» Drama » The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗

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to shoot.


Lots of bullets and missiles were fired at their direction when Steve’s Army hid behind every wall and docked.

"Wade, I am scared" Lisa started to complain "this is scary"

"Don’t be scared" Wade said loudly due to loud sound of fire shots "We will get through this"

"Those people have no mercy" 

"I know" Wade replied "but we have something important to do, remember?"

Lisa looked at him and nodded.


"Ready!" Steve shouted "Now!"

All of Steve men aimed their gun to the top of the building and started shooting.

Their guns were much stronger than Ruddick's men and were able to aim further too. They continued shooting until everything went silent.


"Let's go in!" Steve shouted as they all ran to the building's compound shooting at the same time.

James ran and joined them with shot gun in both of his hand and an axe hanging on his left pocket.

"Let’s go in" Wade said to Lisa as he pulled her hand "you have the gun…you know how to operate?"

"Yes" Lisa replied "not that I want to but…"

"Get down!" Joe shouted at them just as Wade and Lisa docked to the nearest wall.


"Damn it!" Ruddick shouted as he looked through to spy window and saw them approaching.


"They will be coming out of the building very soon" James said to Steve "get your men ready for that direction"

"James, I make the rules here, alright" 

"Trust me they are sharp!" James continued


All of a sudden about 150 armies came out of the building shooting without considering.

"Watch out!" James shouted 

Steve's army stared to shoot as well with both sides firing at each other.

James picked up his shotguns and started to shoot as well.


"Stay here" Wade said to Lisa as she hid behind the wall “you can’t get any further than this” 

"Ok…"Lisa replied

"Could you stay here with her?" Wade said to Joe.

"Alright" Joe replied "don’t worry"

Wade picked up his heavy gun and walked off.

"You shouldn’t have come" Joe said to Lisa lowly "why did you come?"

"I don’t know anymore" Lisa replied "please don’t make them see me"

"No one is watching us, we are hiding…it’s ok"

Lisa couldn’t help hearing the loud noise…she piped behind the wall to see what was going on.

Lisa couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the way people shooting and killing themselves in cold blood, she looked closely and could see Steve throwing grenades on Ruddick's army, she looked the other side and saw Wade, her love, only shooting people’s brains off, one after the other, violently and fatally.

"Stay back!" Joe shouted "no need to look there…"

"I have to see…" Lisa said lowly

"No" Joe shouted "we can move on when this area is cleared"

Lisa piped again and this time could see James. She was already speechless when she saw he had a gun on his right hand and an axe on his left. She was not suppose to see any of this but she continued watching, she saw as James aimed his gun on people and shooting them mercilessly, he then walked close to one of the enemy and raised his axe high to the air.

Lisa turned her head and hid back behind the wall avoiding the sight of that.

"Do you still want to peep?" Joe asked

Lisa looked at him angrily and sat down on the ground.


"What are you doing?" Wade said as he approached James 

"What does it look like I am doing?" James replied

"Why do you have an axe?" 

"It's my favorite weapon" James replied "I am good at it"

Wade looked at James surprisingly and smiled 

James smiled back and said "now let's get them!"


"Keep moving!" Steve shouted to his men "clear!"


"Where are the armies?" Ruddick shouted in the mic to Alden…"do you even have a plan?"

"Those psychopaths got game!" Alden shouted "they must be obsessed as much as you are"

"I don’t care" Ruddick shouted "Finish them!"

"Right away" Alden replied as he personally walked and lead 300 men.

For some reasons, the place seems way too quite.

"Let's move on and get them!" Steve shouted 

"Shush" James interrupted "focus…just focus"

Out of the blue, they could somehow hear a sound…more like a gunshot…a silencer.

"What was that?" Steve said as he looked around  

James continued to stay still and looked around as well.

Suddenly one of Steve's men fell to the ground with a large bullet hole on his back.

"Watch out!" Wade shouted 

Everyone readied their guns and started to shoot again. This time it was deadly and dangerously as bullets was coming out of nowhere and the enemies cannot be seen.

"Keep shooting" Steve shouted 

Slowly, slowly the enemies were somehow visible and they were wearing protective shield around them which somehow looked like a glass.

Steve's men didn’t stop shooting and their protective shield was weakening.


"Step Back" Alden said to his army.   

They turned, and fled back; and then their shields broke; and each time, like the incoming sea, they halted at a higher point.

"Watch out!" Alden shouted 


"Shoot them" Steve said happily and knowingly that he is actually winning this war.

James looked at the place closely as he continued shooting and flash backs was starting to hit his brain. He continued to look around slowly and knew that there will be some automatic shots. A loud alarm was then heard right after it.

"Run Back!" James shouted loudly "Run Back!"

"Shut up, James" Steve said angrily "can’t you see we are winning?"

"No" James shouted back "The alarm is going to set and an automatic machine gun will be shooting throughout the entire compound!"

There was no need for James to explain what he was saying, as everyone could hear gunshots from all around the building.

"Run!" James shouted again

"Let's get out of here!" Wade shouted 

"Retreat…!" Steve finally said to his men “Retreat!” 


Everyone started to run back as fast they could while some try to target these automatic machine shots by shooting everywhere and randomly yet fail at all their attempts.

"Wade!" Lisa shouted "Wade!"

