» Drama » The Wrath of a Beaten Woman, S. Heald [best classic literature .txt] 📗

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call Eric and tell him the news. I was wanted to kill him because so many signs had pointed to him cheating on me but I never would let myself believe it. Now I knew he had cheated. Not only had he cheated, but with some diseased whore.

The last appointment I had was a completely fine check up and no sign of any abnormalities, so knew that his affair had been within the last six months. I would confront him about this but I didn’t know how or when. I had never tried to actually leave him before but this was my breaking point. Before now it had all just been thoughts in my head that I would never let surface.

What would he do? Would he fight me? Try to stop me? What would I do to him? In my present state I would likely kill him myself. I was angry; angrier than I had ever been before. I had learned that I had Hepatitis and that I would more than likely never be able to have children. I would have to always take medicine for my new found disease and it was his entire fault.

After I made it safely inside our home I couldn’t help but look around at the pictures on the walls and the memories we had made together over the years. All lies. I felt bile in the back of my throat as I realized what I had let this man do to me. I had let him defeat me and push me into a dark and disgusting corner. He had stripped me of everything I had ever stood for and he didn’t care. All these years I had never I would have revenge on him. I would not let him win this time. Not again.

Chapter 7

It had been several days since my appointment and I had yet to tell him the news that one of his sluts had given him Hepatitis. Over the last couple days every ounce of love that I had for him had transformed to hate.

I had a beautiful dinner laid out on our dining room table with candles burning. I made sure to wear sexy black lace lingerie under my clothing and have a bottle of wine on the table waiting for my bastard fiancé to come home. He never called anymore to say if he would be late or not so I wasn’t sure if he would be with one of his whores tonight or not before coming home to me.

I didn’t care at this point. It seemed like my love for him had been replaced with this vengeful emotion that burned my insides and needed release. That emotion had fuelled the night I had so carefully planned for him. I waited by the front door of our home for what seemed like an eternity before I finally saw his headlights pulling into the driveway. It was show time.

As Eric walked into the house with his formal business suit on I could smell the bourbon on his breath all the way across the room. I put on a fake smile and called to him in a chipper voice, "There’s my sweet fiancé. I made you supper and I even have some desert for you if you are a good boy." He looked at me a little suspicious but gave in.

He walked to the table to see his plate already made with one of his favorite dishes waiting on him. He pushed the plate away and dug a dagger in me saying, "It’s good to see that you are capable of having a civilized dinner waiting on me since you’re not good for much else." That son of a bitch. I tried not to pry the fork from his hand and stab him with it as he started to eat. I watched as he finished his food without saying thank you or complimenting me at all. That was fine, he would have plenty of time to think about how to make it up to me soon enough.

After dinner Eric went to shower and I looked through his discarded clothes after he had closed the shower door. I noticed in his boxers he had cum stains, probably from some slut that he was seeing behind my back. I wondered if it was the same one who gave him hepatitis. I didn’t know and didn’t care. I lay across the bed in nothing but my lingerie and waited for him to come out of the bathroom.

His eyes sparkled as he opened the door to see my body waiting on him. He walked towards me and asked, "Wow, what’s got you in such a willing mood tonight?" I give him a dirty little smile and pull out some handcuffs and dangle them over my head and respond with, "I was thinking you could let me satisfy you in every way possible tonight. I know I haven’t been as good to you as I should be, so let me make it up to you."

I don’t know when I became a master at lying but he believed every drop of poison coming out of my mouth and lay on the bed in position as I handcuffed his hands and feet to the bed frame. I was glad he had enjoyed some bourbon before coming home because had he been in his right mind, he wouldn’t have let me handcuff him so willingly. Eric was a control freak and would never have let me dominate him in sobriety. It was time to enjoy myself for a change.

He watched me with a huge grin on his face as I climbed off of the bed and grabbed one of the burning candles off of the dresser. I walked back over to him holding the candle above his chest. His grin demolished as he begged, "No! I don’t like wax Maria, you know that!" I just smiled as I started pouring the wax from one nipple to the other. He screamed like a little bitch. He was trying to get loose but I knew that he would have no luck. It was time for me to say all the things I had wanted to say over the past four years.

"How many are there Eric? Over the years, how many girls have you screwed behind my back?" He was pleading with his eyes and trying to deny my accusations but I continued to speak ignoring his pleading, "All this time I sat here taking your beatings, cooking your supper, cleaning your house, tending to your dirty dick, and the whole time you have used me and cheated on me. Well it finally caught up to you." I poured the remaining hot wax on his genitals as he screamed again. I walked over to his clothes and snatched a belt out of the pants he had previously worn.

He started to panic, "Maria what are you doing!? Calm down! I never cheated on you, I promise baby. I would never do that!" I knew he was lying, and I was done with the lies. I said to him, "I am going to ask you one more time and if you lie to me then I am going to beat you with this belt until you tell me the truth." He just stared at me as I asked again, "How many women have you slept with since we have been together?"

He was slow to respond but continued with his original story, "I haven’t cheated on you Maria, I promise." I didn’t hesitate as popped the belt across his stomach leaving an instant red mark as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Before giving him a chance to say another word I slapped him again across his upper thighs. I couldn’t help but laugh at his yelps of pain.

All I could think of was all the times that he broke me and how screwed up I would be for the rest of my life because of him. He deserved this. He deserved this pain and so much more. "I am going to ask you again, how many others were there?" He thought carefully before he spoke this time, "Only one, but I ended it a while back." Lies, lies, and more lies.

I slapped him with the belt again over and over hitting his legs, stomach, genitals and chest until he was screaming, "OK I WILL TELL YOU!!" I stopped for a moment to hear him out. "There were 3 different women. I am still seeing one of them. I saw her tonight before I came home. Maria I am so sorry and it will never happen again."

Strangely enough, I believed that he was telling the truth about the number of women he had cheated with. I stared into his eyes as the desperation filled the room. I saw in his eyes that he realized he no longer owned me. This time, he had lost and he knew it.

I dropped the belt and slapped him in the face with my bare hand and said all to calmly, "I hope you rot with your whores. And by the way, one of them gave you hepatitis. I know this because you gave it to me. You gave hepatitis to the woman who loved you and was always faithful and forgiving to you.” I bowed my head for a moment before continuing.

“Now that woman is going to walk out that door with her things and she is never coming back. You on the other hand, are going to lay here until I decide to call the fire department to come get you. By then you will be in a pile of your own bowel since your food was full of laxatives.” His expression was to kill for. I then proceeded to take his cell phone and take a picture of him on our bed in the nude and send it to every contact in his phone including his business contacts. I couldn’t help but smile.

I turned and dressed very slowly in front of him. I didn’t bother to look back as I walked out of our bedroom, down the hall, and out the front door. Since I had already packed all of my things into my car and emptied all of the money out of our accounts I had no need to waste any time before hitting the road.

The crystal clear sky was pleasant as the stars shined down on my car’s hood. I looked one last time at my old life before putting the car in drive and driving into my future, far away from Eric Lee and his lies.


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