» Drama » Crazy Enough, Chloe L. [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy Enough, Chloe L. [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Chloe L.

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with his head in her lap. She was wearing a tank top and underwear and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. She was singing softly to him.
Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day,
Lull’d by the moonlight have all pass’d away
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life’s busy throng,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me

Bryson already knew I was there. Bliss looked up “Oh, um, He had a nightmare. It’s really hot in our rooms. I was trying to calm him down. It’s not like that It’s just-” She was nervous. Very nervous. “It’s fine. I understand.” I told her. “Oh good, I should go.” She tucked him into bed. “No.” He said. “Keep singing.” She sang the song again. Her voice was so beautiful. It made you feel safe. It made Bryson forget that he wanted to die.
This was the calmest I’ve ever seen Bliss. I slowly opened the door and went to my room. In no time at all, I fell asleep.
The door opened and Orson came in. He sang Bliss’s song.He sang it in that milk and honey voice. Then, he sang something else.

It was time for our king
to let the prison bells ring
we all close our eyes
and we hope to die
all our children start to cry
and as we all stand there
he grabs us by the hair
then,he chops our heads
and now we’re all dead
I woke up screaming. It was all a dream. I knew that song. If you sang it the king will kill you. My heart was pounding. I remember that song. I was only seven. It was only five years after my father left. I knew the girl who wrote it. She grew up poor in Area five. You see, before I was born, we lived in a country. Now, it’s called the name of our king or queen. Our king has about twenty wives. We no longer have cities either. We have numbers. So, I live in Area five, King Frederick. The girl who wrote it lived pretty close. She is like Orson. She stood up to the king. Fortunately, Orson hasn’t done anything too horrible. But the girl, Sadie was incredibly brave. She babysat me and Summer once. She went to prison. The first night was the only night she slept. They tortured her. She wrote one letter to her family. It had the song in it. They would bring all of the prisoners in a small room. Then, they would kill ten everyday. The soldiers would walk around the room, pull someone’s head up off the ground they were lying on, and chop off their head.The sixth day, she was one of the ten people. The parents were amazed.Very sad but amazed at what happens there. The letter got put in the newspaper and her parents were killed for it. Her brother still lives a few houses away from ours. He was one of the children that cried.He was only thirteen back then.He was worried about his sister.She died so young. Twenty years old. I was only seven then. But nine year old Summer, knew what was happening and so did Sadie’s brother.
You couldn’t sleep any later than 11:00. It was only 8:00. Someone was knocking on my door.
I yawned and opened the door. Mr. Quail. In the rich neighborhoods, everyone’s phone,computer,television,microwave,fridge,ovens and everything was made by him. Bliss Quail. Ace Quail. How was I just realizing this now? He had the same green eyes but his hair was much darker than his children’s. “Just checking up on you. Everything okay?” He asked me. I nodded because I was too nervous to speak. “Great! You’ve met my children, Ace and Bliss right?” I nodded again. “Perfect. Have fun.Training starts in a few hours.” Then, he left.
I closed the door and found my training clothes clean and folded. I don’t know who’s in my room when I’m not looking but I don’t care right now. I went in the bathroom and put the clothes on again. “Your behavior is disgusting!” I heard Mr.Quail say. “It’s not like that! Let me talk for a minute!” It was Bliss’s voice. I put my ear against the wall. “You don’t have to explain! You were in the same bed! Half naked!”He yelled. Bliss must have fell asleep in Bryson’s bed. “You’ve been causing trouble since you were a toddler! I’m not surprised you’ve been sleeping with every boy here!” I heard a loud slapping noise. “Don’t hit me! I’m your father!” He screamed. “No! You’re not my father!” She yelled back. “Good, I’m not proud of you at all right now!” Why were they fighting in the hallway? “I’m serious! I might not be your biological daughter! Mom’s been cheating! You don’t pay any attention to any of us! Not mom, me or Ace! You only had children so we can kill all of the bad guys and make you look like a rich hero!” That must have really hurt him. It hurt me. We have to kill them? I knew we would have to fight but kill? “Go to your room! Or Bryson’s! Have fun with Bryson! You’ll learn someday!” He yelled at her. “I’ll have to marry and have children with Bryson the second I turn eighteen! What’s the difference? My children will be little fighters. You should be so proud! You’ve been fighting the king for years and he’s still king!He’s still killing everyone! You’re a failure!” I heard another slap but it wasn’t Bliss. “I don’t even care! Turning me into a killer is already child abuse!”She said. I heard a door slam. Mr. Quail was crying. I think it was because of his wife cheating. It didn’t sound like he cared about Bliss.