“Stay down, miss” Joe shouted as Lisa ducked down


"Keep running!" James shouted as everyone ran "Don’t shoot just yet"

They could hear their own people falling behind getting shot as they try to escape.

"Keep running" Steve Shouted


Alden watched happily through his protective shield and was thrilled to see most of Steve's men getting shot in the back.


Steve continued to run and looked around to ensure all his men are safe. However he accidently tripped into a hole made as a trap by Alden. 

"Steve!" Wade shouted as he turned back instead to help him.

"Keep running!" James continued to shout 

Wade ran to the hole and held Steve's hand and was trying to help him out.

"Just hold on" Wade said as he continued to stay in hold of Steve "Help! Somebody help!"

"Whatever happen, I knew we won" Steve continued to talk "I made us win!"

Wade tried not to let go of Steve but he realized he was also falling into the hole.

"Let go of him" a voice shouted behind Wade.

Wade ignored and is now facing problem himself, for Steve’s weight was pulling him down.

Wade finally let go of Steve and almost fell into the trap himself, but before he knew it, James was already holding him from behind. 

Wade could see as Steve fell and disappeared into the hole.

"I told you to let go of him" James shouted as he pulled Wade away from the hole.

Wade looked at James still in shock of what just happened 

“Let’s get out of here!” James shouted “Now!” 

Now both James and Wade ran as fast as they could away from the automatic shootings 

James unexpectedly turned back and aimed his gun at the red buzzer.

"James!" Wade shouted "let's go!"

James aimed it properly and shot one shot at the red buzzer.

The buzzer stopped buzzing and the red light stopped glowing, at this point the machine gun stopped firing.


"Damn it" Ruddick said as he looked through the spy window "it was just starting to get interesting"

"It stopped" James shouted 

Every one walked back instead of running

"How did you do that?" Wade asked "how did you know about the red light buzzing over there!"

James looked at Wade without answering

"What is going on?" Wade asked

"I want everyone to follow my orders now" James replied

"Why is that?" Wade said angrily "do you have more surprises?"

"Please" James pleaded "we have to win this war"


All the army approached James and Wade and stood there surprisingly

"What's next?" they asked

"Steve is dead" James shouted "but that doesn’t mean we have to stop fighting!"

"Let me talk to them" Wade interrupted as he looked at James.

James stopped and gave Wade the chance to talk.

"Listen up everyone" Wade shouted "get your guns ready same as before…we are moving forward"

"Alright" the crowd replied  

"And I want all of you follow James" Wade continued as he looked at James

James looked at the crowd and said "I want everyone to spread up, every group in five and explore each sides of the compound!" 

"Alright" the crowd replied as they split up in teams. 

"Thank you" James said to Wade as he readied his guns 

"I will grab a team…I will meet you later" Wade replied as he walked off.


"Wade!" Lisa shouted as she saw him

Wade turned and saw Lisa approaching with Joe.

"Lisa" he said as he ran to her “what are you doing here? I told you to stay back” 

"Thank God you are ok" she said as she hugged him "what was that shootings! It’s horrible!"

"I know but we will make it" Wade replied

"No, Wade" Lisa shouted "let's go back! It's scary in here"

“Lisa, you should stay in a safe place, perhaps outside at the gigantic gate”

“No, I want to be with you” Lisa insisted 

Wade turned to Joe and said "I want you to stay with her"

"No Wade" Joe replied angrily "I am here to fight, not to baby-sit"

"I am pleading you" Wade said

"Don’t leave me alone" Lisa said to Wade

"I am not" Wade replied "but right now I want you to stay with Joe"

"Why? Where are you going?" 

"I have to finish what we've started, Lisa?" Wade replied "please wait for me, I will be back"

Wade walked up to Joe and said "thank you, I owe you"


Everyone split up and made their own team in fives, James has his own team which includes most of the building's workers, and Wade on the other hand has a team which consists of some of Steve's men.


Alden watched as they split up methodically and ready to win this war.

"Think you are smart, huh?" Alden said angrily "Goodness they won't back down! Well its fog time!"

Alden and his men hid in places where cannot be seen. 


James walked straight on with five men behind him

"Careful" James said lowly "traps could be everywhere, we never know"

"But I am sure you can detect some" one gunman said as they all laughed

James looked at them angrily without laughing 

"Seriously, James" the gunman continued "how on earth did you know about the automatic machine gun, and the giant gate's way of entering?"

James looked at them and said "when you wanted something so badly, I am sure nothing is going to stop you from having it"

"What are you talking about?" the gunman asked

"He is talking about the Magnificent Cat, you moron!" another gunman replied


Wade and his men walked into different part of the compound trying to find the best way to get to the building. All of a sudden the entire place turned foggy and misty.

"I don’t see anything and I don’t hear gun shots" one of Steve's men said "did we finish them all off?"

"Shush" Wade said angrily "they could be anywhere"

"What happened to Steve?" one guard said sadly "did he fall in the hole?"

"It doesn’t matter what happened to Steve" Wade interrupted "he died a brave man for sure, and that’s all what it matters"

"Are you sure he-" the guard didn’t finish his sentence when he fell on the ground with a knife stuck on his head.

"Oh my God" Wade shouted as he struggled to look around due to the huge fog and then saw all of his five men dead on the ground with knifes on their heads.


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