» Drama » The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Nadia Ramadan

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Wade could turn around to see who did it, Alden hit his head with the back of his gun. Wade fell on the ground and saw Alden standing right in front of him.

"Hello Wade" Alden said annoyingly "you are a hard one to track"

"Alden?" Wade said as he continued to look at Alden.

"By the way" Alden continued to talk annoyingly "dying by falling in a hole, also known as a trap does not make you brave, you little prick!"

"You are sick" Wade said angrily as he tries to get up.

Alden grabbed Wade's wrist quickly and handcuffed him to the nearest pole. 

"What are you doing?" Wade asked 

"Stay here!" Alden said angrily "we don’t want to lose everything"

"Loose what?"

"It seems that splitting up is not a very good idea" Alden said as he laughed

"What are you planning?" Wade said angrily as he tries to pry his hand from the cuffs.

"Shush" Alden said as he stood still to hear sounds around him.

"What?" Wade questioned

Suddenly Alden disappeared into the fog without saying anything.

Wade looked around and could see James approaching.

"James!" Wade shouted "James!"

James ran to Wade and saw him handcuffed to the pole.

"What's going on?" James asked "who did this?"

"Watch out!"  Wade shouted as James dodged a throwing knife from Alden.

James picked up his gun and started to shoot, shooting everywhere making sure to hit every spot. Alden also picked up his gun and was trying to aim it on James, Alden was every careful as James was standing next to Wade and Alden has to avoid shooting Wade.

"Move away you son of a bitch" Alden said lowly as he tries to aim James solely

"Where is he?" James asked as he tries to look through the foggy atmosphere with his gun pointing everywhere

"I don’t know" Wade replied "just keep looking and be careful"

James tried to focus, and for some reason he started to feel different and his senses tends to become much stronger he suddenly turned to Alden's direction and shoots.

The bullet went straight to Alden's hand.

"Damn you!" Alden shouted as he dropped his gun to the ground and ran to James. He grabbed James from the back and James's gun also fell on the ground 

Now, both James and Alden are wrestling on the ground exchanging blows. James punched and pushed Alden away from him; he then ran to Wade and picked up his axe. 

"What are you doing?" Wade said scarily 

James raised his axe and cut off Wade's cuffs freeing him from the pole.

"Give me your gun" James said as Alden struggled to look for his gun in the mist.

Wade sharply threw the gun at James and picked his own; they both aimed their strong guns at Alden.

Alden picked up his own gun but before he could even load it. He could see both James and Wade aiming their gun at him.

"Good bye" James said as he and Wade blew Alden to the sky by their powerful guns.


Silent, stillness and serenity was the only thing they could hear after their gun shot. The environment was still foggy and tough to look through 

"Back to back" James shouted as he and Wade goes back to back aiming each side of the compound. Silently they both concentrate on every angle.

"To your left" James shouted as Wade fired his gun to the left side.

"I hear something" Wade said lowly 

"Keep looking around" James replied as they continued to stay back to back looking at every angle.

"Check your right!" Wade shouted as James shot three shots and heard some armies scream.

They continued on until no footstep sound can be heard.

"It's clear" Wade said 

"Stay focus" James interrupted

The foggy weather was still misty and was difficult to look through.

“We shouldn’t go anywhere” Wade said as he tries to scan the misty compound 

A few seconds later the mists cools down and everything was clear again. 


All a sudden the main building was finally visible, tall and standing right in front of them.

"We are here!" Wade said as he looked at the building.

James looked at it as well with desperation to go in and get the Magnificent Cat.

"Do you hear something?" Wade said as he looked around

James stood still and could hear footsteps approaching.

"Ready your gun!" James shouted as both he and Wade readied their guns ready.

All of a sudden they could see their own army approaching.

"Wade…is that you?" one of Steve's men asked 

"Thank God" Wade said as he lowered his gun.

"Hey everyone!" the guard shouted "James and Wade are here!"

James lowered his gun and looked at the building again, he remembered when he saw Patricia fell of the window at the side of the building; it could be the only way to get in the building.


Ruddick looked at them as they approached the building and shouted "Damn it! Damn it!!" he ran straight to where the Magnificent Cat is laid and started to hit it. It was so protective all his power cannot defeat it. 

"Die, you silly device…die!" Ruddick said as he continued to hit the Magnificent Cat with every object on his way. He picked up the chair and threw on it but it still didn’t work. Nothing worked. 

"Where is the fucking key?!" Ruddick shouted loudly "Damn you Armand!!!"


"We did it" the army shouted "We won!!!!"

"Hurray" everyone roared "we won!"

"I have to go somewhere" James said as he looked at Wade

"What?" Wade asked "we will all go together, we can get in"

"The door is locked" one guard shouted "we are stuck again!"