When my parents were children, Bliss would be an adult when she was eighteen. She wouldn’t have to get married. Now, she’ll have to wait until she’s twenty. She’ll probably be married with children by then. “I’m going to kill myself!” I heard her scream. I went in the hallway and saw Bryson being beaten up. “Why were you going in her room?” One of the guards said. There was about ten guards outside. They were making sure she would stay in her room alone. They didn’t care if she commits suicide. “Bryson!” I screamed. “Hey! Go back in your room!” One of the guards said. “Bryson! No you can’t hurt him!” Bliss screamed through the door. She kicked it down and the door fell on one of the guards. They tried to stop her but she had a knife. It was just a simple, plastic, butter knife that took down ten people.It was almost 12 o’clock but True never told me it was time for training. Bryson had bruises and cuts all over him. She put his head in her lap and stroked his hair.His lip was bleeding pretty badly. “Sing.” He said tasting his blood. She sang Beautiful Dreamer. Just like she did last night. When she sings, I feel safe.Even right now. I’m not scared anymore. Neither was Bryson.She used her pretty,long,lace skirt to wipe the blood. The woman that tested Orson came. “Ila said it’s safe to go. Flair doesn’t need to do her task. Midnight, you three run. Get to the elevator. Exactly midnight.” She handed Bliss a backpack. “That’s all you need. Don’t ask questions. It’s not safe here. Don’t worry about the others we’ll get them out. Bliss, stop singing for now. Bryson, stay away from her. Flair, make sure they follow the rules.” She must have seen the worry on my face. “You can trust me. I’m Ila’s mother. You trust her right?” I nodded. I’m not sure I do trust her but I will. “This was partly Orson’s plan.” The woman said. That made me a lot less scared. The woman looked a lot like Ila. She walked away and her heels made a loud clicking noise.
Bryson and Bliss looked at each other. They got up and went to their rooms. What was happening? I knocked on Orson’s door. It took a while, but he opened it. I threw my arms around him and cried. He shut the door. “Flair, what happened?” I looked into his sweet,caring eyes. “Mrs.Blue told you the plan?” He asked. “Yes! Why? She said you helped.” I was shaking and suddenly the world was blurry. “Calm down, you’re going to faint. I can’t tell you. I’ll call you tomorrow morning. The bag has three phones in it. It has a credit card and money but we’re worried Mr.Quail will be able to track with the credit card. Only use it for emergencies. Go to that little motel. It’s pretty close. Ryton will be there. He’ll help you.” Ryton was popular, rich,and handsome but surprisingly, he’s not a jerk. “The bag holds everything you need. Mr.Quail is going to try and kill Bryson and get Bliss back. Honestly, he doesn’t care much about you. Just try and protect them.” He added. I wanted to know why it’s not safe here. If it’s not, Orson shouldn’t be here. I couldn’t ask questions. The more I think, the more scared I get. I really can’t be scared right now. Not when I don’t know what’s going on.
I Opened his door and went out. The guards were fixing the door Bliss knocked down.”Try not to break everything.” One of them said and they left. I waved at Bliss. She has been crying. I thought she was stronger than that but I was crying too. Bruce came down the hallway. “This is your fault.” He said to Bliss.He laughed. “I always thought you were so pure. You and Bryson sure had fun.” He said laughing. “Shut up, you idiot. You shouldn’t judge people before you know what happened.” She sounded like she wanted to cry. “You’re such a hypocrite. You thought Ever was bad because she wears a lot of makeup.” He put his arm on her waist. “You’re so weak when you’re sad.Daddy's girl is finally growing up.” She tried to get him off her. She sighed. “I am weak. I’m stupid too.” He laughed. “That’s right. I always knew you were just some dumb blonde.” I hated him. I should probably help her but I can’t. I’m weak and stupid. “I hate you.” She told him. “I love you too, cupcake.” He was drunk. Or high or something. “You’re not allowed to drink.You smell like vomit.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Ew! Get away!” She kicked him in between the legs and he fell down to the floor groaning. She ran into her room and shut the door.I really should have helped. I feel like a bad friend. I guess we’re friends now.
The clock in my room told me it was 11:37. Oh, God. I tried to take deep breaths. My eyes grew heavy. I can’t sleep now. My hands were shaking. A tear rolled down my face. The more I thought, the more I cry. I can’t call my mother now. “Calm down.” I said to myself. “You’re doing it again.” I was making too much noise. “God, shut up will you!” I just told myself to shut up. What’s wrong with me? I finally stopped. Oh my God. It was now 11:56. I was in my training clothes. I grabbed my key. Not sure if I would need it and went out in the hallway. This was it I’m finally leaving. Finally? I’ve been here for two days. Bryson and Bliss are finally leaving. I’m not sure why though. That was the part that scared me
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