» Drama » The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Nadia Ramadan

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as a skunk, with songs from that lame concert in their heads"

"I am serious" Ray repeated "We better get ready"

"I will take care of this" Alden said "you go put the Magnificent Cat in the office upstairs where it belongs!"

"Right away" Ruddick said with a smile.  

Everyone followed Ruddick and Ray as they entered into the Main office and placed the Magnificent Cat on the table.

"Get out of the office!" Ruddick ordered as everyone leaves as quickly as possible

Alden walked in to the room and closed the door where Ruddick, Ray and himself, are remained in the room with the Magnificent Cat.

Ruddick looked at it closely as it was placed on the table; he was actually falling in love with it the very first moment

"This is amazing" Ruddick said as he looked at it

"I think we should talk about the war" Alden interrupted "they could be on their way"

"Shush" Ruddick said as he continued to look at it more closely.

"My Goodness, you are worse than Armand" Ray said annoyingly

Ruddick turned to look at Ray angrily and said "I want to try it"

"Right now…?" Ray asked "come on! It's ours, why now?"

"Shut up, I want to try it right now!" Ruddick shouted

"Fine, Fine" Ray said as he rolled his eyes "Pick up the tiny microphone next to the Cat's ear and call out the name of who you want to…you know…control"

"I know how to use it" Ruddick replied angrily "I said I want o try it"

"Well then go ahead" Ray replied

Ruddick tried to use it but it was not operating. "What's wrong with it" he said angrily 

"Its locked or something?" Alden said as he looked at it closely

Ruddick continued to look at it closely and finally saw a tiny lock box which requires a key to open it.

"It's locked!" Ruddick shouted "It's locked! Fuck, it's locked!"

"What?" Ray asked "that’s impossible"

"You are fucking kidding me" Alden added "it's actually locked?"

"You Bastard" Ruddick shouted at Ray "what the hell… don’t you even know that the Moron locks it!"

"I have no idea about this, I swear" Ray said as he looked at the tiny lock box

"Where is the Key…?" Ruddick shouted "what are we going to do about the key!"

"It must be somewhere there in Armand's office" Alden said 

"Are you saying we should go back there?!" Ruddick said angrily "how on earth can we go back there!"

"This is shit!" Alden said angrily as he walked away

"Wait, Patricia is still there in Bevin" Ray interrupted "I will ask her to look for it in the secretive room"

"How so…? Ray…" Ruddick said angrily "you expect her to go into the fucking building and ask for a key that belongs to the Magnificent Cat, or perhaps they will just lend her one because clearly her father is the one who took the Magnificent Cat"

"Let’s be serious here, Ruddick" Ray said angrily

"Guess what, Ray, I am serious" Ruddick interrupted "and you know what too, I think of all the dumb spies we sent over the years, you turn out to be the worst!"

"Excuse me?" Ray said angrily "if it wasn't for me, you wouldn’t be seeing the Magnificent Cat!" 

"That’s true" Ruddick said angrily "that’s all what I can do…see it, but not use it!"

"I will be grateful if I were you" Ray continued

"Well the good thing is that…" Ruddick said as he picked his revolver "you are not me"

"What are you-" Ray said but couldn’t finish his sentence when Ruddick gunned him down to the ground

"What the Hell!!!" Alden shouted as he watched the blood scattered on the wall.

"Useless son of a Bitch" Ruddick said as he looked at Ray dead body on the ground.


Chapter 26 - Huge Danger

Its 5:00 Pm and the day in Bevin is still bright day light. Everyone in the building got their bullet proof vest on and pretty much ready for their big fight.

"I will open the basement to get the guns" Wade said as he looked at James

"We have a basement?" James asked 

"Yes" Wade replied "that’s where Armand keeps all the weapons”

"Alright" James said as he walked down from the top of the table "go get the guns, and make sure everyone is heavily armed! I mean I want us to use that room…take all the guns with us… everything!"

"Definitely, and I already called the other armies, they are on their way"

"That’s great” James said as Wade heads to the basement.


Picklock approached James and said "we need to talk"

"What is it?"

"We have to talk privately, can you follow me to the back"



James and Picklock went to the back of the building where no one could hear them.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Picklock?" James asked seriously "because there is no time, we have to go to war!"

"You shouldn’t go to the war!" 

"What are you talking about?" James asked 

"You know damn well what I am talking about" Picklock interrupted "what are you thinking? You can't be seriously fighting Ruddick and Alden with the other troops!"

"And why not…?" James said angrily "I have to go get what is Mine, Picklock!"

