» Drama » She's Gone Bad, Chalen D. [ready player one ebook .TXT] 📗

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"yeah, course i do they're people too. they're cool." he said. i crossed my arms. "you know that how?'' i asked. "cause, jay's gay." he said with a shrug. "cool." i said. "anything new?'' i asked kyler. i sat at the table no longer caring if coltan heard the conversaion. he didn't want to go home? fine. let him be apart of every damn thing. "yeah." kyler said. "well?" i asked. "they told the school who ever gives any info they'll get a thousand dollars." he said. "shit, they want me bad." i said. "i know." he said. "anyone fess up?'' i asked. "no way, everyone knows they're lying." he said. "oh hey, by the way how's the library crush going?" i asked. "total ass hon." he said. "well listen i think i have someone for you." i said. coltan laughed and shook his head. "oh god." coltan smiled. "really?" he asked. "yeah he's cute sweet and totaly romantic." i said. "what's his name?" he asked. "jay. i'll send you a pick when i can go back to beverlyhills." i said. "cool. i gotta go the cops are here." he said. with that he hung up. "what happened?" he asked, setting a cheese omlet in from of me. "thanks. the cops are there." i siad. coltan gave me a glass of milk and sat down to eat. "he will be ok." coltan siad, looking me in the eye. i relaxed not one bit. "he better be." i said taking a bit. "this is really good." i said. two knocks sounded. i went to the door and saw a lighter. i opend the door. "hey uncle josh." i said. "who you talking to huh?" he asked. "any out sider can be dangerous." he said. he went to the kitchen. "you come here." he siad. coltan came to him. josh patted him down. "you cant search him like that." i objected. "i can do whatever i want sweet cheeks, im a cop." he said. "a cop, rilie whats going on?" coltan asked. "i thought we where avoding them." he said. "this is my dad's best friend blake sent him to protect me." i said. "this is coltan. one of my friends." i said. "this is risky raylynn." he said. "i know but he wont leave." i said. "won't leave huh?" he asked steping to coltan. "wait!" i siad. "he can stay i need some one to talk to." i said. josh looked at me. "do you trust him?" he asked. "yes." i said. "do you need anything?" he asked. "no." i siad shaking my head. josh kissed my forehead, took another look and coltan and left. i locked the door and finished my food. i answered my phone. "babe, they know your in forks." kyler said, he sounded like he was running. "how?" i asked standing up. "james said blake has a home there." he said. "why are you running?' i asked. "im going to kick his ass." he siad. "don't kill him." i said. "no promises." he said. "kyler please!" i said, but the line was dead. i called josh. "they know where i am, it's a matter of seconds before this place gets flooded with cops." i siad. "i know im getting you out of there as we speak." he said. "hurry." i siad. "doin' my best cupcake, pack." he said. with that the line went dead. "get ready, we're on the run." i said to coltan he got up and started stuffing his clothes in the back pack he had."someone's messing with your car." coltan said. "what does it look like he's doing?" i asked zipping up my jaket. "he's changing your plates." he said. two knoks ecohed through the semi bare house. "got it." he said. "check for the lighter." i said. there was a pause and then the sound of coltan undoing the locks. "miss rilie?" i heard. "in the room." i said. "are your bags ready?" the guy asked. "yep." i said. the guy put our stuff in the trunck. "ready?'' josh asked. "yeah." i said. "lets move." he said. he put his hand on my back and we jogged to the car. he opened and shut my door for me. coltan and josh jummped in. josh started the car and pushed a button. soon the roof was closing and we where off. "what do you mean, they're sourounding the city?" josh asked. he listend. "there checking every car?" he asked in disbelieve. "damn they sure do want you kid." he said looking to me. "scope the city lines, call me back if you find a whole in thier line of people." he said. he hung up the phone and pulled over. the trees loomed over us, almost as if they new our end of the line was soon. "that was fast." josh said picking up his phone. "alright." he said and hung up. we took the main highway and then truned onto a dirt road. "hang on, to something." he said. we zoomed down the road, me bouncing up and down, hitting my head three times untill josh finaly turned on to a road, dirst flying and wheels screaching in protest. YOU ARE NOW LEAVING FORKS WASHINGTON. i relaxed some. "where to next?'' i asked. "catalina island, your dad had a safe house, you mom never sold it." he said. "how do i get my car there?" i asked. "you don't. i'll have one of my men watch it." he siad. "are you going to?" i asked. "someone's gotta have your back." he said. was it just me or did he glance at coltan? i asked the roof. we got onto a speed boat and sped to the island. the waves crashed into the boat as we sliced through them. coltan stayed scilent. i grabbed his had and let it go. i held on to my