weight."

"Asia you look fine , if you so worried go to the gym."

"So you are calling me fat me now Tasha." I laughed and shook my head at them and turn around and saw Trey and his boys.


"whatever Tash I dont care. Let's just go."


"Hey I will catch up in a sec ok."


"OK." They both said in union then walked away. I walked towards Trey and his friends with a smile on my face.


"Wassup Trey." He looked at me a grin.


"Nothing much how bout you shorty?"

"You know I'm sad that I didn't get a proper good bye."


"Well how bout I make up for it later tonight."


"It's a date." I walked out the building with a huge smile on my face. It's time to put my plan into action.

Chapter 5: The Date

Finally after cheerleading pratice I headed towards the shower and got ready for my date with Trey. Luckly I had a bag of extra clothes in my car, so I could wear something nice.After showing and lotion down my body I put on a Long Sleeve Casual Cocktail Short Slim Dress, it was white and tight at the top while the bottom was foral and loose. I put in my small hoop earings and some black boot heels, I took a quick look in the mirror  and I looked sexy as hell. I put the rest of my clothes in my gym bag and headed towards the doors, once outside I saw Trey sitting on rails by the steps. I smiled and walked towards him.


"Aww you decide to wait on me how sweet." I said with a wink. Trey gave me one of his famous crooked smiles that had me almost passing out.


"Sorry I was waiting on some one else but I guess you will due." I rolled my eyes and push him.


"Shut up." He busted out laughing and put his hand over my shoulder.


"Are you ready for the best date of your life."


"Sure I will follow behind you." He gave me a werid look.


"Why not just ride with me?" Trey questioned.


"Because I want to drive, unless I can drive your car?" I asked in sexy voice.


Trey chuckled "Try to keep up beautiful."


We both walked away to our cars, and got in. Trey was a very fast driver but it wasn't that hard to keep up with him. A few mintunes later we arrived at our destination. Trey took me the most fancies Italian restaurant, Maggiano's. I was beyond shocked, I thought he would haven taken me to some cheesy restaurant. Maybe he does care about me. Trey came over opened my door, and led me inside of the restaurant like a true gentlemen. The waiter came an lead us to our seat and Trey pulled out my chair for me,I don't know what came over him but I was truely enjoying it. After we both sat down he order us some sweet red wine, and made sure we had bread on the table before the waiter left.


" Wow I didn't know you could be such a gentlemen Trey, what happen?" I asked in a sarcastic voiced.


"Well I wanted to show you a different side of me then one you meet the other night."

I smiled a little. "Trust me Trey I know you have many different sides."He smirked.


"Well im glad you know that. So what looks good to you, and you can order anything you want money not is a problem."


I looked at the menu and decide to get the Shrimp Scampi with a Italian Tossed Salad an I added shrimp. Trey got the Center-Cut Filet Mignon with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and added Calamari Fritté. After the waiter came and got our order me and Trey just start talking about random stuff from school, family, and friends. The waiter came back out a while later with our food and it looked amazing and smelled better. We both start eating our food i silence. The only thing that was bugging me was the calamari, it just looked like onion rings to me.


 "Why did they put calamari on the menu instead of onion rings?" Trey just grin at me.


"It's fried squid, here try some." He had me a fork with the squid on it, I turned my head a little to the side." Don't tell me you are scared to eat a little bit of squid."


"No why would I be scared."


"Ok prove it just take a bite." I swallow and took a deep breathe and ate the calamari. " How does it taste?"


"It's really good, I thought it would have been mushy and  tatse terrible in entirely." 


"Glad to know you trust me." I rolled my eyes.


"Is there a reason why i shouldn't trust you Trey?" He leaned forward and whispered.


"I'm a open book baby." I couldn't help but laugh at those words."What's so funny?" He asked with a smile.


"Your a lot of things Trey but an open book is not one of them." He shrug his shoulders, grinned. 


The waiter came and took our plates away from us, and asked was there anything else he could get us. Of course Trey decide to order a New York Style Cheesecake for the both of us to share. When the waiter return with the food Trey moved his chair closer to me and started feeding the cheesecake to me. It was really good you could taste the fresh berries and the irsh cream that they put on the it. Once I was finshed I decide to return the favor and feed him, but instead of me feeding him he kissed me. It felt like I was in one of those magical movies, and I couldn't complain. The waiter cleared his throat and we pulled apart slowly, he placed the bill on the table and walked away. 


Trey didn't even look at the bill he just put his card on the table and leaned in for another kiss. I pulled away and grabbed the bill to see how much the cost was. The total bill was $158.05. My mouth dropped open and I couldn' believe how much it all costed this had to be some huge mistake. I was going to tell Trey but he just grabbed it out my hand and gave it to the waiter when he came back. The waiter gave him the receipt, Trey stood up and help me out of my chair and we walked out side to our cars. I started walking towards my car until Trey stop me.


"Let's take my car, I want to take you some wear." I raised my eyebrow.




"Just take a ride me." I shook my head no and tried to walk away again but he stop me. "Do you trust

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