"James…you have to be kidding" Picklock continued "All of our people here are going to fight for the Magnificent Cat in order to get their jobs Back! I mean they need it more than anything"

"So do I" James interrupted

"But there is no guarantee you will all come back alive!" Picklock shouted "James, if anything happens to you, it will all be over…if you die, the Magnificent Cat is going to die with you! Think about what could happen to all of these people inside! How are they going to go on with their lives! They have families and no other jobs"

"I am not going to die!" James interrupted "and I will definitely be fighting this war! I am sure this is what my grandfather would want"

"No, James" Picklock said sadly "you can't….don't do this!"

"I have to" James replied "besides if everyone here is thinking about death, we will never be able to defeat Ruddick, but the fact that we know we are stronger than them, we will definitely win, the next time I see you Mr. Picklock is with the Magnificent Cat in my hand"

"James, wait a second" Picklock said as James walked away "James!"


Wade walked into to the front of the building where a great hidden door is placed. No one knew that that door leads to the basement.

Lisa looked at him from far away and was approaching slowly.

Wade opened the door and entered into the basement.

Lisa continued to follow him and was surprised to see a huge hidden door leading to an underground room. She continued to walk until she saw Wade entering a dark room.

Wade switched on the light and Lisa couldn’t believe her eyes for what she saw was way beyond her imagination.

The entire basement was filled with all kinds of Guns and Bombs, which includes a huge missile and other deadly weapons.

"Oh my God" Lisa said lowly to herself

Wade continued to look at the weapons; he picked some of them and laid them on the ground, while he loads some with more bullets.  

Lisa walked slowly behind him; he was so concentrated he didn't hear her.

"Wade" she said calmly as she stands behind him.

Wade turned around only to his surprise saw Lisa standing in front of him.

"Lisa!" Wade said shockingly as he dropped the gun "Oh my God, what are you doing here?"

"It’s ok, it’s ok" Lisa said nicely "I just want to talk to you…please that’s all"

"Lisa you should go back to the concert!" Wade said sharply "I think you are accepted to the Fantastica stage! Why aren’t you there to receive your honor?"

"Because I want to talk to you" Lisa repeated "don’t you get it? I am in love with you!"

"No I don’t" Wade replied "I never get you, Lisa; you are way too complicated for me. You should be going to the concert! It's your dream to perform on the Fantastica stage, have you forgot about it?"

"No" Lisa replied "how on earth do you expect me to go to the Fantastica stage far away from here while you are fighting in a war!"

"How do you know we are going to a war?" 

"I heard James talking" Lisa said

"Oh yes, of course" Wade said “you can’t miss that one, can you? I think you should leave…” 

"Wade…?" Lisa said sadly "please listen to me, I need you…I can’t go on without you, yes I do want to be a performer hopefully, but I need you to be beside me, I need you by my side, I need to know that you love me and support me all the way, or otherwise I won’t even go all the way!"

Wade turned back to look at her. Their gazes met and locked, sweeping her out of reality on a tidal wave of emotion, like always.

"I have always loved you" Wade said finally "I never stopped loving you, and today, at the concert, I loved you even more…but I am guessing you still have feelings for som-"

" don’t have to say anything" Lisa said as she pulled him close and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "I want to be with you”

For the first time, their lips met. They continued kissing each other and then smiled at the end of it.

"I missed you…" he said, slightly shyly, in his attempt to be sweet. He fell backwards to the ground just as Lisa kissed him again.

She continued to kiss him just a little before pulling away slightly, she looked at him and then moved her lips to his neck and started kissing him slightly there as well.

"I have an idea" Wade said suddenly

"What is it?" Lisa said as she continued to kiss him

"Lisa, listen to me" Wade said as he looked at her laughingly 

"I just want to kiss you" Lisa said

"Yes, so do I" Wade said as he laughed "and we will have all the time in the world for ourselves, don’t worry"

"Alright" Lisa said as she pulled away and held both his hands in hers "what do you want to say?"

"I want you to wait for me here" Wade replied "for the mean time only, I have to go to this war, and when I return we will both go together to the Fantastica stage! We will walk through the miraculous railroad and hopefully go there together"

"That’s awesome" Lisa said excitingly "you want to come with me to the Fantastica stage?"

"Yes" Wade replied happily "but I have to go to fight first"

"Please don’t go" Lisa pleaded with a sad look on her face "I don’t want you to fight those who stole the-"

Lisa stopped talking and walked away.

"Lisa…I have other plans" Wade said as he followed her "well I might have said different things to James earlier but I have something else in mind"

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked as she turned back to look at him

Wade walked closely to her and whispered in her ears "I want to destroy the Magnificent Cat"

Lisa looked at him in shock and said "you are planning to do that?"

"I have been thinking about it this entire time, Lisa" Wade continued "that device is up to no good"

Lisa's face saddens as she looked away.

"Who am I kidding?" Wade said angrily "you should know

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