chair. "lock that door." josh said as we went into the house. coltan listened and sat on the couch. two weeks passed and no news was reported about the cops. had they just given up? did they want us to think that so i'd come out of hiding. "i'm on vacation, i can't come in to work today." josh said as i came into the kitchen. the rain had died down but hadn't stoped. "im in carolina, visiting my sister." he said. "yeah. im sorry." he said. "there looking for me." he siad. "there's not much time before they'll send out a search party." he said. "shit, they'll probably bring the dogs." he said. "did anyone know about this place?" i asked "i don't think so." he said. my phone rang. "it might be blake." i siad. "put it on speaker phone." josh said. "rilie?" the voice asked. "yeah?" i asked. "this is sheriff miller." he said. shit. "how'd you get this number?" i asked. "the phone your useing is cop issued, we can turn it into a listening device." he said. "i'm going to ask you one time. who gave you the phone?" he said. "nobody." i said. "hun, we just want to talk to you. ok?" he said. i looked at josh, who shook his head no. "i don't belive you." i said. "look, i don't want to have to have my men come and get you." he siad. "i'll make a deal you'll be safe if you just come and talk to us." he said. josh shook his head no. "no." i said. "be smart raylynn i don't want to send in my men. they will find you." he said. "oh yeah?" i asked. "you don't know me that well then eh?" i said. "look. jake was our most smartest cop." he said. josh wrote something down. HEAR HIM OUT. "and?" i asked. "your dad could stay hiden for days. you remind me of him." he said. "i do?" i asked. DON'T FALL FOR IT. josh wrote. "come on, ri, your dad would want you to talk to us." he said. "my dad was a good cop. he was a better bad guy though. i think he'd understand." i said. miller shighed. YOU HAVE HIM NOW BRING IT HOME. josh wrote. "we will find you and i have no choice but to aresst you." he said. "come and get me then." i said. "fine." he said. "oh and how's catalina?" miller asked. "i'll be waiting for you. armed." i said. "play it smart girl." he said. "i'm jake's daughter. i don't have to play." i said. as soon as he menched catalina all three of us were up and packing. "catch me if you can." i said, before hanging up. i got into the speed boat and chucked the phone in to the water. we got into my car and drove to new jersey. "rilie!" my cousin yelled. "fame!" i yelled as i got out of the car. i hadn't seen my cousin in 12 years. "oh my god i missed you." she said. we hugged. "funny how a run in with the cops brings yah home." she said. i smiled. "aunt jade." i said giving her a hug. "hey uncle danny." i said. danny was my dads older brother. he's also better at keeping things hidden. "welcome home kid!" he said hugging me. i was born in jersey. when my dad died when i was six my mom moved me and blake to arazona. "i have to go back and show my face. i'll be back as soon as i can though." josh told danny. they shook hands. "thanks for bringing her home." he said. josh nodded. "i will be back." josh said to me. he spoke slowly and with sertinty. i nodded. danny's staff took our bags from the car. josh kissed my forehead got into my car and zoomed away. i stayed there for three weeks. i hadn't talked to, blake or kyler, scince forks. josh never called or came back i was starting to get worried. "what?" i asked as i opend the door. i was glad to find my acsent had come back a little. "josh!" i yelled. i jumped into his arms. he held me. stroking my hair and repetedly kissed my head. "whats going on?" i asked. "lets get inside." he said. "i got your case. they want to talk to you about what happend at the party." he said. i stiffened. josh sat back in his chiar. the chair craked under his weight. "wanna tell me what happened?" he asked. "i'm goo.." i said, to quickly. "you had nothing to do with the beating of that kid." he said. "you can go home. the cops just wanted to know if you wannted to press charges." he said. "that kid died, and was revied becuase of me." i said. "no." josh said. " i told someone what hapened at the party, and that someone told thier cousins, and the cousins beat the shit out of him." i said. josh leaned forward. "do you know who the beaters are?" he asked. "yes." i said. "who?" he asked. "i can't tell you." i said. "someone died, and you can't tell me who did it?" he asked. "he didn't die all the way." i said. "this is a big crime raylynn." danny said. i stayed quiet. "do you know where they are?" danny asked. i nodded once. "where?" he asked. i shook my head no. "look if you tell us where they are we wont tell them how we found them." josh said. "only me and that someone know. they'll know who told." i said. "who's the someone?" danny asked. i opened my mouth and snapped it shut. "yep your my brothers kid alright." danny said. "well if they just want to know if i want to press charges then i can go home." i said. "no you can't. your our only witness." josh said. "what you gonna turn me in?" i asked. "i have no chocie." josh said. i stood up.
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