» Drama » She's Gone Bad, Chalen D. [ready player one ebook .TXT] 📗

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i said. "where you going to go?" he asked. "i don't know." i said. "i'll live in my car for a while." i siad. "you can't do that." coltan said. "watch me." i said starting to pack my things. "just tell me what happened." blake said. " i can't." i said. he took me by the shoulders. "tell me." he said. he looked like my dad. that's why i might of told him. "i went to this party with kyler. things happened and i told kyler about it. kyler told his cousins and they kicked someomes ass and put him in the hospital, and he died. then he was brang back to life, but he never got out yet" i said. "some how my name got brang in to this and now im the number one person they want." i said. "where's kylers cousins?" he asked. "canada." i said. "what happened at the party?" coltan asked. "i can't tell you." i said pulling away from the grip of blakes large hands. "yes you can." blake said. "oh come on." coltan said. "i was raped ok?" i said. "shit." i siad. coltans fists colsed. blake wasn't himself. "what do i have to do to keep you safe?" he asked. "i don't know yet." i said. "why do they want you?" coltan asked calm. i could tell we was about to blow up. "lets not find out shall we?" i said. "well they think your the cause of the beating or they just want to question you about the party." blake siad. "i don't want to find out." i said. i sat in english irect and alert. the door opened and two cops came in. coltan looked at me. as soon as the cops turned thier backs to talk to the teacher i left the room. i through my hair in a bun and zipped up my hoddie throughing on my hood. i tightened my backback straps and jumped the fence that led to the student parking lot. i got in my car and drove away. i passed by my house three times before pulling in. "the cops have been here." blake said. "yeah i know they're at school." i said. "i have a summer home in forks, we need to get you there and fast." he said. "are you going too?" i asked. "if i dissapear now they'll know somethings up." he said. so blake was smart. "here. i got you a fake id and a airline ticket, as where speaking one of my men is switching your licence plates." he said. "this is camila. she's going to give you a make over." he said. "your things are packed. when you get to the air port go to star bucks a guy with orange hair will meet you there. give him this lighter and he'll know who you are. he'll make sure everything will go smothly, your car will be delivered and he'll watch over you and make sure your safe." he said. damn i never knew blake had this in him. i rolled my eyes as my hair was turned back to brown. 30 mins later i gave the guy a lighter. "rilie." he smiled. he gave me a envelope. "enjoy your trip, i'll meet you in forks and don't talk to anyone. this state is crawling with undercover cops." he said. i stared at him. "like you?" i asked. "yeah, you need to listen cause i could loose my job for this." he siad. "deal." i said. "good, now go i don't want to be seen with you too much." he said. i went to gate 6 and got on my flight. "there you are." a man said to me. he had brown hair. "i'm sorry sir. i don't know you." i said in a southeren acsent. "you good kid." the guy said. he showed me the lighter. " this way." he said. we jogged through the air port with people running out of our way and staring at us. we got my sfuff and got into my car. once at the house the guy gave me a cell phone. "this is a safety line phone. if you need to make a phone call use this. if there is an emergency hold down the star key for three seconds, my men and i will be here with in sceconds. my number is under gabe. if you need anything call me ." he siad. "thanks." i siad. "one more thing." he said he gave me a gun. "know how to use it?" he asked. "course." i said. "wait a minute," i siad. " your jones." i siad. "you have a good memory kid." he said. "yeah i know." i siad. "you know how to use these right?" he asked, showing me a tazer gun and pepper spray. "i should my dad was your best friend." i said. he nodded and gave them to me. "i'll have someone check on you every now and then. they'll knock twise and show you the lighter through the peep hole. if you see no lighter do not answer the door understand?" he said. "deal." i said. "good luck kid." he said. he kissed my forhead. "thanks uncle gabe." i siad as he truned and opened the door. "it's my job." he siad. "be careful." i siad. "always. you too." he said. he colosed the door and i was alone. i called blake. "yeah?" he asked. "im safe." i said. "good." he said. with out another word the line went dead. "hello?" a frantic voice asked. "coltan." i said. "damnit rilie." he said. "where are you?" he demanded. "i can't tell you." i said. "why the hell not?" he asked. "the less you know the better." i said. "i want to know. srcatch that i need to know." he siad. "i'm safe." i said. there was a pause. "promise?" he asked, voice