Wade turned to looked at James and said "we will find a way" 

"No" James replied "I will find a way to get in, and I don’t want anyone to know I will let you all know once I’m in, I am sure I can open the door from inside"


"Alright" James said as he started to walk away

"James!" Wade called out as James was leaving 

James turned to look at him

"Thanks for everything, I appreciated everything; I mean…the axe did turn out to be useful after all"

James looked at him and laughed "it sure did…but I lost it…I can't find it"

"Please come back" Wade said "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Don’t worry about me" James said "I will be back, and I will make sure we catch up on everything we've missed…we will be closer than ever, you are a true friend"

“Stop it, you are going to make me cry” Wade said as he laughs

“Well don’t, because everything is going to be alright”

"I will see you later!" Wade replied "I like the catching up idea!"

James turned away quickly just to ensure no one sees him as tears rolled down his own cheek.



"Where are we?" Lisa asked "are the fogs gone?"

"Yeah" Joe replied "we did it, we are right in front of the building now"

"Everyone is here!" Lisa said as she looked around "everyone is here…."

Lisa looked straight on and could see Wade standing there in front of the building

"Wade!" Lisa called out "Wade!"

"Lisa!" Wade shouted back as they both ran to each other and hugged

"Thank God you are ok" Lisa said as she continued to hug him.


"We actually won the war?" Joe said as he approached them

"Yes we did" Wade replied 

"But we can't get in the building" one guard said as he approached Joe

"What do you mean?" Joe said as he looked at the hard gate

"We can still try" Wade continued "we have explosives and missiles..."

"I will see what we can do" Joe said as he looked at the door from each angle

"James is also trying to find a way in" Wade said 

"Where is he?" Joe asked 

"He went somewhere to the back" Wade continued "I don’t know where"

"He went inside alone?" Lisa questioned shockingly

"Yes" Wade replied "I told him not to but…"

"Ok let's just find a way in and get in there before he does something stupid"


Everyone around started to ready their guns preparing their explosives and grenades, trying their best to open to the door.


"We are finally together" Wade said happily as he looked at Lisa

"And that’s all what it matters right now" she replied as she looked at him smilingly

"There will be a way in" Wade said as he looked at the closed door "we will find a way in…we must get the Magnificent Cat and…"

"And destroy it" Lisa interrupted

Wade looked at her and nodded seriously "and then we go to the Fantastica stage"

"Together" Lisa said as she smiled "we don’t even need a car, we will walk all the way in the miraculous railroad tracks…all the way straight to the stage"

"That’s exactly what we should be doing" Wade replied.


Chapter 29 - Jame's True colors

The concert was still loud, fireworks was still flaming the skies above and everyone in Bevin were having the time of their lives.


"What are we going to do?" Picklock said as he walked left and right nervously

"I don’t really know what are you even talking about, Mr. Picklock" Nick replied 

"The more the time passes the more I worry" Picklock continued "this is not supposed to happen…James is not supposed to be the Magnificent Cat, his life is not supposed to be in jeopardy this way!" 

"How is that even possible?" Nick asked "who did this to him?"

"His grandfather" Picklock replied "I was there when it happened…I should go to Slycity…I must stop this!"

"What?" Nick shouted "you can't go there!" 

"I have to go" Picklock said as he climbed into his old car "I have to save James!"


The day turned darker but because of the bright lights and fireworks from Bevin's concert, the day still looked bright.

James stepped on the same place where Patricia fell. James could see that there was a secret elevator over there which can lead directly to the main office. But the elevator is now broken and clearly it was knocked down intentionally.

James looked up and looked at the remaining irons of the broken elevator.

"I have to do what it takes" James said as he started to climb the irons.


"We tried everything" Joe said as he approached Wade and Lisa

"Did you try the grenades with missiles at the same time" Wade asked

"Yes we did" Joe answered 

"Are you saying we can't get in?" Lisa asked

"I am trying my best" Joe said "if you have any suggestions please feel free to share"

"Maybe you should try banging it with the tank we came with" Lisa added

"What do you mean?" Joe asked

"She is right" Wade said "we left Steve's tank at the main gigantic gate, why don’t you get it back”

"Alright" Joe said sharply "I will send some men to get the tank"

"We have to get in there as soon as possible" Lisa said eagerly 


Five of Steve's men ran back to get the tank they came with.


James continued to climb as hard as he could; the iron was not even slightly easy to climb, yet James didn't hesitate not moving forward. James climbed up until he reached a small room filled with irons. He knew immediately that this was the elevator and the next room will definitely be the main office where the Magnificent is being kept.

James forced himself into this small iron room and then opened the door to see what's next.

The door opened easily and James could see the main office clear in front of him.

There was

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