shaking. "yes." i said. "just tell me where you are." he begged. he sounded broken. "i'll call when i can." i siad. "rilie." he said, before i hung up. damn, why did kyler always have to be right? i asked the roof. Kyler! i diled his number. "kyler." i said. "hun?" he asked. "yeah what's going on?" i asked. "the cops have moved to beverlyhills to find you." he said. "yeah i know i'm not there." i said. "where are you?'' he asked. "im in hiding." i siad. "where?'' he asked. "if i tell you, you promise to stay there?'' i asked. "i have to, who's going to keep you up to date on this end?" he said. "im in forks." i said. "well shit, is it cold?" he asked. "some what." i said. "see any vampires yet?'' he asked. "if i don't eat soon i will be one." i said. he laughed. "alright, i love yah hun." he said. "keep me posted." i said. "will do." he said. "k i love you bye." i said. i ate and went to a room. i locked the door and pushed the dresser in front of it. i locked the window, and turned off the light. i kept the bed lamp on. i put the tazer gun and peper spry in the side table i made sure the gun was on safety and slipped it under the pillow. i fell asleep quickly, relizing how tired i was. "need anything?' the guy at my door asked the next morning. "im good." i siad. he nodded sliped the lighter in his poket and left. i locked the door and ate some strawberries. "happy birthady to me." i said. being 18 is such a drag. i took a shower. i looked out the door as two knocks sounded. a second later a lighter appered. i opend the door. "coltan?" i asked. i jumped out of the house and hugged him. he pulled me into the house. "how'd you find me?" i asked. he locked the door. "you really wanna know?'' he asked. "yeah." i said. "i'm a good hacker, i heard it when you told kyler." he said. "whatever i don't care i'm glad your here." i said. we hugged. "so did they talk to you?" i asked. "yeah they said they just wanted to ask you questions and i told them i didn't know you that well." he siad. "good." i said, holding the couch pillow close to my chest. "hey, where's your dad?" he asked. "ri?" he asked when i didn't answer him. "he died." i wispered. "he tryed to get some guy the cops wanted. he pushed my uncle out of the way of a bullet." i said. "hit him dead in the chest." i said. he was quite. i took in and let out a breath. "what's wrong?'' he asked. "you wouldn't belive me if i told you." i said. "give it a shot." he said. "wait i mean go." he said. "it's fine." i said. he stared at me for a while telling me to tell him what was on my mind. "i'm scared." i said. "your right i don't belive you." he said. "not scared for me. for blake and my mom and kyler." i said. "and you." i siad. "you shouldn't of come here." i said. standing up. "why?" he asked. "if i get caught i don't want to take you down with me." i said. "why do you care if i go down?" he asked. "i don't want to lose you. your too important to me now." i said. he stood. "you need to leave." i siaid. "i can't." he said. his voice sounded hurt. "you just have to." i said. "i can't leave you." he said. "why not, what about your family don't you care about them?' i asked. "don't you care for yours?" he asked. "you just up and left." he said. "i up and left for them!" i said. "i don't want them getting involved they mean the world to me. this is my fault i don't want them involved!" i said. he stayed quite. i kinda felt it was because that i rasied my voice. he was standing in front of me. i crossed my arms. "you gotta leave." i said. "do you want me too?" he asked. "if it keeps you safe then yes." i said. "i don't want to leave you behind, when i can't pertect you i feel all wiered, it kinda feaks me out." he said. i looked at the floor. "come on." he said. he pulled me into his arms. and for a split second, i let someone else be the strong one. that night i gave him a pillow and a blanket. he slept on the couch as i slept in my room. or at least tryed to. coltan kept truning and thummping his legs on the couch "is there a problem?" i asekd pushing my door open, hard enough to make it hit the wall. "the couch isn't long enough." he isad. even though the couch was three cusions long, he did look a little cramped. he came to me and thats when i notised he towered over me, making me want to just curl against him. "do you have an extra blanket so i can sleep on the floor?" he asked. "your not sleeping on the floor." i siad. "should i sleep on the roof then?" he asked. "sleep in my bed." i siad. "what?" he asked. but i was tired i was already heading to the room. "you can sleep." he siad. "i have to be alert." i said. "how about i be alert." he said. i relaxed and fell asleep. "you cook?" i asked coltan in the morning. "suprise." he said. "i'll say." i said. "gonna call kyler?" he asked. "yeah." i said. "you can't go one day with out talking to that boy." he said. "or should i say girl? witch one does he perfer?" he asked. "you care what gay people think?" i asked.
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